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Challenges for Education

The Important Correlation Between Data Collection and Strong Privacy Protection: How Data Can Help Every Child Graduate Prepared For Success. Challenges for Education. Today’s Budgets. Tomorrow’s Needs. Teaching. Students not prepared for workplace needs and global skill demands.

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Challenges for Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Important Correlation Between Data Collection and Strong Privacy Protection:How Data Can Help Every Child Graduate Prepared For Success

  2. Challenges for Education Today’s Budgets Tomorrow’s Needs Teaching Students not prepared for workplace needs and global skill demands

  3. Personalized Learning For Each Child

  4. Draft Model Legislation EACH CHILD LEARNSThe Pathway to 21st Century Student-Centered Personalized and Digital Learning

  5. The main goals of the working draft of EACH CHILD LEARNS To ensure that each child is a high school graduate with the skills necessary to succeed in college, a career, and life. To help states align their education system to meet the 10 Elements of High Quality Digital Learning.

  6. Creating a Personalized Learning Path for Each Student Obtaining real time data on each child so teachers and parents understand where that child stands in mastering material and what needs to happen to help them meet their ultimate destination—success in life.

  7. Personalized Learning Path

  8. Privacy protections contained in EACH CHILD LEARNS

  9. States must require that personalized learning paths meet all federal and state privacy laws including compliance with FERPA and follow industry best practices; • Personalized learning path data systems must utilize modern privacy infrastructure including encryption and password protection; • For providers to be approved for the Statewide Online Learning Network they must have privacy protections plans in place at the time of application and the plans must be updated on a regular basis and reviewed annually; • Approved online providers in the Statewide Online Learning Network must follow all federal state state laws including FERPA and COPPA; • The Statewide Online Learning Network will employ a public website to provide accountability and for parents to track online providers ; • Strong prohibitions against direct solicitation by online providers except in limited and regulated circumstances.

  10. Recent Data and Privacy Recommendations Offered by the Alliance for Excellent Education in Testimony Before Congress

  11. Strong data and privacy use training for teachers should be encouraged and Title 2 funds should be allowed to be used to help fund the efforts; • Federal policies should support early intervention programs to identify struggling students and make the programs a required component in School Improvement Grants; • Districts should be very transparent to parents and the public in their data and privacy policies by making information on data privacy readily accessible by parents. Following the example of health care, districts should explore creation of encrypted websites for access by parents to review their child’s data; • Strong data protection polices must be in place. States should designate a chief privacy officer and districts should designate a single point of contact on privacy; • Privacy protections must be modernized but care must be made to make sure legislative bodies do not create policies that hinder learning.

  12. Teachers Using Formative Data To Improve How They Offer Instruction: Dysart Unified School District’s Data System iPAL I Plan I Assess I Learn www.all4ed.org

  13. From here: “I don’t understand why you need student data and I don’t want it collected on my child.” To here: “I want student data collected so I know exactly what we need to do to help my child learn and succeed.”

  14. For more information contact: Chip Slaven Counsel to the President and Senior Advocacy Advisor Alliance for Excellent Education cslaven@all4ed.org

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