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PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT. Workshop Oteshevo 14-16 May 2018. Purpose of training. To gain theoretical and practical knowledge for all phases of project cycle management To improve skills for development, planning and implementation of projects To understand the principles of Log Frame

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT Workshop Oteshevo 14-16 May 2018

  2. Purpose of training • To gain theoretical and practical knowledge for all phases of project cycle management • To improve skills for development, planning and implementation of projects • To understand the principles of Log Frame • To improve skills for defining project goals, results, indicators • To understand the principle of budget per activity • To improve skills for monitoring and evaluation • To develop log frame and problem tree 2

  3. Project is a series of activities with purpose of accomplishment of clear defined goals within specific time frame and budget Project cycle management (PCM) is the process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling of a project effectively and efficiently throughout its phases, from planning through execution then completion and review to achieve pre-defined objectives or satisfying the project stakeholders  by producing the right deliverable at the right time, cost and quality Project Cycle Management is an approach that allows you to manage many different projects and improve the quality of your projects over time. PCM uses the idea of a continuous learning cycle and incorporates logical framework analysis to guarantee that the beneficiaries are involved in the project's design. Definition

  4. Determined beginning and end of project Determined quantity, budget, final outputs and resources Managed within it’s size, complexity and need Project characteristics

  5. Project management characteristics • Purpose of project management is to achieve the goals of the project within the given time frame and budget using available resources • Difference-Regular management – continues management (business as usual)- Project management - “management of changes” 5

  6. Project management cycle

  7. Project management cycle

  8. Why do WE DO projects • To achieve goals • Profit (if its profitable entity) • To implement successful projects • To gain new knowledge and experience • To gain skills • Employment and profit • Increase networking • Improve value and supply chain • ….. 9

  9. Analyzing The current situation is analyzed to get an idea of the "future desired situation" and to help select the strategy that will be implemented to accomplish it • What is the problem now? Problem tree analysis • What we would like to change? Solution tree analysis • How will we do that? Strategic analysis Different stakeholders have different point of view of the situation. All stakeholders needed in the analyzes When we get the answers, we make LOG FRAME 11

  10. Problem analysis • First step: define problem and develop cause-effect links between problems • Second step: turn negative situation in specific problem • Third step: develop “Problem tree” 12


  12. Problem tree Poor living conditions of the population Disappearance of certain species Effect Common diseases in the local population Damaged balance of organisms in the river Polluted water in the river Large quantities of untreated water are discharged into the river Insufficient wastewater treatment facilities Non-implementation of the legal framework Causes

  13. Solution analysis • Describe future positive situation • Define the hierarchy of objectives • The negative situation from the tree of problems is turner into a solution • Example: Problem Goal To improve the quality of the water in the river Polluted water in the river

  14. Problem Goal Reformulating "problems" in "goals" Common diseases in the local population To lower the % of diseases of population Polluted water in the river To improve the quality of the water To lower % of untreated water discharged into the river Large quantities of untreated water are discharged into the river Insufficient wastewater treatment facilities To establish a system for treatment of waste water

  15. Solution tree To contribute to conservation of certain species To improve quality of life for population Effects To lower the % of diseases of population To improve balance of living organisms in the river To improve the quality of the water To lower % of untreated water discharged into the river To establish a system for treatment of waste water To implement legal framework Causes

  16. Choosing strategy Подобрени условза живеење Зголемен обем на туризам и рекреација Намалено загадување на земјоделските површини Намален број на болести Да се управува оддржливо со водните ресурси Подигање на свеста на граѓаните и институциите Намалување на загадувањето на водните ресурси Оддржливо водоснабдување Ефикасно ЈКП Кампањи, Едукација, Лобирање Проширување и надградба на фекална канализациона мрежа Изградба на систем за третман на отпадни води Изградба на систем за собирање и пречистување на отпадните води од селските населби Подобрување на системот за управување со цврст отпад Рационално користење на вода за пиење Проширување и реконструкција на водоводна мрежа Аналаиза на оперативна , организациона техничка опременост на ЈКП, проблеми и препораки

  17. Solution tree To improve quality of life for population Main goal To lower the % of diseases of population Project goal To improve the quality of the water Results Lower % of untreated water discharged into the river Construction of system for treatment of waste water Activities

  18. SMART indicators

  19. What is monitoring? What is evaluation? What is revision?

  20. Monitoring We do it because: • Things are not always going as planned • To identify eventual problems and changes in plans • To react on time on the identified deviations and changes within the plans

  21. Monitoring tools Reports • Project progress reports • Programme reports Field visits Monitoring system depending on the complexity of the project

  22. Evaluation on the set goals and results Evaluation of the time frame Evaluation of direct beneficiaries Evaluation of final beneficiaries Evaluation

  23. Evaluation criteria • 5 Criteira: - Relevance - Effectiveness - Efficiency - Sustainability - Impact

  24. Independent confirmation of the projects achievments, regarding Project goals Finances, resources, quality Revision / Audit

  25. Summary: Difference between evaluation, monitoring and audit

  26. Analize the mission and goals of the organization you are addressing Choose a project that fits into their programs Indicate what is the need for intervention and the problems of non-intervention Provide convincing evidence of your capacity to deal with the project! Approving a project

  27. Low financial participation You do not give evidence that the project will result in a permanent change in the situation! Underestimating your own financial capacity? The mismatch of the project with the current strategies and policies of the community and the government Sustainability of the project can not be proven or does not exist! Project development mistakes

  28. Recommendations • Technical requirements: • Language English • Number of documentation / length of text • Number of copies (incl.electronic) • The way that project proposal is submitting • Electronically + hard copy • Folders, boxes…. • What to write on envelope, stamp and signature on right places 30

  29. General remarks • There is never enough time to prepare the project • Sometimes we do not have all the knowledge regarding project topics • Finding right project partners and preparing the documentation requires a lot of time • What we have written maybe will not be understood on the same way by the project evaluator 31

  30. Thank you for your attention !!!

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