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Explore the complex phenomena in nuclear reactions, from intrinsic structures to peculiar mechanisms, unveiling the microscopic realms impacting particle release. Discover the statistical approach and impressive experimental observations guiding the understanding of high-spin states, isomeric targets, and selective excitations. Dive into the threshold and spin dependencies, unveiling intriguing patterns in (γ, α) and (γ, n) reactions. Unravel the systematic assessment of yields versus the innovative spin parameter, shedding light on the intricate dynamics within nuclei.
TO THE MECHANISM OF PARTICLE RELEASE IN NUCLEAR REACTIONS Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region, Russian Federation I. Elementary microscopic states of complex nuclei are manifested: • in radioactive decay processes; •• in specific nuclear reactions as: a) Scattering; b) Coulomb excitation; c) Stripping reactions. S. A. Karamian
II. Bulk reactions proceed via continuum of excited levels being treated within statistical and macroscopic approaches. Among them could belisted the most abundant processes as: • Compound nucleus formation and decay; •• Fission; ••• Nucleon emission from highly excited nuclei, and so on. III.In statistical model,the nucleus is characterized by temperature, entropy and total angular momentum. All nucleons are assumed identical and their individual quantum numbers make no significance. IV. It would be yet interestingto deduce the status of nucleons inside a nuclear volume from the data reached in reaction experiments. V. Some examples of intrinsic structure manifestation are given below.
Observation of low probability for (, α)reactions that requires the pre-formation factor. Conclusion: α-clusters and multi-quark objects may be present in nucleus but with low probability ~10–2; In reactions with heavy ions, the probability of α emission is oppositely very high. Conclusion: alphas are formed through the special mechanism of internal coalescence; Observation of an excess in the Tl values for emission of neutrons with l ≥3 at INNA experiment. Internal single nucleon orbits possess a high momentum, but centrifugal barrier suppresses their emission. The re-arrangement of orbits is needed. The enhanced yield of INNA means an effect of internal states; MANIFESTATION OF INTERNAL STATES IN REACTIONS OF STATISTICAL MECHANISM
Observation of the preferential population of high-spin states in (, n) and (, p) reactions with isomeric targets. Survival of the structure selectivity indicates incomplete mixing of specific states even despite excitation energy of E* ≈ 7-15 MeV; There-arrangement of internal states in advance of particle emission suppresses the absolute reaction rate as compared to the standard statistical estimates. Some major details are given below.
REFERENCES TO THE ORIGINAL WORKS I. Reactions induced by 23 MeV bremsstrahlung Ref. [1]: S.A. Karamian, “Threshold and spin factors in the yield of bremsstrahlung-induced reactions”. Preprint JINR, E15-2012-65, Dubna, to be published in Phys. of Atomic Nuclei. Ref. [2]: S.A. Karamian, “Yield of bremsstrahlung-induced reactions as a probe of nucleon-nucleon correlations in heavy nuclei”. In: Proc. of 4-th Intern. Conf. NPAE-2012, p. 141, Kiev, Ukraine. Ref. [3]: S.A. Karamian, “To the mechanism of alpha particle emission induced by photons”. Submitted to Phys. Lett. B (2013).
II. Inelastic acceleration of thermal neutrons by isomers Ref. [4]: S.A. Karamian and J.J. Carroll, “Cross section for inelastic neutron “acceleration” by 178m2Hf”. Phys. Rev. C (2011) v. 83, p. 024604. Ref. [5]: O. Roig, G. Belier, et al., “Evidence for inelastic neutron acceleration by the 177Lu isomer”. Phys. Rev. C (2006) v. 74, p. 054604. Ref. [6]. S.A. Karamian, A.G. Belov, et al., “Upper limit for 180mTa depletion by neutrons”. In: Book of Abstracts of 63d Conf. on Nucl. Spectroscopy, Science, St-Petersburg, 2013.
SPIN-DEPENDENCE: ISOMER YIELDS • To systematize the spin dependence, the yields are plotted as a function of a new parameter: • [Im(Im +1) – It(It + 1)], • where Im and It are the spin values for the product isomer and the target nucleus. Choice of this parameter is very natural, despite somewhat new and original. • The process probability in thermodynamics approach must be proportional to a number of microstates at definite thermal energy. Let’s remind the nuclear level density anzatz: • This equation practically includes the subtraction of the rotational energy Erot ~ I(I + 1) from total excitation E* in order to get the thermal energy Etherm = E* - Erot. The rotational energy could be considered as a form of kinetic energy.
SYSTEMATIC OF YIELDS VERSUS “SPIN PARAMETER” 179Hf (,p)178mLu 9/2 9 178m2Hf (,n)177m2Hf 16 37/2 180mTa (,p)179m2Hf 9 25/2
REACTION MECHANISM PATTERN1 • At low energy, (, ) yield is suppressed, probably, due to the pre-formation factor same as in decay; • With 100 MeV protons, electrons, and photons, the pre-equilibrium exiton model is applicable: • J.R.Wu and C.C.Chang, Phys.Rev., C17, 1540 (1978) – theory. • Formation factor for of about (10-2 – 10-3) is deduced from experiments. • W.R.Dodge, et.al., Phys.Rev., C32, 781 (1985): - yield by 20 times lower the proton emission; • This model is hardly applicable to the case of 23 MeV bremsstrahlung. • Free energy of about 5-7 MeV above threshold does not allow generation of 4 excitons by photons; • Conclusion: preformation factor as in decay is preferable.
HI REACTION MECHANISM PATTERN2 • Alpha-emission must be suppressed when no quasi-free α is available in a nucleus, but at the same time nucleons are ready for ejection; • Nucleons within the unexcited target nucleus are located and paired at definite orbits. They manifest themselves as non-interacting particles due to the Pauli principle; • In reactions with charged particles (HI), a strong impact of the projectile generates immediately a directed flow of perturbed nucleons and they could easily be joined together forming an α-cluster due to“Internal coalescence”.
CROSS SECTION OF THE INNA PROCESS (S0 is ht S wave strength function)
N=107 (180Ta) SINGLE PARTICLE LEVELS OF SHELL Internal orbital momentum of nucleons is great, like 5,6,7.
SUMMARY: MODIFICATION OF MECHANISM Centrifugal barrier allows emission of neutrons with minimum orbital momentum ℓ=0;1;2. Neutrons sitting at ℓ=3-7 orbits must proceed through the re-arrangement of orbital moments. So that, emission rate is suppressed and statistical decay widths are reduced. Possible process is virtual tunneling of a neutron pair with ℓ=0 and consequent pair break outside of the nucleus. One of neutrons remains inside nucleus and another one is emitted with high ℓ.