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Eutrophication. Eutrophic waters, algal bloom and fish kill in fish farming areas in Bolinao , Pangasinan , Philippines M aria Lourdes San Diego- McGlone Rhodora V. Azanza , Cesar L. Villanoy , . Abstract.
Eutrophic waters, algal bloom and fish kill in fish farming areas in Bolinao, Pangasinan, PhilippinesMaria Lourdes San Diego-McGloneRhodoraV. Azanza, Cesar L. Villanoy,
Abstract The coastal waters of Bolinao, Pangasinan, Philippines experienced environmental changes over a 10-year period (1995–2005), the most significant effect of which was the major fish kill event in 2002 that coincided with the first reported Philippine bloom of a dinoflagellateProrocentrum minimum. Maricultureactivities release organic matter from unconsumed feed and fecal material that accumulate in the water and sediments. In over 10 years, water quality conditions have become eutrophic with ammonia increasing by 56%, nitrite by 35%, nitrate by 90%, and phosphate by 67%. The addition of more fish pens and cages placed additional stress to this poorly flushed, shallow area that affected water quality due to changes in the water residence time.
You must be able to answer these: • What is it? • How can it occur naturally? • Where do the nitrates and phosphates come from in anthropogenic cases? • Are these point or non-point sources or both? Explain how. • Draw a flow chart to show how eutrophication happens. • What are the effects of eutrophication? • What solutions can be put into place to prevent this pollution: altering human behaviour, regulating pollutants at point of emission and clean-up and restoration?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGqZsSuG7ao causes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDhmtQUWS8I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCrudYcq_mo&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HmkfbUI-AA solutions
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