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Where and How Much to Invest in Babies

Where and How Much to Invest in Babies. Dr M.Homayoun Ludin Kabul Afghanistan. Why To Invest in Babies?. Global Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices (%). 135 MILLION. 52 MILLION. 83 MILLION. Negligible progress in the rates of exclusive breastfeeding < 6 months.

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Where and How Much to Invest in Babies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Where and How Much to Invest in Babies Dr M.HomayounLudin Kabul Afghanistan

  2. Why To Invest in Babies?

  3. Global Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices (%) 135MILLION 52 MILLION 83 MILLION Negligible progress in the rates of exclusive breastfeeding < 6 months

  4. Breastfeeding Saves Lives! Source: Edmons EK et al, 2007 Source: Black RE et al, 2013

  5. Contribution of undernutrition to child mortality Shaded area indicates contribution of undernutrition to each cause of death Source: WHO 2009. Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks.

  6. Non Communicable Disease and development benefits WHO, 2013 • Protective effect on non-communicable diseases • Obesity • Diabetes • high systolic blood pressure • Increased performance in intelligence tests

  7. The economic argument • US insurers pay US$ 3·6 billion to treat diseases preventable by breastfeeding (Montgomery DL,1997) • US would save $13 billion per year and prevent an excess 911 infant deaths if exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months is practiced (Bartick MC et al, 2013)

  8. Where to invest?

  9. Protection Promotion Support

  10. Glaring gaps in the state of policy and programmes Source: IBFAN Asia 2012

  11. Breastfeeding Gear Model Pérez-EscamillaR et al. AdvNutr. 2012

  12. Coordinated actions improve breastfeeding practices Exclusive breastfeeding among < 6 mo Median Breastfeeding Duration - months

  13. How much to invest?

  14. The Current Estimates US$2.9 billion 15 USD/Per household in 36 high burden countries Reflects only “Behaviour change interventions to promote breastfeeding.” • Behavior change interventions • Breastfeeding promotion and • support • CF promotion • Hand washing with soap and • promotion of hygiene behaviors

  15. The WB costing does not reflect the full set of interventions needed to improve breastfeeding for Protecting, Promoting and Supporting Breastfeeding

  16. Costing of Interventions Development of policies and plans AND coordination BFHI Training of public health worker Community services and mother support Media promotion Maternity Protection Implementing the Code Monitoring and Research

  17. How Much to Invest

  18. World Breastfeeding Cost Initiative (WBCi)

  19. Way forward

  20. Governments

  21. Global community

  22. Thanks !!!

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