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MIS 510:CYBER ANALYTICS PROJECT. By Avinash Sankar Gandhi Rajan Karthikeyan Vijaykumar Prakash Ponnuswamy Rufus Deepan Ravichandran. INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND.
MIS 510:CYBER ANALYTICS PROJECT By AvinashSankar Gandhi Rajan KarthikeyanVijaykumar Prakash Ponnuswamy Rufus DeepanRavichandran
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND • Hackers pose a major threat to confidential information and ¾ victims are being hacked in their lives. Popular companies are targeted specifically and hackers consider it as a pride to hack into secured networks. • This project focuses on analyzing hacking incidents and research works to identify patterns. Shodan and HackerWeb databases are the major sources of information for these occurrences. Research work aims to analyze the available data and prepare research designs to it. It also includes findings from these research works.
WHY ARE THEY SO DANGEROUS? • Empowers people with no prior knowledge of hacking • Patrons need to download the application and enter in the URL or IP address of the target server to carry out DDOS attacks. • Users can increase the strength of the attack by adjusting the threads number
LOIC DDOS attack on PAYPAL • Anonymous carried out DDOS attacks on PayPal in December 2010 as a part of Operation Payback • It was carried out as a retaliation against Paypal’sdecision to cut off the account used by whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks to receive donations. • This attack cost PayPal £3.5m. http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/1964514/wikileaks-supporters-launch-ddos-attack-paypal
How POPULAR is the Topic on Hacker WEB Database? • 49 posts on HOIC and LOIC were obtained from the hacker web database, 24 of which were posted in Anonposts • Posts were prevalent during the period of Operation Payback and Operation Megaupload DDOS attacks (Dec 2010 to June 2013).
Interesting observation on HOIC and LOIC • Anonymous engages hoards of followers in carrying out DDOS attacks. • Most attackers are inexperienced or lack knowledge in hacking, failing to hide their IP addresses. • As a result of this quite a few Anonymous followers engaged in DDOS attacks have been arrested. • For example, An Iowa man was sentenced to 24 months probation and fined $110,932 on February 12, 2014 for DDOS attacks on Angel Soft server(during February and March 2011).
#2Universities – easy target for hackers • The list of Universities swallowing the bait laid out by the hackers increases day by day • A recent sophisticated attack on the University of Maryland’s Database server compromising 300000 student personal data records • University of Arizona’s web server attack leading to the leakage of student data including SSN • Mississippi State University reported of Brazilian Hacker group stealing private staff and student information • And the list goes on…
No of Posts on Hacker forums about different hacking techniques
#3Cyber security AND SOCIAL ISSUES • It was only after a day when “Anonymous” reported the steal, the federal reserve confirmed its website hack • U.S federal court systems – victim of cyber attack – denial of service attack – electronic file system was affected • Missile systems and jet blue prints hacked – plans worth $1.4 trillion • Steubenville rape case – Deric Lostutter accused for a hack in which he was not a part of but helped finding the two teens responsible • Website of the Singapore Prime Minister hacked – “Anonymous”
Analysis from hacker web • To fetch threads related to federal issues: • select* fromanonpostswhereflatContentlike '%federal%' • unionselect * fromelitehackpostswhereflatContentlike '%federal%' • unionselect * fromhackhoundpostswhereflatContentlike '%federal%' • unionselect * fromicodepostswhereflatContentlike '%federal%' • unionselect * fromvctoolpostswhereflatContentlike '%federal%'; • To find the frequency of threads related to federal talks: • Select postdate, postTime, flatContent from vctoolposts where postdate like ‘%2013%’ and flatContent like ‘%federal%’;
BUDGET ALLOCATION TOWARDS CYBERSECURITY • Screaming increase in the allocation of budget for cyber security – main focus on homeland security and defense. • http://funding-programs.idilogic.aidpage.com/ • Funding towards cybersecurity throughout the world
#4Hidden Screens • Originated from the idea of • debug mode in gaming • Customizable menu bars/window screens • Customizable system properties • Idea is to allow user to work on window 1 and hack information from a hidden screen • It has the potential to emerge as a major challenging hacking technique • Mobile apps are easily available opportunity for this hacking trend
Literature Review • Several instances of accessing minesweeper in ‘debug’ mode. • Kindle 3.0 was hacked to act as a host system
Hacking Interest • Hacking occurs mostly to gain credit/debit card information • Hackers – a profession
Hacker Web source • Query on related posts: • selectpostID, flatContentfromanonpostswhereflatContentlike '%invisible%' union selectpostID, flatContentfromeliteHackpostswhereflatContentlike '%invisible%' union selectpostID, flatContentfromhackhoundpostswhereflatContentlike '%invisible%' union selectpostID, flatContentfromicodepostswhereflatContentlike '%invisible%' union selectpostID, flatContentfromvctoolpostswhereflatContentlike '%invisible%' • Recent posts and counts: • select *, count(*) asNumberOfPostsfromicodepostswherethreadID = 10008 orderbysubstring_Index(postDate,'-',-1) desc
FINDINGS/DISCUSSION • Shodan provides information on devices that use outdated OS versions Almost 83% of software can be hacked before a patch up is created by vendors It is predicted that hackers can succeed at least 90% of the time using hidden screen (extrapolation) Software with 2 versions down are considered 13 years old in this technology • Hacker web shows that 306 viewers are interested in this thread post • Discussions in these thread gives different idea of implementing this new threat and advantages over other classical alternatives http://www.thesecurityadvocate.com/2014/02/11/how-much-damage-can-an-outdated-computer-os-do-to-your-practice/