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Women's Rights and Social Norms in the Middle East

Explore the rights and social norms related to women in the Middle East, debunking common misconceptions and highlighting the changes that have occurred.

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Women's Rights and Social Norms in the Middle East

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Which 4 are true? 1. Women are not permitted in vote in most Middle Eastern nations. 2. All girls have arranged marriages before the age of 15. 3. Divorce is not permitted by law or in Islam. 4. Men can have as many as six wives. 5. Women are not permitted an education nor are they permitted to work outside the home. 6. Job opportunities for women in the Middle East are more limited than in the U.S. 7. Women are not permitted to drive in Saudi Arabia. 8. Women cannot own or inherit property in the Middle East. 9. At marriage, the bride’s family provides a negotiated “price” in money, goods, etc. to the groom’s family. 10. There are many differing views about the role of women in modern Middle Eastern society. 11. The holy Islamic book, the Koran, increased the rights of women … Few of these rights existed for women prior to the beginnings of Islam.

  2. Which 4 are true? • Women are permitted in vote in every Middle Eastern nation where elections are held. 2. Arranged marriages are not required and cannot legally be forced on anyone. Most Middle Eastern nations have minimum marriage ages of 18. 3. Divorce is permitted by law and in Islam. [but is not a social norm] 4. Men can have as many as four wives, if he has consent and can treat them all equally. 5. Women are permitted an education and they are permitted to work outside the home. 6. Job opportunities for women in the Middle East are more limited than in the U.S. 7. Women are not permitted to drive in Saudi Arabia. 8. Women can own and inherit property in the Middle East. 9. At marriage, the groom provides a brideprice to the bride’s family. 10. There are many differing views about the role of women in modern Middle Eastern society. [liberals and conservatives] 11. The holy Islamic book, the Qu’ran, increased the rights of women … Few of these rights existed for women prior to the beginnings of Islam.

  3. How has American culture changed in the last 50 years? (since 1966) In the section “Traditional Patterns of Life Review”… write 2 sentences explaining how increases in American women in the workforce has changed American culture?

  4. 5 “Vowels”: Factors of Cultural Change • Agricultural Development • Increased water sources (irrigation, dams, desalination) = less nomadic • Improved seeds, fertilizers and farming methods • Education • More availability to all • Huge increases in literacy • Changing role of women Royal University for Women- Bahrain

  5. Iran

  6. Factors of Cultural Change • Industrialization and Economic Development • Government and Private Investment • Non-traditional jobs available • Increases per capita and consumerism • Oil Resources • Only oil-rich nations • Used to invest in cities, hospitals, education, etc. • Provided jobs

  7. Pediatric dentists- Kuwait

  8. Factors of Cultural Change • Urbanization • More opportunities for job access and education • More westernized attitudes and practices and less traditional values • Creates generational divide • http://www.roebuckclasses.com/maps/animations/animatepopnafrica.mov

  9. Nightlife in Baghdad, Iraq Bahrain Iran

  10. Saudi Arabia Iran

  11. UAE

  12. Summary Review Of the 5 factors of cultural change in the Middle East, which one do you think has had the largest overall impact and why? {AEIOU}

  13. A Tour of City Life in the Middle East Today As you watch each video clip, lists things that compare characteristics between American and Middle Eastern cities.

  14. Tehran, Iran (2016)

  15. Baghdad, Iraq (2015)

  16. Golf Dubai There are 20 golf clubs in the UAE

  17. Dubai, UAE (2014)

  18. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

  19. A Souq (or suq or souk) is a central feature of traditional Middle Eastern life, but is found in most modern cities • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYDOLpJxtAo • Souk Al Mubarakiya, Kuwait City, Kuwait

  20. Kuwait City, Kuwait

  21. Istanbul, Turkey

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