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Intelligence Augmentation - for discussion in reading group on Monday 8 June 09

Intelligence Augmentation - for discussion in reading group on Monday 8 June 09. Dr Lydia Lau School of Computing University of Leeds UK. Who & what (i).

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Intelligence Augmentation - for discussion in reading group on Monday 8 June 09

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  1. Intelligence Augmentation- for discussion in reading group onMonday 8 June 09 Dr Lydia Lau School of Computing University of Leeds UK

  2. Who & what (i) • Came across IA from Gerhard Fischer (Colorado)’s work “Rethinking and reinventing Artificial Intelligence from the perspective of human-centered computational artifacts”, 1995. • An update from his talk on “Meta-Design: Putting Owners of Problems in Charge”, July 2006. • AI vs IA : See slides 3 & 4 • Angle : Co-evolution as a meta-design approach for IA : see slides 16,19,20,21,39 • In particular “Seeding, Evolutionary Growth, Reseeding (SER) Model” : slide 43 • For AWESOME (see slide 51) IA - reading group discussion

  3. Who and what (ii) • Pattie Maes (MIT Media Lab) http://www.kurzweilai.net/meme/frame.html?main=/articles/art0264.html(2001) • Angle: using software agents • Vision for IA: “…as a result that one individual can be super-intelligent, so it's more about making people more intelligentand allowing people to be able to deal with more stuff, more problems, more tasks, more information. Rather than copying ourselves, …” • Bradley Rhodes (MIT then a company) • A seminar given at Stanford... • Angle: Software agents / JIT info retrieval agents / wearable computers/ augmented reality • Challenges for IA : slides 28, 34-37 IA - reading group discussion

  4. Who and what (iii) • Douglas Engelbart (Stanford Research Institute) http://bootstrap.org/augdocs/friedewald030402/augmentinghumanintellect/ahi62index.html (1962) • Angle: AUGMENTING HUMAN INTELLECT - A Conceptual Framework • “By ‘augmenting human intellect’ we mean increasing the capability of a man to approach a complex problem situation, to gain comprehension to suit his particular needs, and to derive solutions to problems. … by "complex situations" we include the professional problems of diplomats, executives, social scientists, life scientists, physical scientists, attorneys, designers … We refer to a way of life in an integrated domain where hunches, cut-and-try, intangibles, and the human "feel for a situation" usefully co-exist with powerful concepts, streamlined terminology and notation, sophisticated methods, and high-powered electronic aids.” IA - reading group discussion

  5. Englebart - continue • Proposed framework examined the following structure types • Mental structuring • Concept structuring • Symbol structuring • Process structuring • Physical structuring • (LL : compare with these labels • Cognition • Ontology • Language (NLP …) • Practices • IT ) IA - reading group discussion

  6. Relevance to my work • Goals unchanged but the means to achieve them are different! • Common vision: extending human intelligence, not replacing it. • Using groups and communities for enhancement – collective intelligence (processes/data/roles) • E-science example • E-learning example • Technologies • Social computing & semantics • Design approach • ethnographic / scenarios / meta-design? IA - reading group discussion

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