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INDUCTION. ABOUT THE INDUCTION. The induction takes the form of a presentation that you can work through at your own pace. Optional tasks are included as you make your way through the material. In places you will be directed away from the presentation for example to view a website.
ABOUT THE INDUCTION • The induction takes the form of a presentation that you can work through at your own pace. • Optional tasks are included as you make your way through the material. • In places you will be directed away from the presentation for example to view a website. • The induction will take anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.
ELHT LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICES • This induction will give you an introduction to: • Where we are located • Our services and how to use them • Online resources, including the Evidence Hub • Current awareness services • Information and library skills training • The Clinical Outreach Librarian service • Additional services The ELHT library team help connect you with the information you need to provide safe, personal, effective care for the people of East Lancashire and beyond. We aim to support patient care, management decision-making and life-long learning for all staff and students on placement, irrespective of department or grade. Please come and introduce yourself to us
ACCESS Library services are delivered on both the Blackburn and Burnley sites. BLACKBURN MAP BURNLEY MAP They may be used by any employee of ELHT, whatever their grade or discipline, or students on placement within the Trust.
STAFFED HOURS MONDAY – THURSDAY: 8:30am – 4:30pm 8:30am – 4:00pm FRIDAY: UNSTAFFED WEEKENDS AND BANK HOLIDAYS (24 hour access is available to all full members of the library. See staff for details)
MAKING ENQUIRIES There are several ways to contact the library:
LOANS • You can borrow up to 12 items at any one time • Items can be renewed a maximum of 3 times (unless someone else has requested the item) • You can renew your items either by bringing them into the library, by phone, by email or online
LOANS • Books can be transferred between sites for ease of collection and return • If returning items via internal mail please allow plenty of time for delivery – you will still be charged if items are not received before the due date • A self-service kiosk is available on the Blackburn site, which allows 24/7 issue, renewal and return
LOANS You can search the library catalogue either within the library or online The catalogue will tell you if the library holds a particular item, where it is located within the library and whether or not it is currently available You can also renew or reserve items (a PIN is required – please see library staff for details) Optional task: To have a look at the library catalogue now click here, otherwise click the arrow to continue with your library induction.
LOANS What happens before my books are due? What happens when my books are overdue? The library will send out overdue reminders by email or post. After your third reminder you will be sent an invoice for the replacement cost of the Items. Overdue items are charged at 10p per day for standard loans and 50p per day for short loans. We send you a text message or email 3 days before your items are due
IT FACILITIES There are computers available at each site with full internet access and MS Office; some also have scanners. We also have laptops available for use in the library with internet access
IT FACILITIES A pre-pay print management system is used on all library computers, using the ELHT network. Printouts are charged at 5p per sheet. Guest Wi-Fi is available within the library at Blackburn; please ask library staff for details. There are plans to introduce Wi-Fi at the Burnley site library in the near future.
ELHT EVIDENCE HUB • Our aims: • Helping you to find evidence-based information quickly • Informing best practice in patient care • Supporting professional development, including appraisal and revalidation VIEW EVIDENCE HUB or
ONLINE RESOURCES VIA ELHT OPENATHENS There are a large number of resources available online including books, journals and databases, however you will need an ELHT OpenAthens username and password to access them. Your key to evidence!
ONLINE RESOURCES VIA ELHT OPENATHENS TASK: If you do not have an ELHT OpenAthens account you will need to register. Complete the online form, selecting ELHT as your organisation. You will then receive an email; you need to follow the email instructions to activate your account. Please note that the email may not come through immediately. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR ELHT OPENATHENS
ONLINE RESOURCES VIA ELHT OPENATHENS These are just some of our online resources. Click on any to view. Evidence Search
E-JOURNALS Once you have your ELHT OpenAthens account you will have access to hundreds of online journals. You can access them by going to www.evidence.nhs.uk and clicking on the journals link. Remember, you will need to sign in with your ELHT OpenAthens username and password to be able to access full text articles and see the complete list of journals available. Optional task: Have a look now at the list of journals available. Click here to go to the A-Z list or continue to carry on with your Library Induction.
E-BOOKS Your ELHT OpenAthens account will also give you access to a large collection of e-books, including many of the Oxford Handbooks. To access these e-books go to www.evidence.nhs.uk and click on the journals and databases link, and then the e-books link. Optional task: Have a look at the e-books that are available by clicking here; remember you will need your ELHT OpenAthenspassword.
CURRENT AWARENESS We run a number of services which include: Book Alerts Receive a regular email with a list of new books purchased by the library in your chosen subject area(s). Electronic Table of Contents (eTOCs) Be notified via email when new content goes online to any of our subscribed online journals. This enables you to receive the latest articles, full text wherever possible, direct to your desktop. Horizon Scanning Bulletins An easily digestible monthly email update of key and relevant information and examples of new or developing services in other NHS organisations, and transferable examples from other sectors. Keeping you up to date
INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SKILLS Training Program: The library service offers regular sessions on the following topics: Please see the library intranet pages or Training Directory for planned dates.
INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SKILLS Bespoke Sessions: Our Clinical Outreach Librarian can arrange tailored sessions for departments and specialist teams Please contact: judy.richardson@elht.nhs.uk or phone her on 01282 804720 (Ext 14720)
INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SKILLS Please contact: library.blackburn@elht.nhs.uk or library.burnley@elht.nhs.uk Inductions If you would like to arrange a group induction for students on placement, trainees, or other groups of staff:
CLINICAL OUTREACH LIBRARIAN SERVICE • Making a decision • Asking clinical questions “Supporting Evidence-Based Healthcare” • Critically appraising the evidence • Searching for the evidence
CLINICAL OUTREACH LIBRARIAN SERVICE We can respond to questions that arise in your workplace by: • Carrying out literature searches of the available evidence • Providing help and advice using information retrieval and critical appraisal skills
CLINICAL OUTREACH LIBRARIAN SERVICE You can invite us to join your: We provide you with: Abstracts of relevant articles • Clinical or corporate teams • Grand or ward rounds • Meetings • Planning group for project, guideline or pathway development Links to full text where appropriate Details of search strategies used and resources searched
CLINICAL OUTREACH LIBRARIAN SERVICE Your Clinical Outreach Librarian is: Judy Richardson judy.richardson@elht.nhs.uk Ext: 14720 or 01282 804720 and I can come to you!
You have now completed the library induction Library & Information Services East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust REQUEST A CERTIFICATE Print Certificate Print Certificate END