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THE GOSPEL OF JOHN III. The Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50) A. At The Feast In Jerusalem (Jn 5:1-47) B. During The Passover (Jn 6:1-71) C. During The Feast Of Tabernacles (Jn 7:1 – 10:21) D. During The Feast Of Dedication (Jn 10:22-42)
THE GOSPEL OF JOHN III. The Opposition to the Son of God (5:1–12:50) A. At The Feast In Jerusalem (Jn 5:1-47) B. During The Passover (Jn 6:1-71) C. During The Feast Of Tabernacles (Jn 7:1 – 10:21) D. During The Feast Of Dedication (Jn 10:22-42) E. Because Of The Death And Resurrection Of Lazarus (Jn 11:1-57)
F. Because Of The Triumphal Entry (Jn 12:1-50) 1. The Thanksgiving Dinner (12:1-11) 2. The Triumphal Entry (12:12-19) 3. The Total Sacrifice (12:20-36) 4. The Troublesome Response (12:37-43) a. The Reason for Disbelief: Judgment of God (vv. 37-41)
b. The Hindrance to True Belief: Fear of Man (vv. 42-43) Read Jn 12:42-43. These “rulers” were the leaders of Israel (see Jn 3:1). ~ Due to fear “of the Pharisees”, these rulers did not dare to confess what they believed. ~ That entire timethey kept their opinion to themselves.
John made the point that their faith was weak, and he described the reason: v. 43. ~ They were still subject to the lure of human praise (see Jn 5:44). These “rulers” still knew nothing of the powerful new birth that could make them children of God and enable them to enter the messianic kingdom.
Almost certainly John knew of Jews and proselytes in his day who were happy enough to believe in Jesus in some sense, but who displayed similar hesitations. ~ He wants them to know such secret faith will not do. ~ Here, he primarily warned his readers that secret faith does not ultimately please God.
~ All too often we remain silent at the very times we ought to be confessing our faith in Christ. Along with those who refused to believe, many believed but refused to admit it. ~ This is just as bad, and Jesus had strong words for such people (Matt 10:32-33) ~ Many people will not take a stand for Jesus because they fear rejection or ridicule.
~ But the praise of people is fickle and short-lived. ~ WE SHOULD BE MUCH MORE CONCERNED ABOUT GOD’S ETERNAL ACCEPTANCE THAN ABOUT THE TEMPORARY APPROVAL OF OTHER PEOPLE. In summary, John means that these “rulers” embraced Christ’s teaching because they knew it had come from God.
~ But their faith was neither so living nor so strong as it should have been. ~ Christ does not give His own a spirit of fear but of steadfastness, that they may boldly and fearlessly dare to confess what they have learned from and of Him.(2Tim 1:7) ~ Their true profession would have been to ally themselves openly to Christ.
~ John Calvin: “[N]o one should flatter himself who in any way conceals or dissembles his faith in case he should incur men’s hatred. However hateful Christ’s name may be, the cowardice is inexcusable which makes us swerve, in even the smallest degree, from confessing him.”
We should also notice that the leaders have less courage and firmness because ambition nearly always holds sway in them, and there is nothing more enslaving than that. ~ Earthly honors may be called golden chains which bind men so that they cannot freely do their duty. John Chrysostom: “Not to feel pleased at being praised is, I am afraid, what has never happened to any man.”