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Organizing talk in a content classroom. Jeta Donovan February 11, 2010. Agenda. Timed Topic Talks Pro-Con Presentations Two more debate ideas PROMPTS!. Timed Topic Talks.
Organizing talk in a content classroom • Jeta Donovan • February 11, 2010
Agenda • Timed Topic Talks • Pro-Con Presentations • Two more debate ideas • PROMPTS!
Timed Topic Talks • Take 5 minutes to look at the research data I’m passing out to you. Web address: http://nationsreportcard.gov/math_2009/district_context_1_district.asp • Partner Up! Select a Partner A and Partner B. • I will call out a topic, and say “Go.” Partner A will have one minute to say everything they know about that topic. Your discussion MUST include “numerical facts.” After one minute, I will say switch and Partner B will discuss everything they know about this topic for one minute. • Topics: Time spent on math in 8th grade classrooms, 8th graders using calculators in math classrooms, math teachers level of education, Computer/Technology Use
Pro/Con Statements • Partner A is Pro. Partner B is Con. • Pro: New York City public schools are succeeding mathematics instruction • Con: New York City public schools are failing in mathematics instruction. • Your pro/con statement should state your position and provide at least 3 supporting reasons. Your supporting reasons should include “numerical facts” • You will have 5 minutes to write your Pro/Con Statement. Then you’ll share with your partner.
Pro/Con Statement Skeleton • My Position is........................ • Many people think that..............because............... • However, I think that...............because............... • Also because....................... • In short, ...................because..................