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How are Priority Schools selected?

How are Priority Schools selected?. Kansas Learning Network, Kansas City 17 Sept 2012 Tony Moss, KSDE. What we’ll cover:. What measures were used to identify Priority Schools? Why introduce a new measure? How are Priority Schools selected ?

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How are Priority Schools selected?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How are Priority Schools selected? Kansas Learning Network, Kansas City 17 Sept 2012 Tony Moss, KSDE

  2. What we’ll cover: • What measures were used to identify Priority Schools? • Why introduce a new measure? • How are Priority Schools selected? • What are the consequences of being a Priority School? • How does a Priority School improve enough to exit priority status?

  3. U.S. Dept. of Ed asked: “Which are the highest need schools?” • A: the lowest achieving Title I schools according to a new measure, the API • API is a point index or average based on “All Students” academic performance • reading & math proficiency counts are combined • then API calculated for each of the last 4 years • each school is ranked for each of the 4 years • then the 4 ranks are averaged • the 5% of Title I schools with the lowest averages are the Priority Schools

  4. Why did Kansas want a new way of measuring academic performance? Relatively few students are available for moving over the proficiency line.

  5. Is the APImore accurate than the Percent Proficient? School T has 91% at Standard or Above, but 75% in the top 2 categories, Exceeds & Exemplary. Except for a difference of 2 buildings, both measures identified the same 33 Priority Schools. All the priority schools were below the 7th API percentile of Title schools. School P has 92% at Standard or above, but only 46% in the top 2 categories.

  6. How is the API calculated?

  7. Also a step away from AYP’s 100% at standard or above. API Average Building Scores, All Students Group, All Public Schools, 2000 to 2011

  8. How are Priority Schools selected?

  9. An Example: School B

  10. What are the advantages of this method? • With 4 yearly measures included in our final measure, we can have greater confidence that we really are selecting the lowest-performing schools. • Schools are given incentives to move every child to the highest performance category possible. • We’ve stepped away from the AYP notion that 100 percent of students must be at standard or above.

  11. What are the disadvantages of this method? • The measures describe a series of outcomes on state assessments, but they don’t point the way to the specific causes or remedies. • Our limited measures—mostly about demographics, teachers, and assessment scores—don’t tell us how to improve our system.

  12. What are the consequences of being a Priority School? • In 2012-13, Priority Schools must analyze their needs, and plan for the coming year. • In 2013-14, they must implement their plans and continue to do so for 3 years. • This plan and how it is implemented must satisfy the Turnaround Principles as outlined in the ESEA Waiver agreement.

  13. How do Priority Schools exit priority status? • Must make their Achievement AMOs for 2 consecutive years; • Must make their Reducing the Non-Proficient AMO for 2 consecutive years.

  14. What do those exit goals look like? • The academic achievement AMOs are based on the API; • The Reducing the Non-Proficient AMOs are based on the percent of student below Meets Standard.

  15. How were the achievement AMOs set for reading?

  16. Reading AMOs are like the Standard of Excellence:

  17. How were the achievement AMOs set for math?

  18. Mathematics AMOs

  19. Reducing the Non-Proficient AMO

  20. Questions & Discussion

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