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Sermons From Science -- Dec 2016 科学布道 -- 2016 年 12 月

Sermons From Science -- Dec 2016 科学布道 -- 2016 年 12 月. Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011.

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Sermons From Science -- Dec 2016 科学布道 -- 2016 年 12 月

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  1. Sermons From Science -- Dec 2016科学布道-- 2016年12月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 1/2/2020 1

  2. There’s No Place Like Home金窝银窝不如自己家里的狗窝 • The Answers In Genesis website published an article written by Dr. Danny R. Faulkner on January 1, 2014. I now quote his article below: • “New technology has proven that we’re not alone—our galaxy appears to be filled with billions and billions of planets. This proves earth is nothing special, right? Hardly. In fact, the contrasts show just how special our home really is. • “If science fiction is any guide, the universe must be crammed full of extraordinary worlds, each swarming with sundry creatures of every imaginable shape and size. Avatar’s sumptuous moon, circling a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system, is just one of the endless possibilities. In contrast, our earth seems like a humdrum affair. • “At least, that’s the impression we get from the big screen. But new technology has begun to pull back the curtain on the planets outside the solar system. Our lowly home doesn’t seem so lowly anymore. In fact, it appears to be one of a kind. 1/2/2020 2

  3. There’s No Place Like Home金窝银窝不如自己家里的狗窝 • “Each new discovery highlights the special care that the Creator showered upon our earth, the one place He “formed to be inhabited” (Isaiah 45:18). • “While secular astronomers are busy trying to prove that evolution is a common phenomenon throughout the black expanse of the cosmos, their work serves to reinforce the opposite notion. God made life, and it is unique to this pale blue dot. • “According to the latest estimate, our galaxy harbors 100 billion planets. Of these, astronomers are feverishly trying to isolate a handful that might meet the bare minimum for life, as they define it. But the pickings are slim. 1/2/2020 3

  4. There’s No Place Like Home金窝银窝不如自己家里的狗窝 1/2/2020 4

  5. There’s No Place Like Home金窝银窝不如自己家里的狗窝 • “In fact, the more researchers refine their list, the more they realize how many details must be “just right” for life. The challenge is even harder within the evolutionary worldview because it requires a nurturing environment that remains stable for billions of years. Otherwise, advanced life doesn’t have a chance. When you look at the minimum requirements—a cozy orbit, a stable star, a stabilizing moon, and a protective atmosphere—only one planet fits the bill. Earth. • “The only way to fill distant planets with flying banshees and ten-foot, blue-skinned Na’vi is the vivid imagination of movie makers. 1/2/2020 5

  6. There’s No Place Like Home金窝银窝不如自己家里的狗窝 • “Special Feature: There’s No Place Like Home • Just Right for Life • Not Just Another Star • A Perfect Partner • A Unique Blend • “Dr. Danny Faulkner joined the staff of Answers in Genesis after 26½ years as professor of physics and astronomy at the University of South Carolina Lancaster. He has written numerous articles in astronomical journals, and he is the author of Universe by Design.” 1/2/2020 6

  7. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 1/2/2020 7

  8. Sermons From Science -- Dec 2016科学布道-- 2016年12月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 1/2/2020 8

  9. Global Warming地球暖化 • The Answers In Genesis website published an article written by Michael J. Oard on September 5, 2006; last featured September 19, 2006. I now quote his article below: • “Many articles and books have been written in recent years on the subject of global warming—much of the information confusing. • “Some contain much hysteria, like the special report in the April 3, 2006, issue of Time and an article in a recent National Geographic.1,2 Practically all the articles in these issues blame people and emphasize the potentially harmful effects of global warming. Even Hollywood, through the movie The Day After Tomorrow and others, aggressively promotes the idea of a coming, rapid ice age caused by global warming.3 Eighty-six prominent Christian leaders recently jumped on the bandwagon with the Evangelical Climate Initiative (ECI).4 • “But how is this information to be evaluated? We should first check the data. As with the creation/evolution issue, we need to separate interpretations from facts. 1/2/2020 9

  10. Global Warming地球暖化 1/2/2020 10

  11. Global Warming地球暖化 Photo courtesy Michael Oard Athabasca Glacier, Canadian Rockies, was near the sign in 1890. It has since melted back to its current location due to global warming.(Click to enlarge.) 1/2/2020 11

  12. Global Warming地球暖化 • “The Facts • “Practically all atmospheric scientists (the author included) agree that global warming has occurred. The raging debate is over how much of it is caused by man and whether global warming will be harmful. Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling, climatologists and critics of greenhouse warming hype,5 write, “In the broadest perspective, global warming is a very real thing, undeniable from surface temperature readings taken over much of the planet in the last 100 years.” 1/2/2020 12

  13. Global Warming地球暖化 • “The amount of warming since 1880 has been about 1.2°F (0.67°C).6 However, a certain percentage of this warming is likely due to natural fluctuations, especially on the sun.7 From about 1300 to 1880, the Little Ice Age8occurred, in which practically all the glaciers in the world advanced, whereas now they are receding. There was less energy from the sun during the Little Ice Age and more volcanic activity, which helped cool the surface of the earth.9,10 It is possible such natural long-term climatic cycles caused half of the 1.2°F (0.67°C) rise. 1/2/2020 13

  14. Global Warming地球暖化 • “Meanwhile, since 1880 the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by about 30%. Other greenhouse gases, such as methane, have also increased. Researchers desire to compare how these greenhouse gases affect the climate in relation to CO2. So, they convert the buildup of other greenhouse gases into CO2 “equivalency units.” In other words, they change the climatic effect of the gases into one measure. The climatic effect of these greenhouse gases results in an increase of 30% in CO2 equivalency units. The increase in all greenhouse gases has the climatic effect of increasing CO2 by 60%, which increases global warming. 1/2/2020 14

  15. Global Warming地球暖化 • “One Problem • “Climate specialists run computer simulations using the above-noted formula, in which they double the amount of CO2 and see how much the temperature rises. These simulations are based on estimations and assumptions and not exact figures. The many types of simulations predict a temperature rise of 3 to 10°F. Unfortunately, many politicians and environmentalists take such imperfect climate simulations and claim them to be fact. This is problematic. It is no wonder we have a greenhouse scare. However, if all the greenhouse gases have caused an increase by 60% CO2 in equivalency units, and man has only warmed the atmosphere about 0.6°F, then these climate simulations are much too sensitive to the effects of CO2. 1/2/2020 15

  16. Global Warming地球暖化 1/2/2020 16

  17. Global Warming地球暖化 • “More Research Needed • “What we really need is more careful research. All positions should have a say on the issue. Unfortunately, the media and proponents of significant technology-induced global warming have demonized many qualified critics and have accused them of conspiring with the oil companies. These are critics who do not feel that a logical case has been made to prove that manmade technologies are at fault. • “All of us must study both sides of the global-warming issue (1 Thessalonians 5:21) to better understand what the Lord requires of us. Although God gave us the command to have dominion over the earth, He also instructs us to care for and be good stewards of it. 1/2/2020 17

  18. Global Warming地球暖化 • “Could Global Warming Cause Another Ice Age? • “Some climate scientists believe that global warming will slow or stop the northward oceanic heat flow in the Atlantic Ocean, causing an ice age. Northern Europe is significantly warmer due to this ocean heat. The stopping of this flow was the basis for the Hollywood movie The Day After Tomorrow. • “A new oceanic study, based on measurements over 47 years, claims that the northward heat transport has already decreased by 30%.1 Computer climate simulations suggested that such a decrease would require a global temperature increase of 7–11°F (4–6°C) after nearly a century.2 Some scientists believe that global warming will cause a more rapid climate change and that we need to act now. 1/2/2020 18

  19. Global Warming地球暖化 • “So far, the reduced heat flow has caused no climatic effect in Europe. Moreover, Carl Wunsch of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) believes the climatic significance of the northward heat transport is greatly overblown and that it is difficult to stop it.3 The MIT professor further writes that there are many unknowns associated with ocean and atmospheric climatic interactions, and that climate simulations have many difficulties. Besides, the prevailing winds drive the ocean currents and are mostly responsible for the northward heat transport. The addition of fresh water on the ocean’s surface will not slow the heat flow, which is an unsupported assumption made in climate simulations.” • Thank God for the contribution of meteorologist Michael Oard. 1/2/2020 19

  20. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 1/2/2020 20

  21. Sermons From Science -- Dec 2016科学布道-- 2016年12月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 1/2/2020 21

  22. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • The Answers In Genesis website published an article written by Dr. Kevin Anderson on November 1, 2016. I now quote his article below: • “Abstract • “If molecules-to-man evolution were true, how did life make the huge jump from single-cell forms to organisms with complex systems that work together? Evolution scientists think this happened many times. Creation scientists say, "Not a chance!" In addition to the problem of life arising in the first place, for this to have occurred life would have to overcome many hurdles: • “Finding a substantial benefit for transforming from the single-cell life that had been so successful for over two billion years • “Competition by “freeloading” cells in the evolving community 1/2/2020 22

  23. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Contemporary forms of life are so distinct that multicellular systems must have evolved at least 25 separate times from a single-cell ancestor • “Individual cells sometimes cooperate, but they remain individual—it's not a slam-dunk that cooperation leads to multicellularity • “The selective advantage for being a single cell will conflict with a cell’s attempt to become part of a multicellular organism • “New genes necessary for multicellular cooperation would have to evolve very quickly • “New genes would have to develop in every cell in the community at the same time 1/2/2020 23

  24. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “The recent report of a 1.5-billion-year-old fossil1 has brought attention once again to the alleged evolution of multicellular systems. This 30-centimeter fossil is offered as evidence that multicellular life evolved a billion years before the so-called Cambrian Explosion. Pyritic structures have also been suggested as showing that the first multicellular life may have evolved even earlier.2 • “Yet the key question—the “elephant in the room”—is why would multicellular systems have ever evolved? This question has long puzzled evolutionists. Single-celled (unicellular) organisms, such as bacteria, are the most versatile and adaptable organisms on earth. They are often described as Darwinian engines. Why would there be an evolutionary advantage to “evolve” multicellular systems (with more complex biological apparatus, less adaptability, and slower reproduction)? 1/2/2020 24

  25. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? 1/2/2020 25

  26. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Background • “Some researchers believe life began on earth over 4 billion years ago.3 However, this early life consisted entirely of unicellular organisms. It was not until over two billion years later that the first multicellular organisms are claimed to have arisen.4 • “By this scenario, unicellular biology had been enormously successful for billions of years. This is an expanse of time far longer than it supposedly took for the origin of life or the transformation from a single cell to a human.5 After such a long period of biological success, why would any other type of life even arise? Why would there be any benefit to such a major biological change? What evolutionary pressure appeared after two billion years that "suddenly" made such a change advantageous? 1/2/2020 26

  27. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Evolutionists have proposed various speculations but little substance.6 Developmental biologist Cassandra Extavour speculates that • “Unlike the typical single cell that is tethered to a limited environment, a multicellular unit can roam over great distances in search of food or more favorable ecological conditions . . . multicellular species may find more opportunities to adapt successfully to drastically changing ecosystems that might wipe out a less mobile or less complex unicellular species.7 1/2/2020 27

  28. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “However, this is a significant factor only after a multicellular organism has acquired the ability of motility well beyond the microscopic state. Even evolutionists acknowledge that such motility did not appear until millions of years after the evolution of multicellular systems. Only intelligence can anticipate and plan for such a future contingency. Darwinism has no such foresight. Thus, moving great distances in search of better living conditions cannot be seriously offered as a contributing factor to the evolution of multicellular biology. • “MOVING GREAT DISTANCES IN SEARCH OF BETTER LIVING CONDITIONS CANNOT BE SERIOUSLY OFFERED AS A CONTRIBUTING FACTOR TO THE EVOLUTION OF MULTICELLULAR BIOLOGY. 1/2/2020 28

  29. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “The End Doesn't Rectify the Means • “In fact, many stages of multicellular evolution would almost certainly be a disadvantage to the organism's fitness. This is a distinct contradiction since each evolutionary stage of development is driven by providing an advantage over previous stages. Multicellular evolution simply has no driving force in any evolutionary scenario. • “Nonetheless, evolutionists just assume that multicellular organisms formed (regardless of why). In this context, several different ideas have been proposed as to how they formed. The most popular view is that the early steps involved formation of cellular clusters. If these clusters proved advantageous, then the cell population continued to adapt. Eventually the cells would begin a phase of cooperation and division of labor. At this point, subpopulations of cells would start specializing in metabolic activities that contribute to the entire community.8 The cells then progressively lose individuality and become more dependent on each other, finally establishing full interdependence within the group. 1/2/2020 29

  30. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Multicellular behavior is presumably stabilized by the evolution of new traits not originally possessed by any of the individual cells. These new traits are advantageous to the cellular community, making it beneficial for the individual cells to remain part of the multicellular system. Fitness of the multicellular organism is now no longer linked to the fitness of individual cells. The population is no longer a cluster of cells, but a single organism comprised of multiple cells.9 1/2/2020 30

  31. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Cooperative Comparison? • “A recent study offers three different species of algae as evidence for potential stages of such multicellular evolution.10 Of these three species, one maintains strict individuality, one lives in a colony, and one has a few characteristics of a multicellular organism. Using comparative genomics, the researchers determined genetic differences between these algae species. They then used this comparison to offer a series of genetic progressions that they speculate could transform unicellular to multicellular. 1/2/2020 31

  32. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “These ideas are part of the simplistic “just so” stories offered to explain how multicellular organisms evolved. There is little evidence for such scenarios—just the presumption that such evolution must have occurred. At best these are tentative historical reconstructions, but primarily they represent mere conjecture. • “THESE IDEAS ARE PART OF THE SIMPLISTIC “JUST SO” STORIES OFFERED TO EXPLAIN HOW MULTICELLULAR ORGANISMS EVOLVED. 1/2/2020 32

  33. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Yet a BBC News article declares the leap from simple to multicellular was “easy—in relative terms.”11 So easy, in fact, that multicellular organisms are supposed to have arisen independently at least twenty five times throughout earth history.12 This repeated evolution of multicellular organisms presumably “really cements the case that it was done early in the history of eukaryotes.”13 1/2/2020 33

  34. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Of course, the case is only “cemented” if evolution is assumed as true. But here again is another often-overlooked problem. Evolution requires that multicellular organisms developed from unicellular organisms. Genetic analysis indicates that the relationship between plants, animals, slime molds, red algae, etc. is so distant and distinct that each must possess a unique evolutionary lineage. Each of these distinct lineages started all the way back with a single-cell ancestor.14 1/2/2020 34

  35. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Spurious Substantiation • “Ironically, by this scenario, evolution had to accomplish numerous times what it really has no ability to achieve even once. This does not make multicellular evolution "easy." Rather, it demonstrates the spurious nature of that claim. • “Microbial studies also help reveal the difficulty of establishing and maintaining early stages of multicellular development. Even though social cooperation is required for a multicellular organism, unicellular organisms frequently employ social cooperation too. • “COOPERATION CAN BE INDEPENDENT OF MULTICELLULAR BIOLOGY. INDIVIDUAL CELLS WITHIN THESE COOPERATIVE SYSTEMS CAN ENTER OR LEAVE AT ANY TIME. THEY DO NOT LOSE THEIR UNICELLULAR INDIVIDUALITY. 1/2/2020 35

  36. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Most bacteria grow in cooperative colonies or in aggregate communities called biofilms.15 Some protozoa can form cooperative structures as well.16These cooperative systems have many similarities to potential early stages of multicellular behavior. Within these systems the unicellular microbes can communicate, share resources, be protected from external agents, and even sacrifice for their neighbor. For example, Salmonella bacteria can commence a pathogenic attack in successive waves. The initial wave launches a potentially suicidal assault on the host’s defenses that increases the ability of subsequent waves to successfully evade these defenses.17 • “However, all these examples illustrate that cooperation can be independent of multicellular biology. Individual cells within these cooperative systems can enter or leave at any time. They do not lose their unicellular individuality. The gulf between unicellular and multicellular biology is far larger and more complicated than just a group of cells deciding to temporarily work together. New genes, new structures, new regulatory controls are all needed. These are not "easy" developments. 1/2/2020 36

  37. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Freeloaders Are Everywhere • “What is more, within a biofilm, some bacteria grow faster if they do not respond to chemical signals produced by their neighbors.18 This apparently allows them to grow with less restraint than the rest of the biofilm population. Also, some bacterial populations release polysaccharides so they can form mats on liquid surfaces (a type of biofilm), which increases the population’s access to oxygen. Within this mat though, a few individual cells will stop making the polysaccharide.19 This allows them to benefit from the mat without expending the energy to help make the mat. • “Such "cheaters" take advantage of the cellular activity of others without expending energy to contribute to the community. In fact, "cheating" is recognized as a major problem in the evolution of social cooperation.20Why do the work when others are doing the work for you? 1/2/2020 37

  38. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Another major problem is that selection at the cell-level and selection at the multicellular organism-level are not equivalent. In fact, they are virtually opposite. If selection is operating at the multicellular level, it cannot simultaneously be operating at the individual cell level.21 Single cells thrive by reproducing more than their neighbors, while cells in a multicellular organism coordinate their reproduction. Thus, Darwinian views of natural selection are inconsistent with the evolution of multicellular organisms. The “selection” that supposedly formed and maintained the unicellular world for billions of years would be in diametric opposition to any “selection” supposedly attempting to form a new multicellular world. • “This brings us back to my initial question—why even evolve multicellular systems? 1/2/2020 38

  39. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “THE “SELECTION” THAT SUPPOSEDLY FORMED AND MAINTAINED THE UNICELLULAR WORLD FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS WOULD BE IN DIAMETRIC OPPOSITION TO ANY “SELECTION” SUPPOSEDLY ATTEMPTING TO FORM A NEW MULTICELLULAR WORLD. • “The formation of multicellular organisms means that cells must relinquish their unicellular, programmed behavior in favor of a coordinated behavior. Why they would do this is currently unanswerable. How they would do this is also currently unanswerable, but certainly would be an enormously complicated transformation; one that is clearly far from “easy.” 1/2/2020 39

  40. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “What is more, any multicellular evolution almost certainly would require the formation of new genes. The development of multicellular biology requires that all the cells of the organism “have the same set of genes and obey the same rules.”22 Not only do new genes need to form during multicellular evolution, but the same genes and regulatory controls need to form in all the cells of the multicellular system. This is necessary to provide the new proteins and genetic activity required by multicellular organisms. Without new genes, single cells would remain single cells. • “REGARDLESS OF WHAT HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTIONS AND CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE IS PUT FORWARD, WITHOUT A PLAUSIBLE GENETIC MECHANISM ANY EVOLUTIONARY SCENARIO HAS LITTLE CREDIBILITY. 1/2/2020 40

  41. Could Life Have Evolved Multicellular Systems?生命有进化的多细胞系统? • “Summary • “Any evolution paradigm (Darwinism, emergent evolution, extended synthesis, etc.) presumes that new genes will constantly form as organisms evolve. Yet frequently cited examples of new gene evolution are actually the loss of pre-existing genetic activity.23Instead, the formation of new genes remains largely undocumented.24 • “This is a significant problem, and one almost always overlooked by the evolutionary community. Regardless of what historical reconstructions and circumstantial evidence is put forward, without a plausible genetic mechanism any evolutionary scenario has little credibility. They are literally just a story.” • Thank God for the contribution of Dr. Anderson. 1/2/2020 41

  42. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 1/2/2020 42

  43. Sermons From Science -- Dec 2016科学布道-- 2016年12月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 1/2/2020 43

  44. Did Tectonic Activity Trigger the Ice Age?-1构造活动触发冰河时代?-1 • The Answers In Genesis website published an article written by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling on November 10, 2016. I now quote his article below: • “In the evolutionary uniformitarian (slow-and-gradual) view of earth’s history, the earth’s climate remained on a fairly even keel for hundreds of millions of years. However, it is claimed that there were some dramatic exceptions. Around 80 million years ago, the planet’s temperature supposedly plummeted, along with carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The earth is said to have eventually recovered from that cooling event, only to swing back into the present-day Ice Age 50 million years ago.1 • That’s right! You did read that correctly. Evolutionary uniformitarian geologists are saying we are still currently in an Ice Age! Perhaps you didn’t realize that when you sweated through the heat and humidity of the summer months and were told that the soaring temperatures were due to global warming or climate change! 1/2/2020 44

  45. Did Tectonic Activity Trigger the Ice Age?-1构造活动触发冰河时代?-1 • “Now geologists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology claim to have identified the likely cause of both the cooling event at 80 million years ago, and the onset of the Ice Age around 50 million years ago, as well as a natural mechanism for carbon sequestration.2 Evidently, just prior to both periods, massive tectonic collisions took place near the earth’s equator—a tropical zone where rocks undergo heavy weathering due to frequent rain and other environmental conditions. This weathering involves chemical reactions that absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The dramatic drawdown of carbon dioxide cooled the atmosphere, they suggest, and set the planet up for the cooling event at 80 million years ago and the Ice Age beginning 50 million years ago, in the late Cretaceous and the Eocene, respectively. 1/2/2020 45

  46. Did Tectonic Activity Trigger the Ice Age?-1构造活动触发冰河时代?-1 • “The Specifics of What Supposedly Happened • “There were two massive collisions of tectonic plates responsible for triggering these Ice Ages. They stemmed from the same event—the supposedly slow northward migration of Gondwana, a supercontinent that spanned the Southern Hemisphere from 300 million to 180 million years ago and became part of Pangaea. It eventually broke apart to form today’s Antarctica, South America, Africa, India, and Australia. 1/2/2020 46

  47. Did Tectonic Activity Trigger the Ice Age?-1构造活动触发冰河时代?-1 • “Around 180 million years ago, plate tectonic activity began to slowly push fragments of Gondwana up toward the northern supercontinent of Eurasia. The body of water lying between these supercontinents was called the Neo-Tethys Ocean. As the fragments of Gondwana were slowly pushed into Eurasia, that ocean was squeezed smaller and eventually closed completely. • “Jagoutz and his colleagues had previously developed a model to simulate the apparent tectonic shifting that occurred in and around the Neo-Tethys Ocean as the Gondwana fragments of Africa and India were crushed up against Eurasia.3 Through analysis of ancient rocks, which resulted from the collision of India with Eurasia, located in today’s Himalayas, they claimed to have determined the sequence of events as the continents merged. 1/2/2020 47

  48. Did Tectonic Activity Trigger the Ice Age?-1构造活动触发冰河时代?-1 • “They found that 90 million years ago, the northeastern edge of the African plate collided and slid under an oceanic plate in the Neo-Tethys Ocean, creating a chain of volcanoes. And 80 million years ago, as the African plate continued advancing north, that oceanic plate was pushed farther up, over, and onto the Eurasia continent, exposing oceanic crust to the atmosphere, while simultaneously terminating the volcanoes. Then, 50 million years ago, India merged with Eurasia in a second collision in which a different region of the oceanic plate was pushed up onto that continent. 1/2/2020 48

  49. Did Tectonic Activity Trigger the Ice Age?-1构造活动触发冰河时代?-1 • “Both collisions took place in the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone, an atmospheric region centered on and over the earth’s equator, in which trade winds come together to generate a region of intense temperatures and rainfall. • “So Jagoutz and his colleagues wondered whether the tectonic plate collisions in this extremely tropical region may have played a part in pulling huge amounts of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, an event which may have lowered global temperatures and thus triggered those claimed Ice Ages, including the one we are supposedly still in. 1/2/2020 49

  50. Did Tectonic Activity Trigger the Ice Age?-1构造活动触发冰河时代?-1 1/2/2020 50

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