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Learn about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, explore rights and responsibilities, discuss societal issues, and develop tolerance.
The Human Rights and our responsibilities
Checking the homework.Work in pairs. Read and ask your partner if he/she agrees or disagrees with it. Decide if it conflicts with the rights of other people or not. • 1.Everyone should have the right to carry a gun. • 2. Everyone should have the right to decide whom to marry. • 3. Women should take an active part in the government. • 4. Violence on television should be prohibited because it encourages people to act violently. • 5. If a person wants to bully others, he should be allowed to do so. • 6. Every person should have the right to own a house, land, or a business.
Procedure: • Vocabulary / Synonyms / Pronunciation. • The Universal Declaration of Hyman Rights/Focus on reading/ Scanning for specific information. • Expressing own opinion on Human rights. • “The more rights we have the more responsibilities we get.”/Focus on speaking. • A little humour… • How to be a responsible person. • Conclusion / What did we learn? • Assignment
Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. Examples: cruel - mean
The Universal Declaration of Hyman Rights appeared soon after World War II. People in many countries suffered greatly in the war. They hoped that war would never happen again. They hoped that the declaration would help to prevent future wars. But since that time, there has not been a time on our planet without war. To prevent war, people should understand that every person has the right to liberty, justice and equality. People should really respect the rights of other people. In other words, they should be tolerant of other cultures, religions, ideas and values that differ from theirs. This is how we can build peace in the world. Building peace begins with your family, your school and your relationships with your friends. Every day you meet people whose thoughts and ideas are different from your own. You should learn to respect the opinions and values that are different from yours. You should learn to be tolerant. But remember that you have the right to disagree with values different from your own.
Complete the sentences. Use the information from the text on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1. The declaration was important because… a) it could prevent wars. b) it appeared soon after war. 2.To prevent wars people should… a) be tolerant of other cultures, religions, ideas and the values of other people. b) fight for their rights. 3. To be tolerant means: a) to respect the rights of other people. b) to disagree with opinion and values that are different from yours.
Answer the questions on the text. • 1. When did the Declaration of Human Rights appear? • 2. What rights does every person have according to the Declaration? • 3. Can the Declaration prevent wars? If not, who can do that? • 4. What should people do to prevent wars? • 5. What does it mean to be tolerant? • 6. Does tolerance mean that you can’t disagree with other people?
Fill in the blanks with some of the following words.Mind the grammatical forms of the words. suffer justice right opinion prevent respect happen appear planet relation value equality People .......... (1) when their rights are not respected. People hoped that with the help of the declaration, wars would be …....... (2). Peace can be made if people ....…… (3) human rights. If people learn to be tolerant, wars will never .………. (4). Building peace begins in your family and in your ……….. (5) with friends. We have the right to disagree with ………. (6) different from ours. suffer prevented respect happen relations values
Place each of the following rights in the correct category. • meet or associate with others • enjoy the privacy of their homes • choose their own friends • choose their work • practice own religion • express own opinions • believe what they wish • vote • ask to change unfair laws • own property enjoy the privacy of their homes meet or associate with others choose their work choose their own friends express own opinions own property practice own religion vote believe what they wish ask to change unfair laws
Which type of right do you think is the most important? Why? If you had to give up one of your rights, which would it be? Why? Can you have rights without responsibilities? Answer the question in complete sentences.
I go to school because: • 1. My parents want me to be in school. • 2. I want to be with my friends. • 3. I want to learn about many things in this world. • 4. I like to prepare for serious work later in my life. • 5. I need education to help my family. • 6. I want to become an engineer, doctor, teacher,etc.
A little humour…
HOW TO BEA RESPONSIBLE PERSON • Be reliable and dependable; when you agree to do something, do it. • Take care of your own business. Don't make others do what you are supposed to do. • Take responsibility for your actions; don't make excuses or blame others. • Use your head; think before you act.
Conclusion • What are human rights? • What does it mean being responsible? • What did you learn from the lesson?
Assignment 1. Make a project about a person who has been important for Human Rights. It should have the following parts:a) A short biography of this person.b) Why did he/he become concerned about Human Rights?c) What important events in his/her life were related to this concern?d) Some pictures. 2. Search the Internet to find places where children around the world do not have rights that you have. Write a fact sheet. Write your own "Kids' Bill of Rights".Choose 10 rights that all young people everywhere should have. Make a banner with the "Bill of Rights" and display it in the classroom. Useful links: www.un.org www.hrweb.org http://www.coping.org/growth/accept.htm