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Organic/Sustainable Agriculture

Organic/Sustainable Agriculture. Section R SWES 316.

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Organic/Sustainable Agriculture

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  1. Organic/Sustainable Agriculture Section R SWES 316

  2. J. Patrick Madden (World Sustainable Ag. Assoc.): “Healthy soil is the foundation of a healthy society. Just like a healthy person who rarely (if ever) needs medicine, healthy soil rarely (if ever) needs synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers.” Dennis Avery (Hudson Institute for Global Food Studies): “Only high-yield farming and the careful use of fertilizer and pesticide can produce enough food for a world population expected to double by 2050. High-yield farming is saving 10 million square miles per year from the plow.” Who do you believe?

  3. SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT • Current world population is more than ________________. 75% of that is in “developing” countries. • World population in 2030 is projected to be 9-10 billion. Most of that increase will be in “developing” countries. 6,300,000,000

  4. MORE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT • Production, processing, and sale of food and fiber is _______ % of the U.S. Economy. • Slightly less than ____% of the U.S. population is directly involved in agriculture. • Agricultural productivity has increased by ______% during the past 30 years. • Of the total cost of food in the U.S., about ______% represents a return to the farmer or rancher. 18 2 300 25

  5. EVEN MORE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT agricultural • The _______________ industry is the largest source of non-point source pollution. • One-half of irrigated cropland in the U.S. is in areas where groundwater tables are declining by >1 foot/yr. • 46% of all U.S. counties are susceptible to groundwater contamination from agriculture.

  6. The Reality • Demand for food will increase in coming years, while arable land will decrease. • Increased technology in agriculture has greatly increased productivity, but has undoubtedly contributed to pollution. • These realities are inescapable.

  7. What is Sustainable Agriculture? • Sustainable agriculture is a set of practices which, over the long term, enhances environmental quality and the resource base on which agriculture depends, provides for basic human food and fiber needs, is economically viable, and enhances the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole. • Sustainable agriculture is agriculture that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

  8. What is Sustainable Agriculture? • Exact practices are not defined and are subject to interpretation and argument. • To be sustainable, cropping practices must maintain or enhance soil and water quality.

  9. Barriers to Sustainability • Soil Erosion • Water supplies • Fossil Fuels ??? • Water/Air Pollution • Nutrient supplies • Pest control • Crop Genetics • Monocultures are not sustainable, concerns about GMOs

  10. BC AB MB SK ON PQ PEI WA NB ME MT ND NS MN OR VT ID NH NY WI SD MI MA CT WY RI IA PA NE OH NJ NV IL IN MD UT DE WV CO VA MO CA KS KY NC TN OK AZ NM AR SC Potash mines MS AL GA Phosphate rock mines TX LA FL North American phosphate and potash mines

  11. World Phosphate Reserves Source: USGS Mineral Commodities Summaries, 2004

  12. According to the “Sustainable Agriculture Network” Elements of Sustainability • Integrated Pest Management • Rotational Grazing • Soil Conservation • Water Conservation/Protection • Cover Crops • Crop/Landscape diversity • Nutrient Management • Agroforestry • Marketing

  13. What is “Organic”? • Avoidance of nutrients derived from processed or synthetic sources • Avoidance of synthetic pesticides • Emphasis on nutrients from N fixation, manures, and non-processed sources • Governed by rules established by USDA National Organic Standards

  14. Why “Organic”? • Potential for less pollution when using non-processed inputs? • Improved sustainability? • Improved crop quality for human health enhancement? • Improved soil quality • Improved water quality? • Making money?

  15. Growth of Organic Farming From “Sustainable Agriculture Network”

  16. Organic Production and Plant Nutrients

  17. Crop N Uptake Soybean is a legume

  18. Possible Sources of N for Crops • Soil Humus N mineralization • Legume N fixation • Manures • Manufactured Fertilizers • Mined Fertilizers (Chilean nitrate)

  19. A Nitrogen Budget for the U.S.

  20. A Nitrogen Budget for the U.S.

  21. U.S. Fertilizer Use

  22. Nutrient Facts • Even the most optimistic calculation of manure usage in the U.S. yields only about 10 kg N/ha/yr from manure available for croplands. • Sewage sludge provides even less N, plus associated health concerns. • 25 - 33% of U.S. food production is due to the use of synthetic N fertilizers.

  23. Nutrient Facts (cont.) • An organic farm that is self-contained with respect to N will have to set aside _____% of its land for legumes in crop rotations. • It is impossible to be self-sufficient with respect to P. • No major food crops are legumes. Legume yields are usually much less than that of non-legumes. 40

  24. Notes About Organic Fertilizers • Organic Fertilizers vary in N content, but are usually <5% by weight. • Composts are usually not very effective fertilizers. • It is critical to synchronize N release from the fertilizer with N demand by the plant. • Organic fertilizers are not necessarily more “environmentally safe” than inorganic fertilizers.

  25. Mineralization of Organic Fertilizers

  26. 4 3 Daily N Uptake of cotton lb/acre 2 1 0 Mineralization of Organic Fertilizers

  27. The “P problem” in manures

  28. Crop Nutrient Uptake N/P 5.2 6.5 7.0 9.1 9.8 12.2

  29. The P Problem in Manures • Manures contain too much P in comparison to the N content. • Animals inefficiently use most plant P (phytic acid). • Traditionally, manure application rates have been determined according to crop N requirement. • This results in: • Over-application of P, buildup of P in the soil

  30. The P Problem in Manures (2) • Applying manure based on crop P need will result in: • Under-application of N • Other possible solutions • Animal diet supplementation with phytase, enzyme that breaks down phytic acid • Low-phytate corn (GMO)

  31. Animal diet directly influences P availability and fate in soil High P diet: 8.9 g P/kg Low P diet: 4.9 g P/kg no difference in STP or crop response at equivalent rates Ebeling et al., 2002

  32. UC-Davis “Sustainability” Experiment

  33. UC-Davis “Sustainability” Experiment

  34. UC-Davis “Sustainability” Experiment

  35. UC-Davis “Sustainability” Experiment

  36. Updated Results http://safs.ucdavis.ed

  37. Fertilizer vs Food Quality • How does soil/plant nutrient status affect food quality? • Does nutrient source affect food quality? From PPI

  38. Functional food examples From PPI

  39. Phytochemicals Science 285:377, 1999

  40. Potassium increases total carotenoid content and quality of tomatoes Trudel and Ozbun. 1971. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 96(6)

  41. K influences lycopene and b-carotene content of tomatoes Trudel and Ozbun. 1971. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 96(6)

  42. Treatments: F= fertigation, S= foliar F1-Jan-Mar, F2-Feb-April, F3-April-June S1-April-June, S2-May-July, S3- July-Sept B. Patil, 2001 (one year data) Texas Rio Grande Valley Effect of KNO3 on grapefruit carotenoids From PPI

  43. Nutrient Challenges for Organic Agriculture • Need for providing N • Impossible to be self-sufficient in P • Problems using manures • Problems synchronizing N release from mineralization of organic materials with crop N demand. • Note: It is usually easier to supply N to perennials organically than to annuals (lower peak N demand in perennials).

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