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Learn about animal science, meat, milk, clothing, and more in the livestock industry. Explore beef, pork, poultry, dairy, and by-products. Discover segments of the beef, pork, poultry, sheep, goat, and horse industries.
The Livestock Industry • An Introduction to the Animal Industry Georgia MSAGED6-6: Demonstrate an understanding of the area of animal science. All In One Lessons from One Less Thing
Animal Products and Uses • Meat: beef, pork, lamb, poultry • Milk and Dairy Products: cheese, butter, ice cream, yogurt • Clothing: leather and wool • By-Products: cosmetics, medicines, chewing gum, soap, gelatin, and so much more • Recreation: pets, horses, assistance animals
Where does our meat come from? • Beef: meat from cattle • Pork: meat from pigs • Lamb/Mutton: meat from lambs and sheep • Poultry: meat from chickens, turkey, and other fowl (birds)
How much meat do we eat? • In the U.S., every year the average person consumes: • 64 pounds of beef • 48 pounds of pork • 85 pounds of chicken • 17 pounds of turkey • 1 pound of lamb and mutton
The Beef Industry • the largest segment of the meat industry • most beef cattle are crossbreeds (have parents of different breeds) • four major segments: purebred, cow-calf, stocker, and feedlot operations
Segments of the Beef Industry Purebred Operations: produce the fathers and mother cattle of certain breeds Cow-Calf Operations: produce calves that are sold at weaning Stocker Operations: feed weaned calves for growth Feedlot Operations: cattle are “finished” (fattened) before being sent to slaughter
The Pork Industry • most pork is produced in the midwestern states because pigs are fed mostly corn • the mild winters, make raising pigs in the South cost efficient • breeds separated into two categories: mother breeds (produce large litters) and sire breeds (produce quality carcasses)
Phases of the Pork Industry Farrowing Operations: sows produce litters which are sold as feeder pigs shortly after weaning Growing Operations: put weight and size on feeder pigs Finishing Operations: put final conditioning on pigs to reach market weight or Farrow-to-Finish Operations: complete all phases as one producer
The Poultry Industry • The poultry industry includes the raising of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons, and game birds. • Unlike pork and beef, poultry meat is accepted by most cultures. • birds are feed efficient and the production cycle is fast
Two Types of Chickens Produced • Broilers: raised for meat in large houses • marketed at 6 to 8 weeks of age and 3 to 5 pounds • Layers: produce eggs for humans consumption • the average layer produces over 250 eggs per year
Sheep and Goat Production • meat from a sheep under 1 year of age is called lamb but from a sheep over 1 year old is called mutton • Americans eat relatively little meat from lamb and goats but we also produce them for wool. • Mohair: a type of fiber from the fleece of the Angora goat used to make wrinkle-resistant fabric
The Horse Industry • farmers once depended on horses for work but most modern uses of horses are for recreation • horses are classified according to their size as lighthorses (for riding), drafthorses (for pulling), and ponies (for children and pulling carts) • Mule: a sterile cross between a donkey and a horse
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