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Introduction to Informix Dynamic Server

Introduction to Informix Dynamic Server. Jacques Roy jacquesr@us.ibm.com. Agenda. Background Architecture Installation Managing and Monitoring Using IDS Features overview. This is not a comprehensive presentation on IDS More capabilities are covered in other presentations.

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Introduction to Informix Dynamic Server

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Informix Dynamic Server Jacques Roy jacquesr@us.ibm.com

  2. Agenda • Background • Architecture • Installation • Managing and Monitoring • Using IDS • Features overview This is not a comprehensive presentation on IDS More capabilities are covered in other presentations

  3. Informix Significant Milestones • Informix 3.3 released in 1984 • Informix-online 5.00 released in 1991 • Informix Dynamic Server 7.10 release in 1994 • Informix acquires Illustra 1996 • Informix Universal Server 9.14 released in 1997 • IBM acquires Informix in 2001 • Informix releases: • Informix Dynamic Server 11.10 July 2007 • Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 April 2008 • Current Version: 11.50.xC4

  4. Data Servers Informix Dynamic Server versions 9.x, 10.x, 11.x Informix Dynamic Server 7.x Classics Informix C-ISAM Informix Standard Engine – SE Informix Turbo Informix OnLine – Version 5.x Informix XPS 8.x Informix Red Brick 6.x Tools & Connectivity Informix 4GL Informix ESQL C Cobol Informix EGM [w/ DRDA] Informix Product Family

  5. IDS Design: Multi-threaded Architecture • Multi-threading: “In Solaris, creating a process is about 30 times slower than creating a thread, synchronization variables are about 10 times slower, and context switching about 5 times slower.” “Threads Primer”, Bill Lewis, Daniel J. BergPage 21 • Benefits: • IDS can dynamically adapt to changes in workload due to the low cost of creating and removing threads • Threads scale to higher throughput than process-based servers

  6. IDS Strengths • Simple to use • “Set it and forget it” • Comprehensive Administration features • Easy to integrate with other applications • High Performance, highly scalable OLTP • From 1 CPU to 80 or more CPUs on an SMP box • Used on Wall St. for high volume market data • Adjusts parameters based on load • Continuous availability Invisible Agile Resilient

  7. Column-level Encryption Crypto VPs* I/O Processing AIO*, LIO, PIO VPs ADM, MISC VPs Custom VPs* Java UDRs Shared Memory Buffer Pool, Locks, Sessions, etc CPU VPs Local Client Processes Extension Communications Java VPs* NET VPs* Remote Client Processes Disks SQL execution IDS Architecture

  8. Architecture Comments • Memory usage compensates for disk speed • Asynchronous I/O permit processing while waiting for I/O • Read-ahead operations anticipate needs and reduce I/O overhead • All virtual processors are multi-threaded • Reduce the number of processes needed

  9. Storage • Physical storage • Page: 2,048 to 16,384 bytes • Extent: allocation of a group of pages • Chunk: contiguous disk storage (device or file) • Maximum size 2GB or 4TB • Maximum 32,766 chunks • Logical storage • dbspace, blobspace, sbspace, temporary dbspace,temporary sbspace • extspace • tblspace • Maximum of around 32,000 dbspaces (max size 8PB) • Objects • Databases, tables, indices

  10. Installation

  11. Installation Components

  12. \dbssodir \lib \aaodir \gls \etc \demo … \bin IDS Directory Structure \IDS_home (IDS_HOME set by $INFORMIXDIR environment variable) oninit, onstat, onmode, ontape, etc SQLHOSTS, ONCONFIG \extend datablades Default location for cooked Data files \IFMXDATA \Instance

  13. Setting up an Informix Instance • Environment variables: • INFORMIXDIR • Location of the Informix installation • INFORMIXSERVER • Name of the server • ONCONFIG • Name of the instance configuration file • INFORMIXSQLHOSTS • Connectivity information • PATH • Include the $INFORMIXDIR/bin directory • Many others • Terminal setup, localization, localization formatting, etc.

  14. Configuration files: $ONCONFIG • Located in $INFORMIXDIR/etc • Default name: onconfig • Start with a copy of onconfig.std • Important parameters: • DBSERVERNAME, SERVERNUM • ROOTNAME, ROOTPATH, ROOTSIZE • LOGFILES, LOGSIZE • PHYSBUFF, PHYSFILE • NETTYPE

  15. Configuration files: $INFORMIXSQLHOST • Located in $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory • Default name: sqlhosts • In the registry for windows • Defines how a client can connect to an instance • Dbservername, nettype, hostname, servicename, options

  16. Starting IDS: oninit • oninit executes and puts itself in the background • Options: (partial) -v: verbose -i: initialize the instance -y: assume a “yes” answer to any prompt • Examples: • oninit –ivy Start the server and initialize the instance • oninit –v Start the instance providing verbose output of the status

  17. Stopping IDS: onmode • onmode -k brings down the server • Other options: (partial) -c Force a checkpoint -l Switch the logical log file -p Add/remove virtual processors -Y Dynamically change SET EXPLAIN -z Kill a server session

  18. Monitoring IDS • System Monitoring Interface (SMI) • System catalog tables in the sysmaster database • onstat • Options: (partial) -- Print onstat options and functions - Print output header -d Print chunks information -D Print page-read page-written information -g buf Print buffer pool profile information -u Print user activity profile

  19. Storage Management: onspaces • Add/Remove chinks, and all types of dbspaces • Rename all types of dbspaces • Example:Create a dbspace of 20MB with a page size of 8KB: onspaces -c -d -p $INFORMIXDIR/DATA/myspace.dat -s 20480 -k 8

  20. Other Utilities (partial) • onparams: Add/Drop logical logs, change physical log parameters, add a new buffer pool • ontape: Backup/restore a database • oncheck: check database objects integrity • ondblog: change database logging mode • onlog: Display the content of logical log files

  21. SQL Query Drilldown • Provide detail information about SQL statements. • Information available through onstat or sysmaster database. • Dynamically configurable • task() and admin() functions • By default disabled • See: SQLTRACE • Global and User Tracing. • Table:sysmaster.syssqltrace

  22. OpenAdmin Tool for IDS (OAT) • Web Access • Graphical Interface • Drill down to complete details • Administer multiple remote servers • Easy to Customize • Open Source • PHP-based • Uses IDS SQL Admin API

  23. Database Alerts

  24. DBSpace Explorer Click a space name for more details Create a new space

  25. DBSpace Explorer Details • Summary, Admin, Tables Extents

  26. Performance History Graph

  27. Query Drill Down

  28. SQL by Transaction

  29. Operating System Information

  30. Session Explorer • List of all database server sessions • Ability to kill user sessions • Drill down into a users session for more details

  31. Session Explorer Details - SQL

  32. Accessing IDS: dbaccess • Can be used in full screen mode or in command line mode • Can execute the content of a file:dbaccess stores mycmd.sql

  33. Creating a Database • Can be done through dbaccess “database” menu • Can be done using CREATE DATABASE • Options:

  34. Create a Table • Can be done through dbaccess “Table” menu • Can be done using CREATE TABLE

  35. Create Table (cont.)

  36. SELECT company_id, SUM(amount) FROM tab WHERE company_id = 57 AND transaction_date BETWEEN ’04/01/08’ AND ’06/30/08’ GROUP BY company_id; group sort Iterators scan empty Oct-Dec Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Jan-Mar IDS Fragmentation Performance and Availability Feature

  37. IDS 11 Features

  38. IDS 11 Features

  39. IDS 11 Features

  40. Automatic Update Statistics (AUS) • Automatically maintain optimizer statistics • Simplifies the repetitive maintenance work on the database to ensure optimal performance • Easy setup and administration • Implemented via set of procedures • Easy admin of AUS policies via OAT

  41. RTO policy to manage server restart • RTO: Recovery Time Objective • Set the amount of time, in seconds, that IDS has to recover from a problem after the server restart • Set by creating RTO policy using RTO_SERVER_RESTART configuration parameter

  42. Two threads, 4 dbspaces Thread1 Thread2 Thread1 Thread2 DBS3 DBS3 DBS2 DBS4 DBS1 DBS4 DBS1 DBS2 Time Good ordering (New) Bad ordering (Earlier) Automatic ordering of dbspaces during backup and restore • Intelligent ordering of dbspaces during backup and restore to achieve maximum parallelism • Dbspaces restored in the same order as backup • Reduces the backup and restore time

  43. Sysdbopen()/Sysdbclose() • Sysdbopen()/Sysdbclose() UDRs • Executed after a successful open/close db or connect/disconnect • Set execution parameters • Send alerts • Begin auditing • Different versions per user or for PUBLIC • Does not execute on remote UDRs or distributed DMLs • Can be defined by DBA and user Informix

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