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FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF PLANETARY SYSTEMS: PROBING INITIAL CONDITIONS AND OUTCOMES WITH E-ELT. Michael R. Meyer Institute for Astronomy Department of Physics (and many, many, others) HARMONI Early Science, Oxford, 2 July, 2015.

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  1. FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF PLANETARY SYSTEMS: PROBING INITIAL CONDITIONS AND OUTCOMES WITH E-ELT Michael R. Meyer Institute for Astronomy Department of Physics (and many, many, others) HARMONI Early Science, Oxford, 2 July, 2015

  2. What we need to explain…Pepe, Ehrenreich, & Meyer, 2014, Nature, V513, 358

  3. Collapsing Cores & Specific Angular Momentum M(accr) Time Williams & Cieza (2011) ARAA; see also Belloche (2013)

  4. Structure of Protostellar Disks 1 AU 100 AU From M. Meyer, Physics World, November, 2009 Based on Dullemond et al. (2001) with artwork from R. Hurt (NASA)

  5. JWST/ELT Complementary Capabilities Physical Resolution: 15 pc 50 pc 150 pc 450 pc JWST 1.65 mm 1 AU 3 AU 10 AU 30 AU 10 mm 7 AU 20 AU 60 AU 180 AU ELT 1.65 mm .2 AU .5 AU 1.5 AU 5 AU 10 mm 1 AU 3 AU 10 AU 30 AU Spectral Resolution : R = 100 (molecular features) JWST R = 1000 (atomic features) JWST R = 10,000 (30 km/sec) ELT R = 100,000 (3 km/sec) ELT Field of View: 2’ (star clusters within 1 kpc) JWST 1.5” (circumstellar disk at 150 pc) ELT

  6. METIS Instrument Baseline • Imaging at 3 – 19 μm. with low/medium resolution slit spectroscopy as well as coronagraphy for high contrast imaging. • High resolution (R ~ 100,000) IFU spectroscopy at 3 – 5 μm, including extended instantaneous wavelength coverage. • Work at the diffraction limit with single conjugate (SC) and eventually assisted by a laser tomography adaptive optics (LTAO) system.

  7. Instrument Concept Common Fore-Optics AO Wavefront Sensor Imager IFU Spectrograph Warm Calibration Unit as well as Q!

  8. (SC)AO Performance D=39m, V=6 guide star, 100 Hz closed loop H band LM band N band

  9. Probing Planet-Forming Disks from 1-1000 mm Follette et al. (2015), van der Marel et al. (2013); METIS/MICADO/ALMA Science

  10. Inner CO Gas vs. Outer Dust Continuum: Pinella et al. (2015); Pontoppidan et al. (2008); METIS/HARMONI Science

  11. (Multiple) Planet Forming Disks: HD 100546 L-band Scattered Light Spectro-astrometry with CRIRES Avenhaus et al. (2014) Brittain et al. (2014)

  12. (Multiple) Planet Forming Disks: HD 100546 Not yet detected in K-band (Quanz et al. 2013; 2015b)and there are other examples…

  13. Direct Detection (and Characterization) of Circumplanetary Disks Quanz et al. (2015b); METIS/HARMONI/MICADO Science

  14. Direct Detection of Thermal Emission for Planets of Known Mass with E-ELT: Calibrating the Models RV+Gaia follow-up requires imaging photometry and IFU spectroscopy! Quanz et al. (2015a); METIS/MICADO/HARMONI Science

  15. Phenomenological Planet Populations: RV Data GI CA Benz et al. (2014); Galvagni & Mayer (2014); Forgan & Rice (2013)

  16. Direct (Non-) Detections of Gas Giant Planets Few massive planets at large orbital radii. [>3 Mjup @ > 50 AU] dN/da ~ ab NACO-LP: Chauvin et al. (2014) Not good for GI Lafrenerie et al. (2007); Nielssen & Close (2009); Heinze et al. (2010); Chauvin et al. (2010); Delorme et al. (2011); Vigan et al. (2012); Reggiani et al. (submitted); SPHERE+ERIS

  17. DIRECT IMAGING: DISRUPTING PLANET FORMATION THEORY WITH THE E-ELT • Start with a fit to RV distributions (Cumming et al. 2008) with brown dwarf companions (Reggiani et al. submitted) • Evidence for dependence of Co, planet frequency over range of mass and orbital radius, on stellar mass (Johnson et al. 2010; Clanton et al. 2014). • Initial conditions (and theory) suggest dependence on ratio of planet mass to star mass. • RV/micro-lensing/Imaging consistent with log-normal surface density peaking at 10 AU (Meyer et al. in prep).

  18. METIS The Survey: 75 G stars < 50 pc < 300 Myr HARMONI Follow-up Required! Log(Jupiter Mass) -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Log(Jupiter Mass) -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 10 20 30 40 50 Separation (AU) 10 20 30 40 50 Separation (AU)

  19. High Resolution Spectra of Brown Dwarfs and Planets:METIS/HARMONI Characterization Science Brown dwarf doppler imaging with CRIRES Wind speeds on planets with CRIRES Crossfield et al. (2014) Snellen et al. (2014)

  20. Star Clusters, Disks, & Planets: E-ELT Opportunities SYNERGIES => Building on legacy of VLT: E-ELT, JWST, and ALMA. => METIS and first-light instruments HARMONI & MICADO. STAR CLUSTERS => Resolved IMFs within 10 Mpc. DISKS => E-ELT will resolve planet-forming disks (gas and dust) inside 10 AU. => Spectro-astrometry: of what are forming planets in disks made? => E-ELT will detect planets in formation (and circumplanetary disks). PLANETS => Direct detection of planets with known mass (constrain models). => Collide planet formation theory with planet populations vs. stellar mass. => Characterize gas giant planets, including phase maps, and weather! => Possible to image (and characterize) a handful of super-earths.


  22. Resolved Stellar Pops: HARMONI/MICADO @ Confusion Limit 0.5 kpc 5 kpc PSF MMT-AO 6.5m PSF Simulated Trapezium Observations R(Sky Noise) = 1 Rc = 0.2 pc from Close et al. 2003. using Hillenbrand & Carpenter (2000). Hcomp(at Rc) < 24 mag 25 kpc 50 kpc 0.5 Mpc R(sky noise) = 2.5 Rc = 0.5 pcR(Sky Noise) = 4 Rc = 0.8 pcR(Sky Noise) > 20 Rc = 4-5 pc Hcomp(at Rc) < 17.8 mag. Hcomp(at Rc) < 15.3 mags. Core Radius not resolved.

  23. Primordial Disk Evolution: A Scenario… Volatiles (Ciesla et al; Banzatti et al.) Few AU Williams & Cieza ARAA (2011); Effects of Photoevaporation? Ercolano et al. (2015)

  24. Typical Disk Parameters Taken from (or interpolated/extrapolated from): Muzerolle et al. (2003), Andrews & Williams (2007), Hernandez et al. (2008), Isella et al. (2009)

  25. Circumplanetary Disk Detection with ALMA (mm grains) From Pineda et al. Cycle 3 Proposal (submitted)

  26. CA Phenomenology: Planet Masses and Orbits Solid growth time: tp ~ Rprp / [ Sd x d] with Sd~ M*/a and d~ sqrt(M*/a3) tp ~ a5/2/ [M*3/2] cf. gas disk lifetime td ~ 1/M* Given aouter, there is a timescale td ~ 1/M* giving Rp. aouter ~ [td M*3/2]2/5 ~ M*1/5 Very hard to form critical mass core beyond 10s of AU (all stars). If Mp set by disk accretion: Mp ~ [dMacc/dt ] td ~ M*2 x (1/M*) ~ M* Planet Mass linearly related to star mass.

  27. GI Phenomenology: Planet Masses and Orbits Toomre Parameter: Q ~ cs(a) W/ GS(a) with Sd ~ M*/a, d~ sqrt(M*/a3), and cs ~ sqrt(T) ~ (M*/a)1/4 Q ~ 1/ [M*1/4 a3/4] Depends “weakly” on stellar mass, more strongly on radius. For typical disk parameters, should operate > 50 AU. Typical fragment mass would be ~ cs4/S(a) ~ 5 Mjupiter. Massive planets, beyond 50 AU, independent of stellar mass.

  28. Companions to Stars: Brown Dwarfs and Planets Reggiani et al. (2011; 2013; 2015); Sahlman et al. (2011)

  29. Planet Populations versus Stellar Mass: Co ~ M* Mp/M* Meyer, Reggiani, & Quanz (in preparation)

  30. Can ELTs Directly Image Super-Earths? Hinz et al. (2010), Quanz et al. (2015) and the METIS Science Team

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