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Eadweard Muybridge , The Horse in Motion , 1878

“Modern” Form: Repetition and Fragmentation Andy Warhol , 32 Soup Cans , 1961-62 Donald Judd , Untitled , 1970.

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Eadweard Muybridge , The Horse in Motion , 1878

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Modern” Form: Repetition and FragmentationAndy Warhol, 32 Soup Cans, 1961-62Donald Judd, Untitled, 1970

  2. Edgar Degas (French Realist/Impressionist Painter and Sculptor, 1834-1917)Frieze of Dancers, 1895, oil on canvas, 27 3/4 x 79”Multiple views of a single figure, an approach that violated the traditional notion that a painting must represent a unity of time, place, and viewpoint

  3. Eadweard Muybridge, The Horse in Motion, 1878

  4. Etienne-Jules Marey, 'photographic gun,‘ 1881, which took twelve consecutive pictures per second.

  5. Giacomo Balla (Italian Futurist), Girl Running on a Balcony, 1912, oil on canvas

  6. Giacoma Balla, Swallows, 1913, oil on canvas

  7. Sculpture exhibition Paris World Fair 1900

  8. (left) Auguste Rodin (French Sculptor, 1840-1917) in studio with collection of antique sculptures: fragments with Balzac study (right) and his own “fragments”

  9. Auguste Rodin, Gates of Hell, 1880-1917, with detail (left)

  10. Detail of Rodin’s Gates of Hell: Fugit Amor

  11. Rodin, Detail of Gates of Hell with The Thinker Durer, Melancholia, etching, 1515

  12. Rodin, Gates of Hell, Three Shades, with tourist photo (center) in Paris and single Shade at the Atlanta High Museum

  13. Constantin Brancusi (Romania, 1876-1957) (left)Vitellius, 1898(right) Brancusi in Paris studio, 1933The Saint of Montparnasse Brancusi was an admirer of 17th c. Tibetan monk and poet, Milarepa of the Himalayas

  14. Brancusi, Child Supplicant, bronze 1906 and Newborn, 1915 (right)

  15. Brancusi, Sleeping Muse, life-size, bronze, 1910

  16. Brancusi, The Origin of the World, 1924

  17. (left) Brancusi, Sleep, 1908(right) Medardo Rosso (Italian 1858-1917) Ecce Puer, 1896“We are nothing but a play of light” (Rosso)

  18. Constantin Brancusi, The Kiss, 1907 version (left) and the Memorial park at Tîrgu Jiu, Romania showing the TheGate of the Kiss, 1937 and part of contemplation group The Kiss, which symbolizes the marriage of the material and the spiritual, life and death, and in general the dialectical unification of the dualities of human experience

  19. Brancusi, Table of Silence, Memorial Park at Tirgu Jiu, Romania, 1937

  20. Brancusi, Endless Column, Memorial park at Tirjiu Jiucast iron with copper coating, 1937

  21. Brancusi, Endless Column, (left) under reconstruction, 1999(center) Segments of Endless Column(right) Donald Judd, Untitled, 1970

  22. Brancusi, Bird in Space, 1925, marble, stone, and wood Brancusi’s Paris studio 1927 – photographs by artist“All my life I have sought the essence of flight. Don’t look for mysteries. I give you pure joy. Look at the sculptures until you see them. Those closest to God have seen them”

  23. Brancusi studio, Beaubourg, Paris

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