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FORUM ON NEXT GENERATION STANDARDIZATION (Colombo, Sri Lanka, 7-10 April 2009). A Profile of Future Market Expectations of Next Gen Networks & Technologies. Rasantha Hettithanthrige, Senior General Manager Engineering & Operations Mobitel (Pvt) Limited.
FORUM ON NEXT GENERATION STANDARDIZATION (Colombo, Sri Lanka, 7-10 April 2009) A Profile of Future Market Expectations of Next Gen Networks & Technologies Rasantha Hettithanthrige, Senior General Manager Engineering & Operations Mobitel (Pvt) Limited
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” • Imagine after a early start in Office you thought of having a Lunch-out with 3 of your close friends • You had sent a “lets eat” message, one guy received the message on his “wrist based” device which will be referred to as “Commie”; short form for the “Communicator” • Then you receive an in-bound communication on your wrist-pad commie which gently squeeze your wrist & vibrate, the outer ring glows and an agreeable glide of tones emits forth.
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” • For a inbound communication you have a multitude of options in responding thanks to the powers of world of IP(Internet Protocol) and “SIP” (Session Initiation Protocol) • With SIP you will not get just an alert • You will get alerted with a “tag line” created by translating voice to text.
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” • No awkward chatting with your cuffs as the latest Bluetooth earpiece turned out cheaply to match the profile of your ear using a “laser modeling scanner” at a Walk-in booth of a mobile phone Shop. Due to the next generation Zinc-Aircell technology this device is quite light & has a long battery life
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” • You received a textual message from one of your office mates; “ can review last month’s sales “, you divert that call to another colleague to whom you have assigned that task who was at a meeting thus converted the call to a brief IM (Instant Messaging) session with the caller leaving the details to be discussed for another time. • You realizing its rude to handle office matters during lunch with outsiders, switch your “Presence State” to “Out at Lunch”
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” • You initiate the lunch session by a “Hot Button” labeled “lets eat” and selected the invitees from the “Cool Friends” folder which includes associates you have met face-to-face and in Cyber-space too (e-mails, chat sessions, soul-mates of Amazon) • Then you want to pick a good place, you have the option of selecting some place from “Place Finder” or “Near-by-places” • You can choose a place which exist in the menu as the invitees have been to the place before; social influence constantly shape the user experience • This message is sent using MMS technology to your friends who has the option of selecting ‘available’, ‘not available’ and ‘change time’. One voting is over the converged time & the acceptors are notified to you
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” • You have a little bit of time till your friends “Home-in” using their digital maps, till then you choose to check your “Wish List” at Amazon, which is nicely placed in your task-list using web services and XML( eXtensible Markup Language) • Armed with your wish list you visit the near-by bookshop & and see a book from your wish list on the shelf, read the barcode using your phone to send it to your Amazon soul-mates to comment on it. • Gone are the days of apprehensions of buying the wrong goods leaving lot of time for you to worry about the uncertainties of Post mobile Age; Instant Information, Instant Decision & Instant Gratification
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” You notice that your meeting time is approaching & would like to pop in to the nearby cloth shop, but not sure whether you have enough time. You pull out your “buddy finder” screen and find the “nearest friend” to be 5 minutes away and you hit “Push-to-Talk” and your voice blurts out from you buddy’s commies and find u have few minutes to satisfy “Fashion Needs” Then with satisfaction of you being able to use your idle time gainfully you step in to the cloths shop to check out your favorite designer line.
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” Finally your party comes together & talk about the place to eat, you physically see a newly opened “Bristo”, while consensus is reached you all want check for Opinions. Finding the “Bristo” in the listing is easy, as it appears in the “Nearby Places” menu having your location being known to the system You find one of your acquaintances find a bad comment owing to the scant vegetarian menu, fortunately there is an alternative suggestion with a fantastic array of vegetarian options & all converge on that option
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” All agree that food was great and it was worth the visit. Unlike in the past splitting the bill is made easier thanks to the M-payments, bill is barcoded and each of you scan it on to the commie & settle your portion electronically. Then each of you receive a courtesy message with a coupon to be utilized in a future occasion provided that each of you post a review about the restaurant within a week. These reviews will be pinned on to “Space” near by the restaurant for others to read
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” • After the meal before you all dispersed you exchange detail about a “Book Reading Event” with one of the fellow “book-worms” • As you melts into the swarm of shoppers on your way to the taxi stand you get an alert on your commie with an icon of a “pulsating brain” glowing with red color indicating someone with a potentially similar interest profile as yours is nearby. • This is possible as willing “socialites” would make some personal profiles public so that you can opt to “Mesh with” such personalities who will pass your nomadic neighborhood. • While u travel back to your office a message pops-up indicating that the latest “single communications bill” encompassing all the services, is available for you to view on your mobile portal and if everything is ok with the facility to pay through your direct Debit or the credit card
Opening the MindTrip into the very “Near Future” • While you travel back to your office a message pops-up indicating that the latest “communications bill” is available for you to view on your mobile portal and if everything is ok with the facility to pay through your direct Debit or the credit card • This bill will have relevant charges for all the services you enjoyed for the billed duration
Realizing the DreamKiller Service Creation “Accommodating a wider range of human habits is the general design aim of Technology, not to shoehorn users in to new habits”
Realizing the DreamDefinition for Mobile Services “Service which enables the ability to interact successfully, confidently and easily with interesting and readily available content, people or devices while freely moving anywhere we are likely to go in conducting our usual day-to-day business & social lives”
Realizing the DreamModel for Mobile Service Creation “The History of telecommunications services in recent decades does not fill us with optimism that we know what society wants, or even that we know how to go about finding answers to this question” Robert Lucky a Telecommunications Sage • Fields of Dreams Approach; “If you build it, they will come” • Prime example is the “World Wide Web” which did not have “prior business case” or “Analysts Model” which would have predicted or dictated its current success.
Realizing the DreamModel to ensure Value Creation “ The ‘killer apps’ of tomorrow's mobile infocom industry won’t be hardware devices or software programs, but social practices. The most far reaching changes will come, as they often do, from the kind of relationships, enterprises, communities and markets that infrastructure makes it possible” Smart Mobs – Howard Rheingold Killer Cocktail Vs Killer App Ahonen’s “Five M’s” approach gives us a model to scrutinize any Mobile Service Offering for “Value Creation”
Realizing the DreamDiverse aspects of Value Creation • Ahonen’s Five M’s • Movement – escaping the fixed place enabled by adaptation of interfaces to the context. • Moment – expanding the concept of time with the ability to postpone, catch-up later, bringing forward & multi-tasking. • Me – myself & my community, high degree of customization, on demand service creation, probably the most important of all “M” • Money – expending financial resources, support for financial transactions • Machines – empowering gadgets, M2M
Realizing the DreamEvolutionary Phases of Technology Introduction State of Technology Evolution End 2005
Realizing the DreamKey Stake Holders, their Interests & Challenges
Realizing the DreamKey Stake-Holders User Community Operator Community Supplier Community Regulator
Realizing the DreamExpectations of the User Community • Rising performance & quality • Mobility for all applications • Personalisation & participation • Ubiquity of access • Lower unit Prices ( due to innovative bundling of services) • Single interaction with service providers for the required bundle of services.
Realizing the DreamExpectations & Challenges of the Operator Community • Operators as buyers of Infra use NGN as a Vision to nurture & expand the future of Mobile Eco-system. • Improve existing 3G technology cost efficiency, end-to-end latency • New services already enabled with 3G (VT, IM, Push Content, etc) • 3G / NGMN coexistence, legacy network compatible • Full re-use of existing local network assets (incl. spectrum, masts etc).
Realizing the DreamExpectations & Challenges of the Supplier Community Introduction of new technology gives rise to “Pain Points” for operators, supplier community needs to address this & ensure this transition is smooth for operators Otherwise even mature international players even take a stance of clinging onto the relatively older technology specially in low ARPU markets like ours as a strategy. Optimization of the “User Interface” & “User Behavior”
Realizing the DreamExpectations & Challenges of the Regulator NGMNs will give rise to open standards which will make mobile markets even more competitive. • An evolution of mobile network technology • No step change / inclusion of IMS within GSMA • No withdrawal of resources currently being used by commercial partners or competitors • Key challenges being addressed by the industry • New IPR regime • Open standard network and O&M interfaces / network protection & encryption • Improved terminal certification • Relevance of existing regulatory frameworks • Economics of NGMN essentially the same as for 3G • Technologically neutral regulation • Lesser regulatory intervention on Bottle-neck resources with the introduction of IP based inter-working which will bring a number of inter-working models