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Explore the dynamics of supernova remnants (SNRs) using Astro-H to unravel mysteries of cosmic phenomena. SNRs are crucial in understanding cosmic rays, galaxies, elemental origins, pulsar physics, and more. Astro-H's strengths include exceptional spectral resolution and ion evaluation, with weaknesses in spatial resolution. Investigate SNRs' evolution, 3-D structure, shock physics, and evolutionary states. Discover the potential of measuring velocity shifts, bulk velocities, and temperature dynamics in SNRs. Astro-H offers unique insights into SNR complexities and promises breakthrough discoveries in astrophysics.
Supernova Remnant Dynamics: Opportunities for Astro-H Knox S. Long, AyaBamba And SNR Dynamics WPT
Why observe SNRs with Astro-H – Science • SNRs are particle accelerators and sources of cosmic rays and high energy gamma rays that we do not understand well • SNRs are an important part of the life cycle of stars and affect how galaxies evolve • Source of energy and heavy elements that stirs and mixes the ISM • The Fe in our bodies came to us via Ia SN explosions and the distribution and reassembly of the material into the solar system and our bodies • SNRs contain young pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae and we would like to understand the physics of these objects and the particles they acclerate • SNRs are probes for understanding SN explosions • Elemental abundances allow us to determine the type of a SN • Distribution of material has implications for the explosion process • Astrophysical laboratory that cannot be duplicated on earth • Shock physics • Plasma processes
Astro-H strengths and weaknesses for SNRs • Strengths • Outstanding spectral resolution (4-6 eV) • Doppler tomography • Global structure of the ejecta • Kinematic determination of in temperatures • Allows isolation of lines for detailed line diagnostics • New ion and better evaluation of many more ion species • Constraints on nature of explosion, abundances of mass and of ejecta • Search for ejecta in older objects • Broad energy band coverage with high spectral resolution • Cleaner separation of thermal and non-thermal components • Studies of cosmic ray pressure mediated shocks • Identification of thermal continua, e.g recombination • Weaknesses • Spatial resolution (compared to Chandra and XMM) • Hard to isolate different regions of SNRs • Global modeling of SNR spectra will be extremely complicated
Scope of the SNRs dynamics WPT • There are many aspects of SNR research that can be carried out with Astro-H • In our initial discussions the SNR dynamics WPT has is concentrating on measurements that involve bulk velocities or velocity widths • But problems of understanding SNRs cannot easily be isolated from one another • Example – To attempt to use Astro H to separate the primary and reverse shock requires and understanding of abundances in the ejecta and ISM
What is SNR dynamics Velocity and velocity widths • How can Astro-H be used to determine the 3-D structure of young SNRs? • Distribution and velocity structure of the ejecta and nature of SN explosions • Asymmetry of explosions from differences asymmetries in profile shapes and non-radial profile variations • Signature of the way the explosion proceeds by measuring velocity shifts between ions • Importance of instabilities in the expansion • Difference in velocities of different (forward and reverse shock) both through elemental abundances and velocity widths • Visual appearance suggests the forward and reverse shocks are not well resolved in young SNRs. • Use velocity structure to separate CSM, reverse shock, and forward shock • What can velocity widths measured with Astro H at shock front tell us about shock physics? • Bulk velocity measures shock speed and compression • Thermal widths provide direct measure of the temperature of post-shock gas without complicated atomic physics and the gas pressure for comparions with the total pressure
SNR dynamics (cont.) • Evolutionary state of SNRs • The actual evolutionary state of SNRs particularly, including mixed morphology objects like W28 and W49B is quite uncertain • Some are claimed to be cavity explosions or in other cases SNRs which have a strong interaction with a local ISM • Velocity structure of mixed morphology SNRs • Cavity explosions – fundamental question one would like to answer is how to determine how environment affects the appearance of a SNR. Mixed morphology SNRs are a prime example. Are they old or are they cavity explosions. Velocity structure might determine this • Direct velocity measurement of shock velocity at the center of a SNR plus measurement of proper motion of filaments at edge (x-ray/optical) provides a distance estimate • 3-d structure of old SNRs • Shock cloud interactions
Tycho’s SNR • In Tycho with Suzaku • The FWHM varies from 210 eV to 130 eV. • The center width due either • expansion of the shell, or • changes in the temperature with R • The edge is broader than a simple NEI model --> TFe ~ 1-3 x 1010 K, which is roughly what one expects • In Tycho with Astro-H • Measure the velocity of the reverse shock • Probe radial distribution of material in the shock • Measure the post-shock velocity of ions in the shell, providing independent measure of the ion temperature • May be able to measure the difference in velocity of forward and reverse shocks, depending on the structure • Astro-H will be dynamite for this problem Furusawa et al 2010 Si region - +-1000 km vs 0 km
Kepler’s SNR • Of interest in part because of interaction with CSM which suggests a single degenerate origin • How does it differ from other Ia SNRs
SN1006 Schweitzer-Middledtich star - Si II 1260 A • SN1006 has been observed in absorption along at 3 lines of sight - SM star and two quasars • The center contains unshocked gas • The velocity of reverse shock is known • Astro-H observations of these lines of sight • Probe material at the reverse shock interface Yamguchi et al. 2009
Cas A and other core collapse SNRs • Delaney et al. have used Spitzer and CXO to produce a 3-d map of the SN • a spherical component, a tilted thick disk, and multiple ejecta jets/pistons and optical fast-moving knots all populating the thick disk plane. • Cas A • Size of 180” means that Astro-H can only resolve into a small number of elements. • Nevertheless largest and brightest core-collapse SN • Other objects, e. g. N132D and E102-70.3 also easily accessible to Astro-H • Essentially unresolved so will require modelling using Chandra or XMM-images to aid in the analysis
SN 1987A • Dewey et al. (2008) analysis of HETG data show lower than expected bulk velocities (300-700 km s-1) and deceleration since earlier LETG • Velocity widths are broader than expected • Expansion velocity of ring inferred from spectra much less than the expansion velocity of ring in X-ray image
Other young SNe and their intercation with the CSM • NGC4449 almost impossible to analyze at existing spectral resolution, but could be observed more effectively with Astor H • SN1996cr with HETG 489 ks in 2009 is an example of a young SN for which a spectrum could be obtained to measure both the nature of the interaction with the CSM and abundances in the ejecta
Topics not addressed here, but which some WPT should include • Determining what type of SN explosion caused a SNR • Fundamental issue for establishing how SN interact with their environment. Particularly important for middle aged SNRs • Can we confirm the basics of the delayed detonation model which argues that Ni mass is the primary discriminator in SN light Light echoes and X-ray spectra • 0509-67.5 in LMC a luminous 1a • Tycho a normal 1a • Can we confirm that RCW86 is a Ia explosion in a cavity • Can we confirm Pre-SN metallicity from Mn/Cr ratio • Direct detection of SN ejecta including masses of the biproducts • Use velocity information to inform modles
What is needed to make these observations possible with Astro-H • Best energy resolution possible to measure broadening of lines, particularly of low z ions • Accurate energy calibration to enable to measure velocity shifts accurately • Best point spread function possible with as simple a structure as possible • Excellent knowledge of point spread function to enable modeling of effect of spatial resolution models on knowledge