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The International Baccalaureate Teacher Award at Bilkent University

The International Baccalaureate Teacher Award at Bilkent University Sunday, 30 October, 2011 IBAEM Regional Conference. The International Baccalaureate Teacher Award at Bilkent University.

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The International Baccalaureate Teacher Award at Bilkent University

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The International Baccalaureate Teacher Award at Bilkent UniversitySunday, 30 October, 2011IBAEM Regional Conference

  2. The International Baccalaureate Teacher Award at Bilkent University 1. Context: Bilkent University, its values, and developing I.B. schools, and the Graduate School of Education 2. Program: Mapping course activities onto IBTAareas of inquiry 3. Challenges faced in Year 1 of the IBTA (2010-2011)

  3. Values at Bilkent University • Bilkent = Turkish for “City of learning & science” • Founded in 1984 as the first private university in Turkey • Meritocratic enterprise • International research

  4. Values at Bilkent University • Concern for Education • Foundation, not for profit • High level of scholarship support by merit • Rigorous assessment and graduation criteria • Setting up Bilkent schools(5 to date; 3 more in the works) • Bilkent University Graduate School of Education

  5. Four Bilkent Schools

  6. Bilkent School in Erbil (currently Pre-K, K, 1st and 2nd grades) 6

  7. Bilkent Graduate School of Educationhttp://www.gse.bilkent.edu.tr/ • Started in 2000, dedicated to preparing well-qualified high school teachers. • Current GSE programs include: • MA in Curriculum & Instruction with Teaching Certificate (CITE) • MA in Curriculum & Instruction (in-service) • MA in Management & Education (in-service) • MA in TEFL (in-service) • PhD in Curriculum & Instruction

  8. Hours that our CITE students spend in schools learning to be teachers…

  9. Review of IBTA values at Bilkent GSE In March 2011 survey of first cohort in IBTA, 21/23 students agreed or strongly agreed that our program was supporting the following values. • Enhancing teaching and learning • Two students who disagreed with this value felt that we have too many courses, covering too much content, preventing students from learning as fully as possible. • Fostering communication and collegiality • Encouraging innovation and risk taking • Promoting inter-cultural understanding and respect • Acknowledgment of diversity and multiple perspectives • Supporting reflection and professional learning

  10. The Program: CITE-IBTA framework • How are we integrating IBTA into our CITE curricula? • Why is the framework so complicated? • How are we blending theory and practice?





  15. Challenges… Allocating time: Prioritizing with other demands • Ideas for reducing redundancy across courses. • Balancing YÖK requirements with thesis work with teaching certificate and work in schools. • How to ensure coverage of IB without doing injustice to other curricular frameworks that may help students in their future careers?

  16. Challenges… Student perspectives: • Requested more IB in some courses (math & TLL/CR), less in others. • Too much content coverage of wide range of I.B. topics in 510/511. • Would prefer focused IB coverage in Methods/CR courses, less in general courses. • Continue improvement of using OCC for course activities. • Tone down the IB Learner Profile; over zealous in first year.

  17. Challenges… Faculty discussions • More IB in practical ways in Methods/CR, less in general theory courses. • Strategies for using OCC, forums, and other web sites for particular course needs. • Ongoing discussions about aligning Methods & CR. • Natural inclination of some students for doing thesis research in our I.B. schools.

  18. GSE-IBTA Reference Moodle http://gen.moodle.bilkent.tr

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