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Latin Root Jeopardy

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Latin Root Jeopardy

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Latin Root Jeopardy Words Their Way 2012

    3. SPECT 100 One who watches; an onlooker spectator

    4. SPECT 200 The prospect of good to come; anticipation expectation

    5. SPECT 300 To regard with suspicion and mistrust suspect

    6. SPECT 400 Verb: to esteem Noun: regard, deference Literally: to look again respect

    7. SPECT 500 Looking around, watchful, prudent circumspect

    8. FORM 100 One form or style of clothing such as is worn by nurses uniform

    9. FORM 200 One who does not conform nonconformist

    10. FORM 300 To form or make anew, to reclaim reform

    11. FORM 400 To change into another substance, change of form transform

    12. FORM 500 Disfigurement, spoiling the shape deformity

    13. PORT 100 Goods brought into a country from another country to be sold import

    14. PORT 200 One who carries burdens for hire porter

    15. PORT 300 To remove from one place to another transport

    16. PORT 400 To give an account of report

    17. PORT 500 A case for carrying loose papers portfolio

    18. TRACT 100 Adjective: having power to attract; alluring; inviting attractive

    19. TRACT 200 A powerful motor vehicle for pulling farm machinery, heavy loads, etc. tractor

    20. TRACT 300 The power to grip or hold to a surface while moving, without slipping traction

    21. TRACT 400 An agreement; literally, to draw together contract

    22. TRACT 500 To take apart from the rest, to deduct subtract

    23. DICT 100 A book containing the word of a language explained dictionary

    24. DICT 200 A speaking against, a denial contradiction

    25. DICT 300 A blessing often at the end of a worship service benediction

    26. DICT 400 An order proclaimed by an authority edict

    27. DICT 500 To charge with a crime indict

    30. CRED 200 a system of doing business by trusting that a person will pay at a later date for goods or services credit

    31. CRED 400 A set of beliefs or principles creed

    32. CRED 600 Unbelievable incredible

    33. CRED 800 Verb: prefix meaning not; word means to damage the good reputation of discredit

    34. CRED 1000 An adjective, prefix ac, word means officially recognized accredited

    35. DUCT 200 A person who directs the performance of a choir or an orchestra conductor

    36. DUCT 400 To train the mind and abilities of educate

    37. DUCT 600 To enroll as a member of a military service induct

    38. DUCT 800 The formal presentation of one person to another introduction

    39. DUCT 1000 An artificial channel carrying water across country aqueduct

    40. FER 200 (Plants) able to bear fruit. (Animals) able or like to conceive young fertile

    41. FER 400 To carry again; to submit to another for opinion refer

    42. FER 600 To convey to another place, passed from one place to another transfer

    43. FER 800 Endurance of pain; distress suffering

    44. FER 1000 Cone bearing, as the fir tree coniferous

    45. PRESS 200 A printing machine press

    46. PRESS 400 Verb: to utter; Noun: any fast conveyance express

    47. PRESS 600 To press against, to burden, to overpower oppress

    48. PRESS 800 State of being pressed down or saddened depression

    49. PRESS 1000 To put down, to prevent circulation suppress

    50. SPIR 200 An immaterial intelligent being spirit

    51. SPIR 400 To breathe out; to die expire

    52. SPIR 600 To breathe through; to emit through the pores of the skin perspire

    53. SPIR 800 To breathe into; to instruct by divine influence inspire

    54. SPIR 1000 To plot; to band together for an evil purpose conspire

    56. Source Bear, D.R., Invernizzi, M. , Templeton, S., & Johnston, F. (2012). Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction. Fifth Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

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