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This monthly report provides an update on the status of Mayor Strickland's Executive Order, shipping and testing of sexual assault kits, investigation and prosecution results, and resources for survivors/victims.
. Sexual Assault Kit Task Force Monthly Report February 2019
Status of Shipping and Testing Kits Monthly update (98%) completed analysis (0%) at laboratory awaiting analysis (0%) need additional analysis (2%) outside agency For Emergency Situations Call 911: For information on your case: MPD Hotline (901) 636‐3438 For survivors/victims in need of support: Rape Crisis Center (901) 222 4350. To support this work: http://www.cfgm.org/sexual-assault-resource-fund
Investigation Results MTD 3526/3573Investigations have been initiated: 386/282 Investigations remain active: 8% 3140/3291Investigations are closed: 92% 527/565Individuals were identified that had been previously convicted of the crime: 17% 403/411 Requests for indictments have been completed against persons or DNA profiles: 12% • 237/244 named suspects (51 multi case suspects) 59% of indictments • 166/167 John Does (2 suspects on one case) 41% of indictments • 38/38 John Does are now named (8 multi case suspects) 23% of John Does • 1 Named John Doe is deceased 357/371 victims/suspects are deceased: 11% • 127/132 suspects (does not include the deceased John Doe) 4% • 230/239 victims: 7% 275/279 victims declined to participate: 8% 23/23 unable to locate victim: 1% 617/658 cases past the statute of limitations: 20% 244/256 prosecution declined: 8% 363/371 insufficient/degraded DNA: 11% 65/67 cases no crime occurred: 2% 79/89 consensual partner: 3% For Emergency Situations Call 911: For information on your case: MPD Hotline (901) 636‐3438 For survivors/victims in need of support: Rape Crisis Center (901) 222 4350. To support this work: http://www.cfgm.org/sexual-assault-resource-fund
Prosecution Results For Emergency Situations Call 911: For information on your case: MPD Hotline (901) 636‐3438 For survivors/victims in need of support: Rape Crisis Center (901) 222 4350. To support this work: http://www.cfgm.org/sexual-assault-resource-fund Rape: February 2000 An unknown suspect entered the victim’s residence through a window He raped the victim at knife point In January 2014 CODIS hit came back to David Johnson In February 2015 David Johnson was indicted On 10/12 /2018, David Johnson was found guilty as charged for Aggravated Rape. Update-January 18, 2019 David Johnson was sentenced to 25 years in prison
393 Devices in Use 69 Sex Crimes Defendants with devices 16 Sex Crimes Victims electing to carry devices 234 DV Defendants with devices 74 DV Victims electing to carry devices 501 Total Arrests 18 Arrests in 2019 GPS Program 1/29/2019 Defendant Victim For Emergency Situations Call 911: For information on your case: MPD Hotline (901) 636‐3438 For survivors/victims in need of support: Rape Crisis Center (901) 222 4350. To support this work: http://www.cfgm.org/sexual-assault-resource-fund
1060 Madison AveMemphis, TN 38104 Phone: 901-222-3950 Fax: 901-222-3951 1060 Madison is located: West of I-240, near Camilla Street Across from the Firestone Complete Auto Care in the Medical District Main entrance is located on the northwest (back) side of the building
1060 Madison AveMemphis, TN 38104 Phone: 901-222-3950 Fax: 901-222-3951 • The Shelby County Crime Victims & Rape Crisis Center serves as the hub of victim services for the City of Memphis and Shelby County. Services include: • Advocacy and Crisis Counseling for Victims of All Crimes • 24/7 Forensic Sexual Assault Exams (24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline: 901-222-4350) • Court Accompaniment • Trauma Counseling for Victims of Sexual Assault and other Violent Crimes, as well as Survivors of Homicide • Support Groups for Gunshot Victims and Victims of Domestic Violence • Assistance in filing for Victims’ Compensation and Orders of Protection • Bilingual (Spanish) Advocacy and Counseling Services • Specialized Services for Seniors and other Vulnerable Adults • Services are free of charge for Shelby County residents who are victims of a crime, or anyone who becomes a crime victim while visiting the county. • Web: www.shelbycountytn.gov/737
www.MemphisSaysNOMORE.com • Introduced new posters featuring local teens at Survivors Power Coffee Hour, a multi-generational speak-out for survivors of gender violence at Bridges USA Jan. 26. • Co-sponsoring "Action for Hope and Healing: Responses to Community Violence" on April 6, 9 a.m. to noon at LeBonheur Hospital Auditorium. Panelists on the costs and impact of violence and on ways to take action to end violence and aid recovery from trauma. • Co-sponsoring screenings of "Roll Red Roll," a documentary on a 2012 gang rape involving a Steubenville, OH football team. Screenings will be held in April at University of Memphis, UM Lambuth campus, and a third location. Workshops for teachers and coaches on disclosure and consent will be conducted.
www.MemphisSaysNOMORE.com Please visit our website for more information
www.MemphisSaysNOMORE.com For Emergency Situations: Call 911 For Non-Emergency Situations : Call (901)-545-2677(COPS) For information on your case: MPD Hotline (901)-636-3438 For survivors/victims in need of support: Rape Crisis Center (901) 222-4350 To support this work: http://www.cfgm.org/sexual-assault-resource-fund/