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“ wissen ”, dass clauses and “ denken ”

“ wissen ”, dass clauses and “ denken ”

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“ wissen ”, dass clauses and “ denken ”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “wissen”, dass clauses and “denken” The conjugation of “denken” is completely regular. The conjugation of “wissen” is not, however. It is conjugated like the “mirror” verbs. That means that the ich and er/sie/es forms are exactly the same. The du form adds an “st”. The wir and sie/Sie forms are exactly the same. The ihr form adds a “t”. The imperfect (past) of “wissen” is wusste and the imperfect of “denken” is dachte. These are also conjugated like “mirror” verbs. Remember that “dass” is a pusher. That means that the verb needs to be pushed to the end of the clause. Conjugate wissen and denken on the back. Then put the picture, pronoun and sentence together to form one complex sentence. Write them in the present (with a dass clause) and in the imperfect (with a dass clause) = form of denken = form of wissen (ich) Siesindlebhaft. Ichweiss, dasssielebhaftsind./ Ichwusste, dasssielebhaftwaren. • Er ist intelligent. • Die Lehrerinistlustig. • Hausaufgabenistlangweilig. • Das Problem istklein. • Deutschklasseistinteressant. 6. Paranormal Activity 3 istnichtblöd. Schnappiistganzlieb. Mein Geburtstagfeierist toll. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson ist stark und geduldig. • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________ • ____________________________________________________________________________________ imperfect ____________________________________________________________________________

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