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Study of SISCone A Seedless Infrared-Safe Cone jet algorithm. Manoj Jha (Delhi) Anwar Bhatti (Rockfeller) Marek Zielinski (Rochester) Monica Acosta (CERN) 23 rd July, 2007 Jet Algorithm Subgroup. Outline. Cone jet algorithm Infrared-Safety issues Why is this mandatory ?
Study of SISCone A Seedless Infrared-Safe Cone jet algorithm Manoj Jha (Delhi) Anwar Bhatti (Rockfeller) Marek Zielinski (Rochester) Monica Acosta (CERN) 23rd July, 2007 Jet Algorithm Subgroup
Outline • Cone jet algorithm • Infrared-Safety issues • Why is this mandatory ? • IR unasfety of the midpoint algorithm • SIScone: A pratical solution • Results • High PT jets • Low PT jets • Dark energy towers • Effect of pileup • Conclusion & Next Steps
Cone jet algorithms • Given: set of N particles with their 4-momentum • Goal: clustering those particles into jets • Idea: jets = cones around dominant energy flows for a cone of radius R in the (η,φ) plane, stable cones are such that center of the cone ≡ direction of the total momentum of its particles • Algorithm: Tevatron Run II • StepI: find ALL stable cones of radius R • StepII: run a split-merge procedure with overlap fraction f to deal with overlapping stable cones
Midpoint cone algorithm Usual seeded method to search stable cones: MP cone algorithm • For an initial seed • sum the momenta of all particles within the cone centered on the seed • use the direction of that momentum as new seed • repeat above steps until stable state cone reached • Sets of seeds: • All particles (above a pT thresholds) • Midpoints between stable cones found in 1. Problems: • the pT threshold s is collinear unsafe • seeded approach → stable cones missed → infrared unsafety
Infrared Safety: Why ? IR Safety: Stability upon emission of soft particles, is required for perturbative computation to make sense ! Cancellation of IR divergences between Real and virtual emissions of SOFT gluons. • If Jet clustering is different in both cases, THEN the cancellation is not done and the results, in principle, cannot be compared to pQCD • Stable cones must not change upon addition of soft particles
SISCone: seedless solution • Naive approach: check stability of each subset of particle. Complexity is Ο(N2N) i.e. definitely unrealistic (1017 years for N = 100) Idea: all enclosures are defined by pair of points • Tricks: • Traversal order to avoid recomputation of the cone content • Complexity: • SISCone is Ο(Nn ln n) ( with n ~ N the number pf points in a circle of Radius R • Midpoint standard implementation is Ο(N2n) • For more information: see 0704.0292[hep-ph]
Data Samples • CMSSW_1_5_2 QCD Jets in pT hat 120-135 GeV • Considered Calorimetry jets only • Parameters for SISCone jets SISConeJetParameters = {double cone radius = 0.5 double coneOverlapThreshold = 0.75 int32 maxPasses = 0 double protojetPtMin = 0. } • Parameters MidPoint jets MidPointConeJetParameters = { double coneRadius = 0.5 double overlapThreshold = .75 double seedThreshold = 1.0 double inputPtMin = 0.5 int32 maxPairSize = 2 int32 maxIterations = 100 } • No. of events = 7000
No. of jets for jets PT > 35 GeV MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean ~ 2.78 Mean ~ 2.76
PT of Jets for PT > 35 GeV MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean ~ 85.46 Mean ~ 85.27
ΣPT of Jets for PT > 35 GeV MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean ~ 192.0 Mean ~ 190.5 • Good agreement between midPoint and sisCone algorithm for jets having PT > 35 GeV.
ΣPT of Jets for 0.1 < PT < 5 GeV MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean ~ 43.45 Mean ~ 95.65
PT of Jets for 0.1 < PT,jet < 5 GeV MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean ~ 2.78 Mean ~ 1.87
No. of jets for jets 0.1 < PT < 5 GeV MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean ~ 16.04 Mean ~ 51.06 • SISCone algorithm produces more number of jets in low PT region with respect to midPoint algorithm.
Distribution of dark energy towers MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean ~ 0.307 Mean ~ 0.216 • Some of the energetic towers are being left by midPoint algorithm. • No problem of dark energy towers in case of sisCone algorithm.
Σ Dark energy towers MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean ~ 147.5 Mean ~ 106.5 • Midpoint algorithm is around ~28% energy (ET) deficient in comparison to SISCone algorithm.
Effect of Pileup on jet PT MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean y ~ 0.858 Mean y ~ 0.524
Effect of Pileup on jet PT MidPoint5 SISCone5 Mean y ~ 0.858 Mean y ~ 0.524 • SISCone algorithm is more sensitive to pileup !!! • Effect of pileup is as much as 35 GeV in some of the events.
Conclusions & Next Steps • Good agreement between jets from midpoint and SISCone algorithm for high PT jets > 35 GeV. • SISCone algorithm produces more number of jets in low PTregion with respect to midpoint algorithm. • Some of the energetic towers are being left by midpoint algorithm. • No problem of dark energy towers in case of SISCone algorithm. • Midpoint algorithm is around ~28% energy (ET) deficient in comparison to SISCone algorithm. • SISCone algorithm is more sensitive to pileup. • Effect of pileup is as much as 35 GeV in some of the events. • Need of pileup subtraction . • Next Steps: • Pileup subtraction using jet area • Study hadronic top with and without pileup