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Chapter 1

1.1. Chapter 1. Faith: A Moving Out of Darkness. 1.2. Seeing and Believing. Faith is not the same as belief or religion. Beliefs are intellectual concepts like “the sky is blue.” Religion (for example Christianity or Judaism) is the particular way one expresses beliefs.

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Chapter 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1.1 Chapter 1 Faith: A Moving Out of Darkness

  2. 1.2 Seeing and Believing • Faith is not the same as belief or religion. • Beliefs are intellectual concepts like “the sky is blue.” • Religion (for example Christianity or Judaism) is the particular way one expresses beliefs. • Faith is the deepest kind of seeing. It affects how one interprets the world, including oneself.

  3. 1.3 What is Faith?According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church… • Faith is “Superabundant light.” • Faith is a gift of God. • Faith is an authentically human act, by which we trust in God and his love. • Faith is the beginning of eternal life, the experience of friendship with God.

  4. V1.1 Vocabulary (page 9) Faith: a theological virtue - freely chosen habit of responding positively to God who first reveals himself to us. God: the one and only Supreme Being who is relational. He is love itself.

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