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BISD is rated overall Recognized for Community and Student Engagement*

BISD is rated overall Recognized for Community and Student Engagement*. Insert campus logo. Martin Elementary is an overall EXEMPLARY Campus under House Bill 5 Community and Student Engagement. * House Bill 5, Section 46; Texas Education Code Section 39.0545.

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BISD is rated overall Recognized for Community and Student Engagement*

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  1. BISD is rated overall Recognized for Community and Student Engagement* Insert campus logo Martin Elementary is an overall EXEMPLARY Campus under House Bill 5 Community and Student Engagement * House Bill 5, Section 46; Texas Education Code Section 39.0545

  2. Fine Arts Program rated Exemplary Martin Elementary students are able to participate in UIL activities as Art, Music Memory, Number Sense, Oral Reading, Ready Writing, and Spelling. There are numerous art competitions that students are able to submit their entries. Fifth Grade students are also able to participate in Choir. PK – 5th Gr. students perform for the school and parents throughout the school year: MARTIN ELEMENTARY

  3. Wellness and Physical Education Programs rated Exemplary Martin Elementary students are actively involved in Diabetes Awareness Week, Jump Rope for Heart, Breast Cancer Awareness, Red Ribbon Week, community health and fitness events and CATCH activities throughout the year. Parents have the opportunity to participate in community awareness info. sessions and fitness events through our campus Parent Involvement . MARTIN ELEMENTARY

  4. Community and Parental Involvement rated Recognized Martin Elementary has active Parent Involvement participation with parents attending numerous campus events as Open House, Grade Level Performances, Grade Level Parent Involvement activities, Parent Involvement meetings and trainings, and community awareness opportunities throughout the district. MARTIN ELEMENTARY

  5. 21st Century Workforce Development rated Exemplary Martin Elementary students focus on career and college readiness throughout their PK-5th Gr. years. Campus activities include PK-2nd Gr. Career on Wheels, 3rd – 5th Gr. Career Day, and College/University Awareness Day. MARTIN ELEMENTARY

  6. Dropout Prevention Strategies rated Exemplary Martin Elementary offers Accelerated Instruction for At-Risk students. Intervention strategies include RTI, SSI, Pre-K Program, Dyslexia Program, Class-Size Reduction Program, At-Risk Counselor, Living with Science/Think Through Math/iStation Computer programs, Afterschool and Saturday Tutorials. MARTIN ELEMENTARY

  7. Second Language Acquisition Program Exemplary Martin Elementary students have the opportunity to participate in various multi-cultural presentations and activities as “A Sombrero for Santa” Musical, BISD Fiesta Folklorica, Charro Days Mini-Fiesta, Charro Days Parade, and Palo Alto Battlefield presentations. MARTIN ELEMENTARY

  8. Digital Learning Environment rated Recognized Martin Elementary students, parents, and teachers have numerous opportunities to use technology in learning. Computer access is available in all classrooms, 4 computer labs, and the Library for accessing programs as Learning.com, Accelerated Reader, Think Through Math, TANGO and our Martin Website, Digital Citizenshiip (Cyber Bullying) training is provided for Students, Parents, and Teachers. MARTIN ELEMENTARY

  9. Gifted and Talented Program rated Recognized Martin Elementary GT students are actively involved in numerous campus activities as UIL, Brainsville, Science Fair, Destination Imagination and GT Art. MARTIN ELEMENTARY

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