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Communication: Essence of Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness Sept. 18, 2006. The brain is a most wondrous organ: It starts working at birth, and it doesn't stop until you reach the podium. It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. – Mark Twain
Communication: Essence of Leadership and Organizational EffectivenessSept. 18, 2006 The brain is a most wondrous organ: It starts working at birth, and it doesn't stop until you reach the podium. It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. – Mark Twain We live by networking. Talk to each other – one day you’ll be working together. • today’s topics…. • communication for personal effectiveness • public speaking as self-presentation and performance – with Gail de Vos
a recent job ad: You will bring to the position…. • proven leadership skills, • a strong commitment to customer service, • a willingness & ability to seek out & incorporate new methods, • openness to change, • excellent communication skills, • patience, • tact, and • a sense of humour.
leadership is self-presentation
Listening“Leadership is about listening.” - Nelson Mandela • most basic language skill • undergirds mastery of all complex cognitive skills • most used communication skill • least well understood • least taught • most important for developing and projecting empathy
responding evaluating interpreting hearing understanding remembering leadership is about listening hearing understanding remembering interpreting evaluating responding hearing
simultaneity of celebration! small ways forfor self others big ways greeting smiling praising thanking partying informing complimenting caring congratulating applauding commending giving credit acknowledging listening validating encouraging affirming rewarding supporting smiling
humour! “If you can find humour in anything, you can survive it.” – Bill Cosby “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” – NuClia Waste Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation - Lynne Truss (2003) • psychological benefits of laughter • gives us power • helps us cope • helps us to defuse problems, release tension, relax • provides perspective, new way to perceive, to frame • keeps us balanced • So be funny. Or else!!
R: I’m only available the second day. If you still want to come to YEG, please feel free. S: T, I would like to come to YEG for a joint 2-day workshop next month. S: I do not necessarily “want” to come to YEG. I thought it would be more efficient and effective to meet face to face to plan the workshop. I will now leave it up to you to decide how, when and where.
communication:the three languages or elements of speaker believability in a face-to-face message.…
the leadership circle = emotional intelligence values influencingrespect empathycommunication listening
Leadership and Communication In the end, it is all about people.- Karin Wittenborg A desk is a poor place to see the world from. Only relatively recently did I learn that change is more about people than it is about organization charts & process analyses…. To effect lasting change, I must cultivate, mentor, listen, communicate, bring together, encourage, & let go. - Chris Ferguson The difference between reacting and responding is about ten seconds. Just as it takes two to tango, it takes two to miscommunicate. But only one to lay blame.
some stats on workplace communication: • 60% of management problems due to faulty com’n • 20% of downward com’n from boss is accurately received • 5.6 hours per week spent by employees in meetings - 69% feel meetings are not productive • 2 out of 5 workdays rated unproductive by most staff • managers spend up to 95% of time in communication - most is verbal, on phone, & in meetings (Mintzberg) • managers spend over 60% of working day listening • 57% of corporate communication professionals rate senior leaders as having poor verbal communication skills - 70% rate them as having poor listening, dialogue, & team- building skills ; 39% do not think their executive team believes internal communication is important to business
tasks for small groups: • definition of leadership, management – one (short) sentence each – for your first job interview • 3 to 5 key public speaking tips • a sound bite for the course to use at a media interview