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T h e T r o p i c a l R a i n f o r e s t

T h e T r o p i c a l R a i n f o r e s t. By: Audrey Benjamin. What is a tropical rainforest?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TheTropical Rainforest By: Audrey Benjamin

  2. What is a tropical rainforest? A rainforest is the worlds oldest living ecosystem. A rainforest has 30 million different species of animals and plants. The rainforest has gorillas, toucans, sloths, frogs, tigers, elephants and others. The rainforest has five different levels, the floor, the shrub layer, the understory, the canopy and The Overstory. The weather of the rainforest is very humid because of all the rain it gets. The five different layers of the rainforest are called The Floor, The Shrub Layer, The Understory, The Canopy, and the Overstory. The floor is one of the most important floors this is where the decomposition takes place and some of the largest animals live. The Shrub Layers trees only grown 5-20 feet tall, and the shrubby animals/bugs live there. The next is The Understory. The Understory is hot and damp. Its under the leaves yet above the ground. The Canopy also plays a big role. The Canopy is the second highest layer and it regulates all climates. Another good thing is the Canopy shields The Understory from bad weather. The last layer (the top) is called the Overstory. The Overstory the trees tower over the Canopy. The climate for the Overstory is completely different from the others, it gets the harsh wind and the dry air. Those are the five layers of the rainforest.

  3. What are the ecological concerns? The ecological concern of the Tropical Rainforest is the trees are being cut down. Since the trees are being cut down a lot of undiscovered species may not be discovered. They may not be discovered because since all the trees are being cut down there’s less and less carbon dioxide so makes it harder to breathe. That is the main ecological concern.

  4. Producer – Dendrobium Orchids The Dendrobium Orchid are the second largest orchid genus in the whole world. The Dendrobium is very long lasting. Also this orchid lives in a very hot climate. It had to adapt to that since it lives near the equator. Moths eat this orchid on a daily basis that is why this is the producer.

  5. Primary Consumer - Moths A moth is our primary consumer because it eats the producer (The Denrobium Orchid) Moths have hairy bodies to help retain internal body temperature. A cool fact about a moth is they navigate by using the moon and stars. Moths get eaten by all kinds of birds.

  6. Secondary Consumer - Birds The secondary consumer is bird. They are our secondary consumers because they eat our moths. Birds build nests in trees to lay there babies’ eggs. Birds are very fast creatures and have a lot of advantages over predators because they can fly but most of the time they are completely snuck up on so don’t have time to fly. Birds may have advantages but they still get eaten, by bears for example.

  7. Tertiary Consumer - Bears Bears are our Tertiary Consumer because he eats birds our secondary consumer, but no one eats him. Bears hunt fish for the most part but when they have a chance to catch a bird, they will. There are many species of bears there are Black bears, Grizzly bears, and more.

  8. Decomposer - Worms Our decomposer is worms. Worms are very necessary because even though things don’t kill bears, they do eventually die of old age, or sickness or anything like that. So when the bear dies the worms help decompose it so its not just sitting there rot away. The worms do that for all animals because eventually all animals die off at one point. Our decomposers are very important. Without them our soil would be terrible and there would be rotten old animals every where..

  9. Plant Cell

  10. Animal Cell

  11. No Work Cited 

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