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Trident Naval Defence www.TRIDENT.com.es. Contents. What is a Hyper-Sub Supporting Slides: Photos and rough art to assist with understanding mission capability claims Hyper-Sub Mission Tactics War Fighting Mission Capabilities (Outlined) War Fighting Missions (Detailed)
Contents • What is a Hyper-Sub • Supporting Slides: Photos and rough art to assist with understanding mission capability claims • Hyper-Sub Mission Tactics • War Fighting Mission Capabilities (Outlined) • War Fighting Missions (Detailed) • Simultaneous Mission Capabilities and Its Potential Impact
What is a Hyper-Sub?U.S. Patent No. 7,246,566Additional and International Patents Pending • The Hyper-sub has a climate controlled cabin and the production vessel will dive to a depth of 1200 feet. It is an autonomous diesel-electric submarine that can recharge its own dive systems, designed for littoral applications incorporating high-speed surface capabilities and high weight/payload carrying capacity.
Overall Length: 42’ (approx.) Total Beam/Width (with side tanks installed): 15’ Transportation Beam/Width (without side tanks): 13’ Height (keel to hatch): 6’ 10” Height with Arch/Spoiler: 8’ 6” Draft: 24” (approx. in saltwater) Dry Weight: 29,000 Standard surface range: 500 miles standard fuel load with a targeted surface speed of 40mph with light cargo pack Total cargo capacity: 6,000lbs Depth Capability: 1,200’ feet Total stationary submerged time with crew of two: 1 week plus Submerged range (per surface transition recharge): 90nm @ 2 knots, 36nm @ 3 knots, 10nm @ 5 knots Submerged top speed target: 6 knots Cabin environment: Climate controlled Cabin length: 20’ SOP delivery capacity: up to 7, including pilot plus gear and mission stores Surveillance capacity: Crew of 2 with sleeping birth and marine sanitary device (MSD) plus food, water and 02 stores for one week plus Production Model Changes / Targets Based on Empirical Data From Proto 1 Testing
Supporting Slides The following series of photos and rough art are intended to assist with understanding how a Hyper-Sub can perform missions as explained later in this presentation For a better technical explanation about the vessel, please request the PowerPoint presentation entitled Military 92608
Hyper-Subs use speed and ample fuel for the initial, 1st phase of approach from over the horizon to the operational area and to recharge dive systems while deployed
Round Trip Operational Range with Standard Fuel Load if Stationed in Al Manamah
The Hyper-Subs shallow draft (24” at the bow) allows for it to deploy Special Operations Forces in a primarily dry state.
Hyper-Subs can also operate in a semi submerged state in as little as 6 feet of water and fully submerged in 12 feet of water
This semi-submerged posture can be used for several mission needs…
…2nd phase of ingress into an operational area when concerned about detection…
… for using a snorkel to utilize the surface engine HP and fuel load for extended submerged range and speed…
…or it can be used to train firepower on a target without exposing itself to enemy fire.
This posture can also be used for surveillance purposes among others.
Hyper-Subs can then switch to batteries for the 3rd phase of ingress into and area requiring only 12 feet of water to do so. Shows Hyper-Sub Operating in 12 foot water column
Once in position, the Hyper-Sub can deploy station keeping blocks (by using re-ballasting procedure) so that batteries are not depleted from station keeping Station Keeping Blocks
In its submerged posture, the cabin can be converted to a diving bell allowing for SOP egress
Personnel can egress the vessel in as little as 15 feet of water and Hyper-Sub could “tow” SOP into water as shallow as 6 feet depending on circumstances
Hyper-Subs can also deploy ROV’s for shallow water beach recon or…
Hyper-Subs can also deploy side scan sonar for bottom profiling or material location
..use its buoy system for prolonged port security surveillance or other surveillance needs
Other submerge applications could include foreign vessel port of entry subsurface hull inspection…
…Special Operations covert boarding operations on vessels or oil rig platforms…
Hyper-Sub Mission Tactics A Hyper-Sub can incorporate a much broader range of tactics than those used today by its counterparts. Within its tactical arsenal are: • High surface speeds • Good fuel load (for range and dive systems recharge) • Ample submerged life sustainability • Protection for its crew from the elements. Combined, these features create an ability to sustain very high mission duration times and therefore a greater degree of mission flexibility that is simply not possible for other systems in existence today.
Hyper-Sub Mission Tactics (cont) Indeed, given a Hyper-Subs fuel load, submerged life support and the protection for its crew from the elements, the tactics used will better resemble those applied by its older WWII submarine counterparts wherein they would deploy from a distance using its surface capabilities to ingress and egress an area. Once on site, they would submerge but would use time as a tactic, by loitering into, and around in, an operational area preserving batteries for improved submerged endurance.
Hyper-Sub Mission Tactics (cont) This proven tactic allows for a sub to consume considerably less battery power, surfacing at night (sometimes only to snorkel depth) to recharge its diving systems if needed. Such mission activity could be sustained for prolonged periods of time with mission duration being limited only by fuel reserves and human factors.
Hyper-Sub Mission Tactics (cont) Hyper-Subs are designed to use these tactics and will possess the ability to sustain good mission duration times but will of course have the benefit of being considerably smaller than its WWII counterparts; allowing for it to perform such missions, but within the shallow depths of littoral waters world wide.
War Fighting Mission Capabilities “As a retired Navy SEAL, I believe that this concept provides a significant enhancement to Special Forces capabilities and, if adopted, will be one of Special Warfare's most useful tools for many years to come.” L.W. Holton ENC, USN Retired
Pirate Interdiction Somalia Coast Liberation of vessel seized by rouge elements Covert surveillance with real time intelligence of Libyan coast to determine cargo traffic and related activity Port of entry subsurface hull inspection of LNG tankers Submerged re-supply for Special Forces teams inserted into operational area Submerged insertion of Special Operations personnel and supplies Increase the reach of law enforcement activities in previously denied river ways using stealth and its resulting influence, speed, firepower and armor for maximum impact and crew survivability. Support mine detection and UDT teams Dry Insertion of Special Operations personnel Detect and interdict semi-submersible boats headed for the U.S. Pre-insertion beach re-con using ROV for re-con to two feet water depth Find target up river and laser designate for air strike Insert and maintain submerged detection devises for security net applications Support harbor patrol security operations, when submerged targets are detected dive to immediately confirm target validity Support Navy salvage operations Capabilities Missions a Hyper-Sub Highlighted missions are briefly outlined below
Mission:Pirate Interdiction Somalia Coast Determine pirate’s point of origin or point of egress from coastal area without being detected. Gain intelligence about patrol cycles. Use stealth to create deterrence factor in the operational consideration of these rouge operators (“unseen” does not mean “not present”). Interdict or stop the seizure of vessels when deterrence is not effective.
Profile • Crew: 2 • Deployment Cycle: 1 week, rotating • Hyper-Sub deployment method: Hyper-Sub deployed beyond the horizon by small Landing Platform Dock (LPD) such as new generation Stiletto or Amp-137 http://mssamp.com/Specs.html type craft or even converted freighter for stealth. • Deployment vessel remains outside of detectable range during mission unless required in order to support engagement or seizure of target. • Defensive technology, threat of operational area: Low
Hyper-Sub Configuration: • Cabin configured for crew of 2, alternating between pilots with room to sleep 1 (alternating) and have space for MSD. • Food and supplies to support crew of two for 1 week, some to be stored inside of cabin and other supplies to be stored in pods or modules on the deck for access during night surfacing. • Battery Load: Medium load configuration of 136kWh per charge • Fuel load of 500 gallons • Air supplies – Crew of 2, 120 hours without resurfacing or using available open or semi-open breathing circuit which would also be available. • The vessel is outfitted with radar, sonar, GPS, satellite communications and camera mast with high res zoom capabilities. • Hyper-Sub is outfitted with 2 arch mounted, 7.62 mini guns with optical sighting and can mount two M60 machine guns on side decks
Typical Mission Description • The Hyper-Sub deploys from surface vessel beyond detection range and begins phase 1 of ingress into area; speed 30 knots. • It proceeds towards the GPS coordinates provided by intel. • Hyper-Sub submerges to snorkel depth for the second phase of ingress at 10+ knots to target • As it gets within range, the Hyper-Sub converts to battery power and fully submerges for third phase of approach. • It navigates using GPS, standard chart plotting and forward/downward looking sonar and other navigational devices currently being used by the SDV for similar navigational needs.
Note: Though the Hyper-Sub has the power and range to swim against the tide for this distance, the Hyper-Subs typical operational profile will be to ingress with the tide since being exposed to the elements (and therefore time) is no longer an issue for the mission profile. This helps to insure the batteries have the largest reserve possible just in case it is needed before next scheduled surface/recharge. • The Hyper-Sub proceeds to mouth of river, choosing an optimal location for the stealth monitoring of the river entrance using its mast mounted camera. • Once the optimal location is found, the Hyper-Sub fixes its position by either setting on the bottom (if water depth is 8 feet) or by lowering anchor blocks that allow for it to float at a predetermined depth. It does this through a simple re-ballasting procedure and anchoring insures that the vessel doesn’t burn up energy for station keeping.
Once night falls, the Hyper-Sub can either completely surface (depending on threat of area) or surface to snorkel depth, start motors and recharge systems. It could also slightly egress the area so that it could surface allowing crew to exit craft. Crew can alternate use of sleep area. • As day approaches, Hyper-Sub resumes previous position/ location. • Hyper-Sub remains on site for one week or until a target has been detected and verified as a threat. • If a target is verified, the Hyper-Sub allows target to proceed away from area, allowing for safe distance so that the Hyper-Sub can deploy antennae and notify surface support craft to begin area ingress to target. • The Hyper-Sub would then surface and fix weapons for surface action (if not automatically deployable) which could include 2) wing mounted 7.62 mini guns with optical sights and 2) deck mounted M60 machine guns.
The Hyper-Sub would then launch an AUV to follow target and information is forwarded to deployment / surface vessel for coordinated effort to target. • Hyper-Sub engages surface engines and pursues / follows target closing off path of retreat; pushing target towards incoming surface vessel. • If Hyper-Sub is well armored, then it can aggressively engage the target using its superior firepower to subdue it. • If it is not well armored and the Hyper-Sub detects that the target is turning back towards it (due to the target detecting ingress of surface vessel), the Hyper-Sub can then dive to snorkel depth lessening its profile to target but leaving 7.62’s exposed for target engagement.
The Hyper-Sub continues to monitor target through the combination of AUV visuals, radar, and direct visual contact through high zoom/high resolution camera deployed on its wing and can engage as required. • Once target is subdued, Hyper-Sub remains on site until surface craft arrives to secure the targets. Hyper-Sub believes that such action would have a subduing effect on the enemy given the fact that this mobile detection and engagement platform cant be seen. Summary Note: While this mission was being performed, Hyper-Subs could have been performing simultaneous missions off the coast of Iran gathering intelligence, Panama Canal inspecting the subsurface hulls of vessels before entering Canal Zone, supporting UDT and anti-mine support operations occurring in the Persian Gulf as well as Drug interdiction efforts occurring off of the coast of Columbia.
Simultaneous Mission Capabilities and Its Potential Impact Due to the low cost and logistical solutions provided for by this concept, Hyper-Subs will not only be able to perform certain individual missions but could also make it possible for multiple missions to be performed simultaneously worldwide; effectively expanding our Nations total submerged presence and capabilities in an unprecedented way.
Simultaneous Mission Capability Impact (cont) Since Hyper-Subs would not require even one of our few nuclear assets in order to be used, the speed and number of Hyper-Subs that could be deployed will no longer be limited by that factor. Additionally Hyper-Subs are so cost effective that for a very small fraction of the cost of other systems, any number of Hyper-Subs could be built and deployed around the globe. The combination of these two factors imply that the deployment of Hyper-Subs in numbers might be a reasonable consideration and one that could certainly create an ability to perform many different critical missions simultaneously.