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ITU - TSB Informal Consultations Document No. 9 Martigny, 28-29 February 2000 Source: ERICSSON (Mr. I. Jönsson) Title : ERICSSON's position on ITU and standardization _________. ITU and STANDARDIZATION - the ERICSSON position. Content: Changing environment.
ITU - TSB Informal ConsultationsDocument No.9 Martigny, 28-29 February 2000 Source: ERICSSON (Mr. I. Jönsson) Title : ERICSSON's position on ITU and standardization _________ LME/DMU Inge Jonsson
ITU and STANDARDIZATION -the ERICSSON position Content: • Changing environment. • The ITU potential role. • Prerequisites for support by industry. • Comments to Mr. Zhao’s priorities. LME/DMU Inge Jonsson
ITU in a CHANGING environment ITU Special Interest Groups ATM Forum 3GPP 3GPP2 Standardization IETF Developing Countries Regulations SDO x1 ETSI TTC ARIB CompetitionRules Direct Investments SDO x2 T1 LME/DMU Inge Jonsson
Stds Body 1(Business Concept 1) • Standardization is needed to secure Telecom with Global coverage • Open market will create, by trial and error, valuable communication services • Proposal • ITU to standardize fundamentals (radio resource allocation, addressing, user roaming, etc.) of the Telecom infrastructure as needed for global coverage and in multi operator operation. • New services will be standardized as needed by partners willing to take risks of testing new business concepts. • As ITU finds such a service mature and accepted by the market, ITU then picks it up and adapts it to the existing fundamental infrastructure by new or enhanced recommendations. ITU-T n 2 LME/DMU Inge Jonsson
New ITU-T as theEminent World Umbrella for Standardization -Prerequisites for support by the industry • ITU-T is business driven and without government politics. • Each ITU-T member, irrespective of category, has one vote in ITU-T. • ITU-T is promoting the global economy with overall standardization frameworks and recommendations. • Competing standardization efforts are a result of market dynamics. * Competing standardization efforts must be allowed to exist within ITU-T. * Standardization efforts driven by special interest groups outside ITU-T shall be allowed to join or co-operate with ITU-T without loss of momentum or change of procedures. • When creating a ITU-T project, the scope, the approval procedures and the deliverables for the ITU-T project are defined by the project members. • The ITU-T secretariat acts as an efficient administrative host and as a publishing house for the ITU-T projects. LME/DMU Inge Jonsson
Next ITU-T study period 2001-2004,Comments to Mr. Zhao’s priorities • IP-RELATED NETWORK ASPECTS * Global numbering, naming and addresses in ITU ? * Support the spirit and momentum of IETF. * ITU Recommendations reference directly to IETF results. • IMT-2000.* Keep the Terrestrial system architecture and the project driving in 3GPPs.* ITU Recommendations reference directly to 3GPPs results.* Global Satellite system architecture in ITU ? • TARIFF AND ACCOUNTING ISSUES FOR NEW SERVICES.* Business models based on competition. LME/DMU Inge Jonsson