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ITU-TSB Informal Consultations Document No. 18 Martigny, 28-29 February 2000 Source: Nortel Networks, Canada Title : The future of the ITU-T ___________.
ITU-TSB Informal ConsultationsDocument No.18 Martigny, 28-29 February 2000 Source: Nortel Networks, Canada Title : The future of the ITU-T ___________
The Future of the ITU-TTSB Director’sInformal Consultation MeetingFebruary 28-29, 2000 Roy J. Mills Director, Standards +1 613 763-3111 rjmills@nortelnetworks.com
Challenges in Global Standardization EXTERNAL TO THE COMPANY • Working towards timely global standardization and harmonization in rapidly changing technological, market and standards environments INTERNAL TO THE COMPANY • Managing internal standards investment in a global company to accrue maximum benefit from external standards participation
Key External Challenges • Proliferation of standards bodies • Global harmonization, and the role which the ITU-T should play in this respect • Consensus on which technical areas to address, and in which standards bodies • Different national regulatory and standards environments • Timely availability of high quality (implementable) standards
The Global TelecommunicationsStandards Scene WTO/GATT Privatization/De-regulation G7/OECD Information Technology ACCREDITED BODIES Telecommunications ITU ITU-T/ITU-R • International ISO/IEC 3GPPs APEC • Regional ECMA ETSI CITEL NAFTA U.S. Nat'l Canada – TSACC U.S. – ANSI X3 – IEEE 802 Canada – SCIT Cdn Nat’l Study Groups • National Study Groups Australia ACIF Korea TTA Japan TTC/ARIB U.S. – IEEE U.K. – DTI U.S. – T1 & TIA Canada – SCOT RABC ECTF TeleMgmt Forum Frame Relay Forum ATM Forum SIF IETF FORUMS & CONSORTIA ADSL Forum TINA-C OIF MSF CITEL: Inter-American Telecommunication Commission ECTF: Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum MSF: Multiservices Switching Forum OIF: Optical Internetworking Forum IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force RABC: Radio Advisory Board of Canada SIF: SONET Interoperability Forum TINA-C: Telecoms. Info. Networking Arch. Consortium TSACC: Telecom Standards Advisory Council of Canada 3GPPs: 3rd Generation (Wireless) Partnership Projects
Forums and Consortia – Proliferation 100 90 80 Number of Forums/ Consortia 70 An explosion in the total number of such bodies 60 50 Chart adapted from “Survey report on Telecommunication-related forums’ activities” - issued in March 1998 by Japan’s TTC. 40 30 20 Number in which Nortel Networks participates 10 0 1998 1995 1990 1980 1985 Year Forums and Consortia have been proliferating since the early 1980s;each one can potentially impact our business - either positively or negatively.
Challenges Facing the ITU-T as a leader in Global Standardization • The private sector (Sector Members) should be able to participate as a partner with the Member States in the development and approval of technical Recommendations • Need for a more efficient (timely) Recommendations approval procedure • Establishing and maintaining close collaboration with the 3GPPs, IETF and selected other industry forums/consortia • Identifying and focusing on work areas in which it should lead based on its track record • Move towards increased use of electronic working methods (e.g. Email) for progressing the development of Recommendations The ITU-T’s challenges are OUR challenges IF we believe that the ITU-T should play a leading role in global standards development and harmonization