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This EU Framework 7 NMP project focuses on developing sustainable and differentiated processes for liquid-liquid reactions. By utilizing structured equipment, such as micro-reactors, the project aims to overcome the limitations of existing equipment and achieve continuous processing. The project involves mathematical modeling, device development, and characterization, as well as the dissemination of project outputs through various channels.
Process Intensification Methodologies Applied to Liquid-Liquid Systems in Structured Equipment An EU Framework 7 NMP project The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° NMP2-SL-2008-214599
Technical context for project • Two phase liquid-liquid reactions are important chemical processes • Operation and control can be problematic - often batch or semi-batch processing with sub-optimal operation • L-L reactions are often run to the limitations of existing equipment • Drive to develop sustainable and differentiated processes with lower capital and operating costs • Continuous processing using structured equipment (e.g. micro-reactors) has the potential to overcome current limitations • Numerous examples at research level but few compelling examples of processes run at manufacturing scale
Project structure WP1: Project coordination WP3: Design of tailored structured devices WP4A: Device development and characterization WP4B: Final device and plant testing micro micro Micro- & milli-structured Reactors Speciality fine chemicals Multipurpose plant Reactor, separator, crystallizer, etc. Device scale Process scale Netmix®-derived mesostructured reactors Commodity chemicals Experimental Research Facility meso meso WP2: Modelling & Process Description Mathematical modelling and numerical simulations to develop understanding of interaction between sub- processes and equipment structures WP5: Generic knowledge/toolkit Development Develop generic understanding for dev. of processes and equipment WP6: Training activities. E-learning, demonstrations, website, dissemination events, degree module
Project outputs • Improved fundamental understanding of processes and design requirements • Development and validation of a design methodology & criteria for dealing with two-phase liquid/liquid-reactions • New generation of flexible and high-performance process equipment • Improved sustainability of chemical processes • Dissemination of outputs via: • Mid-term and end of project events • E-learning packages and practical demonstration • Training materials for HEIs • www.fp7pills.eu The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° NMP2-SL-2008-214599