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Unit 5 Stamp Project

Unit 5 Stamp Project. Stamp Project Requirements. You must pick a person or event from Unit 5 (Create a stamp about a person who was a leader, or an event where someone had to be heroic.) You will create a rough draft of your stamp and a paragraph to go along with your work.

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Unit 5 Stamp Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 5 Stamp Project

  2. Stamp Project Requirements • You must pick a person or event from Unit 5 (Create a stamp about a person who was a leader, or an event where someone had to be heroic.) • You will create a rough draft of your stamp and a paragraph to go along with your work. • Your final draft will include your stamp and the paragraph on the back. The paragraph should describe the 5 W’s of the person or event. • Turn in your final draft with your rough draft stapled to the back.

  3. Hints! • All U.S. stamps have a number in one of the corners representing the price of the stamp. For example, the 44 in a corner tells us that the stamp costs 44¢. • All U.S. stamps have either U.S. or United States on it somewhere. If you would like, you can put TX or Texas instead. • All U.S. stamps have ridges around the corners.

  4. How You Will Be Graded • Content Accuracy (Your pictures included in your stamp actually relate to the person or event you have chosen) – 20 points • Creativity/Neatness (I can tell you took time and put forth effort) – 20 points • Paragraph (Includes 5 sentences, explains the 5w’s of the person or event) – 50 points • Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation – 10 points

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