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Document Builder Supplemental Information V002

Document Builder Supplemental Information V002. Document Builder. After viewing this lesson you will be able to: Identify two ways to access Document Builder Recognize the steps needed to create a document in Document Builder

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Document Builder Supplemental Information V002

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  1. Document BuilderSupplemental InformationV002

  2. Document Builder • After viewing this lesson you will be able to: • Identify two ways to access Document Builder • Recognize the steps needed to create a document in Document Builder • Recognize the steps needed to attach Document Builder documents to a solicitation

  3. Document Builder Accessing Document Builder

  4. Accessing Document Builder Accessing Document Builder • There are two ways to access Document Builder • Within SRM while working on a solicitation • Using MyCommonwealth Workplace menu

  5. Accessing Document Builder Accessing Document Builder • Within SRM while working on a solicitation • Select the HOLD button • Select the START DOCUMENT BUILDER button

  6. Accessing Document Builder • The following message may appear: • Select the OK button, wait several seconds and then select the DOCUMENT BUILDER button again

  7. Accessing Document Builder • Accessing Document Builder with the MyCommonwealth Workplace menu • Select the following menu options: • SRM Agency Purchaser • Doc Builder • Document Builder 1 2 3

  8. Creating Documents Creating Documents in Document Builder

  9. Creating Documents Using Document Builder • The Document Builder screen appears If you accessed Document Builder through SRM, the required fields on the Header Data tab are populated for you.

  10. Creating Documents • If you accessed Document Builder through the menu, you must perform several steps: Select the CREATE button and then the Create Document option

  11. Creating Documents Select the Document Selection icon Name the document

  12. Creating Documents • Select the row indicator button to choose the correct document and then select the COPY button 2 1

  13. Creating Documents • Select the REFRESH button to complete the Header Data, doing so: • Fills in Style textbox • Causes the Dialog, Document Summary and Preview tabs to appear • Populates the Regulation Sets area, as seen on the next slide

  14. Creating Documents Selecting the REFRESH button also populates the Regulation Sets area. The required fields on the Header Data tab are now populated.

  15. Creating Documents • When the required information on the HEADER DATA tab is populated, it is time to select the DIALOG tab

  16. Creating Documents • The DIALOG tab contains the Document Data Groups • The Document Data Groups contain questions based on Commonwealth business and legal rules • Answer each question

  17. Creating Documents • Select the REFRESH button after responding to each set of questions • Depending on the initial responses, additional questions may be revealed • Select the NEXT button to display questions in the next data group

  18. Creating Documents • Answers to the Document Data Group questions may be entered with the use of a: • Text • Checkbox • Y/N entry • Radio button • Calendar • Drop-down menu • Dollar value entries do not require decimal points

  19. Creating Documents • Some notes about text box data entry • Some fields appear small, but they accept text beyond the size of the box • When entering text, do not use the ENTER key on the keyboard for continuing text • When prompted for name, address, phone, and e-mail in a text box, enter in one line: Robert Johnson, 158 Main Street, Dallastown, PA 17313, 717-555-4255, robjohnson@email.com

  20. Creating Documents • Some responses are satisfied by entering text into a textbox • Remember to select the REFRESH button after each set of responses The red “X” changes to a green checkmark after selecting the NEXT button; the checkmark does not indicate that an answer was provided, only that the question was displayed

  21. Creating Documents • Some responses are satisfied by selecting radio buttons and/or selecting options from a drop-down menu

  22. Creating Documents • Several Document Data Groups are accompanied by an information icon: • Select it to get assistance in responding to the question • This example supports the copying and pasting of information into the text box

  23. Creating Documents • Select the DOCUMENT SUMMARY tab after responding to all the questions • The table lists the clauses included in the document; the inclusion or exclusion of clauses is based on your responses

  24. Creating Documents • A green icon in the Inclusion column indicates that the corresponding clause is optionally required; a red icon indicates that the clause is required or mandatory • A pencil in the Editable column indicates the clause can be edited

  25. Creating Documents • A checkmark in the Fillin St. column indicates the response is a fill-in response; it does not indicate that a response was provided • Access any of the clauses by selecting the row indicator, as shown on the next slide:

  26. Creating Documents Access a clause by selecting the row indicator

  27. Creating Documents Selecting a clause displays the clause tabs

  28. Creating Documents The Element Type tab displays the element type and date

  29. Creating Documents The Full Text tab displays the clause

  30. Creating Documents • Selecting the Fill-ins tab displays the filled-in response • A filled in response can be edited; if it is, select the ACCEPT button to save the changes

  31. Creating Documents • The Print Preview tab shows the print preview of the clause, not the entire document

  32. Create a Solicitation Document • Select the PREVIEW tab toward the top of the screen to see the Document Builder documents

  33. Creating Documents • The first document is the solicitation • Select the row indicator to view each document

  34. Creating Documents • If Document Builder was accessed through the MyCommonwealth Workplace menu, copies of each document MUST be saved

  35. Creating Documents • Save the Reviewer’s Checklist and the Responses Report by selecting the SAVE TO FILE link

  36. Creating Documents • Use the ATTACHMENTS tab to attachment additional documents • Attach the documents by browsing for them and then selecting the UPLOAD button 1 2 3

  37. Creating Documents • If Document Builder was accessed while working on a solicitation, the additional attachments will migrate to SRM • If Document Builder was accessed through the menu, the additional attachments will not migrate to SRM

  38. Saving and Editing Editing and Saving Document Builder Documents

  39. Saving and Editing Editing and Saving a Document Builder Document • If the document is not complete it must be saved Select the SAVE button and then the HOLD option in the drop-down menu 1 2

  40. Saving and Editing • To retrieve the document select the Documents (General) option from the Show drop-down menu 1 2

  41. Saving and Editing • Select your search criteria and then the SEARCH button 1 2

  42. Saving and Editing • Select the row indicator for the document you need to edit • The document displays in ‘read-only’ mode

  43. Saving and Editing • Select the EDIT button and make the necessary edits

  44. Saving and Editing • To insert a clause, select the clause that should appear below the clause to be added • Select the INSERT button 2 1

  45. Saving and Editing • Search for the clause by selecting the search criteria and then the SEARCH button

  46. Saving and Editing • Choose the clause by selecting the row indicator button and then the COPY button • The clause is added to the solicitation 2 1

  47. Saving and Editing • Save the edits by selecting HOLD from the Save menu Select the SAVE button and then the HOLD option 1 2

  48. Document Builder Attaching Documents to SRM

  49. Attaching to SRM Attaching Documents to the Solicitation • If Document Builder was accessed while working on a solicitation, select the RELEASE button • The RELEASE button is not active unless all the questions have been answered

  50. Attaching to SRM • Select the LOGOFF button • If Document Builder was accessed while working on a solicitation, the Document Builder documents are migrated to SRM

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