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When does infertility occur? Great insights on probable age fertility declines. Encourage natural pregnancy. Best, affordable infertility treatments available!
Check what most surveys say • Almost 8 out of 10 adults do not know the age when fertility actually starts declining. • Study suggests "about 79% of people don't know when fertility begins to decrease". • Unfortunately, nearly 41% believe that it's an age of 35 that may have infertility problems triggered onwards.
But, Truth is Different! The fertility actually begins to decline at the age of 30, not 35!
Infertility, a major concern At present, the infertility is a major concern globally! As discussed earlier, a majority of couples don't understand possible risks of infertility. In today's busy life, we have rather left the right age of pregnancy much behind and get unwelcomed problems!
Possible causes of infertility Fertility actually declines in two ways: 1. Naturally & 2. That is man-invited. Natural causes of infertility are accepted. But, what about the infertility problems that we invite unnecessarily! Let's understand how...
Our Responsibility For Fertility That's what we have mainly missed! • If we see people delaying their famility life & planning a child, they are millions. • A majority of woman (around 46%) seem to be waiting for the right partner at late age. • People in the run of career seem to have forgotten an ideal age of fertility. Isn't it?
Thanks to Fertility Solutions! • Both male and female infertility problems are on hike. More couples are suffering from being infertile along with many issues of pregnancy. But, • A big thanks goes to "assisted reproductive techniques"!
They include fertility treatments Such as, • IVF - In vitro fertilization (highly sought-after treatment of today) • IUI - Intrauterine Insemination • ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection and many.....
Science helps, but • It's our sole wisdom to understand an importance of natural pregnancy too. • Let's keep this natural cycle smoothly flow and enjoy its benefits!
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