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The Double Stream

The Double Stream. Drinking from another well concurrently drinking from the well of God’s word, we permit double streams to operate in our lives and ministries. Anything whose source is not from the well of God’s word is another well.

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The Double Stream

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  1. The Double Stream Drinking from another well concurrently drinking from the well of God’s word, we permit double streams to operate in our lives and ministries. Anything whose source is not from the well of God’s word is another well. Our gifts and talents and our lives itself will eventually reel out of control when we ride on two streams.

  2. Ezekiel 28:11-17 • Lucifer was the seal or pattern or measurement or proportion of perfection (v.12). • He was full of wisdom. The Hebrew meaning of wisdom includes all these: 1 skilled in war, 2 gifted in administration, has full understanding of Religious Affairs (operating in the spirit realm) and is 4 shrewd (clever in judging people and situations). • He was perfect in beauty (v.12, 13). • He was a choir within himself! Instruments were built into him. He was the worship leader (v.13).

  3. Fall of 1/3 of the Angels • His beauty, skill and his shrewdness was able to mesmerize a third of the angels and they fell with him. • If he was able to do that with a third of the angels who moved in the presence of God in the throne room of heaven, who saw and knew God Almighty in His brilliance and glory, don’t you think if we are not careful to drink only from the well of God’s word, that we too might easily be deceived and fall?

  4. Gifting and Talent • Verse 13 The jewels placed on Lucifer could be the gifting God has given him. Lucifer perverted them for his own use. • For a believer, one of the most dangerous things is to have gifting and talents that are not consecrated completely to God. • Verse 14 states that Lucifer was an anointed cherub. When he fell and was cast out of heaven, that anointing remain but it has been perverted by his iniquity (verse 15). His iniquity is that he responded to God’s goodness and grace with violent acts of rebellion. That is why we must continue to cast him out.

  5. Defining the Double Stream • Lucifer “was given the ability to hover and cover the manifest presence of God. He was the covering over the top of the throne of God.” (Dr. Michael Lake) • Because he has the same ability today; when God moves through a person, satan can hover and contaminate the anointing if there is such things as pride, a wounded spirit, unconfessed sin and a host of other things still allowed to operate in that individual’s life. • Not every supernatural thing we see is the Holy Spirit. Not every anointing is from God. Do not be so hungry and naïve in your hunger for God to accept every manifestation or anointing is from God.

  6. Wholeness in Christ Alone • “If you need anything else besides just being in Jesus to make you feel whole, you have a hole that the enemy can use to contaminate the anointing God has placed within you” (Dr. Michael Lake). • Lucifer can use wounds manifested through driven need, such as the need to have others see them as anointed, to contaminate their anointing. The more gifting and talents we have, the more we must be: 1 broken, humble and submitted before God; 2 consecrated and walking in holiness; 3 quick to deal with our inner world; 4 complete in Christ and nothing else.

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