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Approaches to LRC and library induction. General Information “Walsall College is uniquely and proudly vocational. Our greatest passion is unleashing the potential of individuals, communities and businesses; our greatest
Approaches to LRC and library induction Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
General Information • “Walsall College is uniquely and proudly vocational. Our greatest passion is unleashing the potential of individuals, communities and businesses; our greatest • legacy is the talent of our learners: skilled, professional and enterprising.” 1 • medium sized vocational college • offers part time and full time vocational courses with some HE provision • split sites with two Learning Resource Centres • led by a Chartered Librarian and a senior learning facilitator (qualified) • 6.5 learning facilitators • 2 part time assistant learning facilitators • 6,000 FT students • 4 – 6,000 PT students • over 800 staff Approaches to LRC and library induction Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
STAFF INDUCTION - Current Process "A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them.“2 4 stage process which consists of a checklist, 2 classroom based sessions and a half day tour of the building – the latter part encompasses the LRC/Library induction which generally takes the form of a quick 10 or 20 minute ‘walk around’ This is tailored according to the group – e.g. Academic or Support A captioned video is also available on our Intranet pages which talks users through the main points and is accompanied by a handbook Paper copies of the handbook are available in the LRC and Decks Approaches to LRC and library induction Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
STAFF INDUCTION – Other things we’ve tried • At recent Teaching and Learning fayres (staff development day – a chance to showcase best practice in academic and support areas) we set up a stall with a fun quiz, a lucky dip with prizes (a great way of getting rid of some of our older discarded books!) and a selection of leaflets etc for people to take away • Speed dating event between governors and staff – this was a good opportunity for us to field questions and promote services • More ad hoc, informal approaches – chatting to people in communal areas such as the tea point! Approaches to LRC and library induction Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
STAFF INDUCTION – Future Developments • An online induction which covers everything from opening times, to reading lists, to digital resources, to details of our SLA has been prepared and will be delivered via Moodle through a package like i-spring * • This not only introduces staff to our service but familiarises them with using Moodle • At the end of the section there will be an option to book a tour of the centre or a longer session – there will be a variety of topics to chose from and staff will be able to book through an Online Calendar • * i-spring is similar to PowerPoint but can be used to track and assess Approaches to LRC and library induction Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
Student Induction – Current Process • “He is wise who knows the sources of knowledge -- where it is written and where it is to be found.”3 • Lecturers book in student groups through an online calendar and the learning facilitator in charge of this are leads the session. • Sessions generally take anywhere between 20 – 40 minutes and are held through September and October • Takes the form of a ‘walk around’ where we point out useful resources, as well as fore exits and talk about conduct in the centre • This is followed by a session on ICT, digital resources and the OPAC • At the end students are asked to complete an evaluation sheet to make sure they have understood the main points • Inductions are tailored to subject and level • A captioned video is also available on our Intranet pages • Longer sessions available on request • Study sessions (referencing etc) held throughout the year Approaches to LRC and library induction Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
Student Induction – Other things we’ve tried • On open days and fresher's fayre we set up a stall with a fun quiz, a lucky dip with prizes (a great way of getting rid of some of our older discarded books!) and a selection of leaflets etc for people to take away • Speed dating event between students and staff – at fresher's fayre and later student conference. This was a good opportunity for us to field questions and promote services (there is footage of this which I can send if anyone is interested!) • CDs with video clips sent to ALL staff for use in tutorials • Sessions split between LRC staff and IT/e-media staff (to increase volume of inductions ) • Presentations in lecture theatre (limited success as you can’t beat a hands on approach!) • Evaluation via voting tools/Promethean Approaches to LRC and library induction Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
STUDENT INDUCTION – Future Developments • An online induction which covers everything from opening times, to reading lists, to digital resources, to details of our SLA has been prepared and will be delivered via Moodle through a package like i-spring * • This not only introduces students to our service but familiarises them with using Moodle • At the end of the section there will be an option to book a tour of the centre or a longer session – there will be a variety of topics to chose from and they will be able to book through an Online Calendar • * i-spring is similar to PowerPoint but can be used to track and assess Approaches to LRC and library induction Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
Stats 06/07 1980 students inducted 07/08 2520 students inducted 08/09 3680 students inducted 09/10 2736 students inducted* Approaches to LRC and library induction Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
Quotes • 1 Walsall College, 2009. Realising our Vision: Strategic Plan 2009 – 2012, Walsall: Walsall College. • 2 Snicket, L., Available at http://classiclit.about.com/od/litlibraries/a/aa_libraryquote.htm. [Accessed 25/06/2010]. • 3. Hodge, A.A., at http://classiclit.about.com/od/litlibraries/a/aa_libraryquote.htm. [Accessed 25/06/2010]. • Contact Details • Emma Green – egreen@walsallcollege.ac.uk Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College
Quotes • 1 Walsall College, 2009. Realising our Vision: Strategic Plan 2009 – 2012, Walsall: Walsall College. • 2 Snicket, L., Available at http://classiclit.about.com/od/litlibraries/a/aa_libraryquote.htm. [Accessed 25/06/2010]. • 3. Hodge, A.A., at http://classiclit.about.com/od/litlibraries/a/aa_libraryquote.htm. [Accessed 25/06/2010]. • Contact Details • Emma Green – egreen@walsallcollege.ac.uk Quotes 1 Walsall College, 2009. Realising our Vision: Strategic Plan 2009 – 2012, Walsall: Walsall College. 2 Snicket, L., Available at http://classiclit.about.com/od/litlibraries/a/aa_libraryquote.htm. [Accessed 25/06/2010]. 3. Hodge, A.A., at http://classiclit.about.com/od/litlibraries/a/aa_libraryquote.htm. [Accessed 25/06/2010]. Emma Green - LRC Manager at Walsall College