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Studies in Exodus. Presentation 02. The Table of Contents. Chapter 1v1-22 Introduction Chapter 2v1-25 Preparing a Deliverer Chapter 3v1-22 The Call of Moses [1] Chapter 4v1-17 The Call of Moses [2]
Studies in Exodus Presentation 02
The Table of Contents Chapter 1v1-22 Introduction Chapter 2v1-25 Preparing a Deliverer Chapter 3v1-22 The Call of Moses [1] Chapter 4v1-17 The Call of Moses [2] Chapter 4v18-5v21 Final Preparations Chapter 5v22-6v27 Discouragement and Comfort Chapter 6v28-7v24 The Exposure of Evil Chapter 8-v1-10v29 Idolatry: A Dangerous Refuge Chapter 11v1-10 Corrective to Final Judgment Chapter 12v1-30 Blood on the Doorposts Chapter 12v31-42 God’s Faithfulness Chap.13v1-16 Consecration of The Redeemed Chap.13v17-14v18 God’s Dead Ends Chap.14v19-31 Power to Deliver Chap.15v1-21 The Exultation of God Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer Chapter 2v1-25 Presentation 02
Introduction The major theme of Exodus is one of deliverance. God delivering his oppressed people from their Egyptian bondage. God works through human instrumentality. His plans invariably involve a man or a woman - people just like us. Can you think of any greater privilege? The driving ambition of many sportsmen is to be chosen to play for their country but what is that in comparison with being chosen by God for use in his eternal purposes? In chap 2 we are introduced to Moses’ birth, his preparation for leadership, and a critical life-choice. Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer The Birth of Moses Moses was born under threat of the king's edict. According to Pharaoh’s decree he should have been killed at birth but his parents hid him. Why? They were motivated by more than mere parental affection. In Heb.11.23 we read, "they saw that he was no ordinary child". They recognised that God had a significant purpose for Moses. Their faith drove out fear and caused them to put their lives in danger. Faith in God’s revealed purpose overcomes our fears. It enables us to behave in ways that others might consider foolhardy. This faith feeds on God’s word. It discovers God’s purposes and that in turn shapes our actions Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer The Birth of Moses Placing Moses in a basket of reeds and putting it in the River Nile may appear to have put the child at risk, even though he was watched by his big sister. But before the local crocodile population began to move in, it just so happened that an Egyptian princess chose that time and that very place to come and bathe. Some say ‘a remarkable co-incidence’. A famous churchman has said that such coincidences happened when he prayed. Surely Moses’ family were greatly exercised in prayer. “Lord we have kept him alive these last months we are trusting you to keep him from danger”. Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer The Birth of Moses There is of course a wonderful irony in this story - the fact that the Egyptian princess brought Moses under her protection, totally annulled the plans of her father. “God causes the wrath of men to praise him” Ps 76v10. Pharaoh feared losing the Hebrew slave population that formed the bulk of his labour force. Yet in his own household he was indirectly nurturing the man who would be instrumental in their deliverance. In situations of danger, to our persons or to the church, surly we need to exercise far greater confidence in the fact that God knows what he is doing. Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer Preparation for Leadership The circumstances surrounding Moses birth make it plain that God has a particular destiny marked out for this child. But Moses needed to be prepared for that task. It is important to recognise the shape that this preparation took? Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer Preparation for Leadership First, consider the important start he was given. The local supermarket did not stock baby food. Pharaoh's daughter needed a wet nurse, and Moses sister supplied one - his own mother. How graciously God rewarded her faith, having let go of her child he was returned to her. Indeed, the state paid her for taking care of her own son. These early years were formative. The foundation of his religious understanding was laid, God's covenant promises taught, the significance of his national identity and the circumstances surrounding his birth would also have Formed part of his early instruction, shaping his thinking for years to come. Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer Preparation for Leadership What an example here for parents. The early years of child rearing are so important. There is the temptation to put off our religious instruction until the child is older, until it can understand more, until a more convenient time. But the early years are when the foundation is best laid. Do not listen to those who say young children are not able to understand spiritual truths! Their child-like faith is often far more receptive than that of many grown ups. Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer Preparation for Leadership Moses preparation took place not only in the home of his godly parents but in the Egyptian court. He was "educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action“ Acts 7.22 . Heliopolis was the great centre of education in Moses day and gathered 10,000 students from the surrounding nations. Moses was being equipped for leadership of the Israelite nation. He learned to read and write. Josephus the Jewish historian tells us that Moses held the rank of General in the Egyptian army and had significant victories under his belt. These military skills would also be put to good use in later years Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer Preparation for Leadership Theologians speak of prevenient grace and by that they mean the circumstances that God weaves into our lives before we have any personal consciousness of God. Things which shape thinking, behaviour even our natural gifts. God knows the work he is calling us to in his kingdom and years before we have any idea of what that will be he is preparing us for it. We look back and see God’s wisdom in what he has built into our lives. Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer A Critical Decision A time came when Moses stood at a crossroads in life. He had an important life choice to make concerning not only family allegiance but heart allegiance. In Ex 2.10 we read that he "became her son". It is thought that the Pharaoh of the day was RamesesII, whose only daughter was childless. Some think that Moses, the adopted son, was being groomed for the throne. Would he choose that path or the alternate destiny which had been revealed to him, that of God’s deliverer. Two quite different paths. He had a critical decision to make. Read Heb 11.24-26... Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer A Critical Decision Many of us are faced with a similar choice, between riches, worldly approval and success by this worlds standards and the route that God has marked out for us. A path that involves rejecting the world's value system and exposing ourselves to shame and ridicule. What shaped Moses choice? Heb. 11v24ff tells us Moses’ decision was marked “by faith". He saw beyond the transient and passing values of this world. His eyes set on the world to come. That was where his reward lay. What greater reward is there than to here God say, “Well done..” Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer A Critical Decision But Moses did more than make a choice, he took precipitate action as he stepped into the role of God’s deliverer. He did not wait to discover how God intended to bring about the deliverance. He came to the defence of one of his countrymen and killed an Egyptian taskmaster and then secretly buried the body. God’s plan was to deliver his people openly and in a way which would reveal his power and glory. Not in some secret subversive way. Moses panicked at the thought of the Egyptian authorities discovering his action and fled into exile. Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer A Critical Decision There is a lesson here for all who want to serve God. You might have some intimation from God that there is some area of service into which he is calling you. But there is the temptation to run ahead of God and to engage in his work in ways, which would not bring credit or glory to him. Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer A Critical Decision What was the result of Moses precipitate action? He was obliged to run away from the very situation to which God had called him. When we do not act in faith then fear of our actions and their consequences can easily drive us from the work to which God has called us. Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer Moses fled to Midian. And so Moses God's man is obliged to cool his heels in the deserts of Midian for 40 years until he learns the folly self-confidence that believes it can do God's work its way. What a waste those years must have seemed to him. Moses married and his firstborn son is given a name which reflects both his depression and frustration, ‘Gershom’ means, "I have become an alien in a foreign land". For years he was left to reflect on what might have been. Canaan Shechem Mediterranean Sea Hebron Goshen Egypt Midian Presentation 02
Preparing a Deliverer Conclusion ? What is God doing in our own day? How is he preparing his people for kingdom work that lies just around the corner? Will we accept his destiny for our lives or be lured by the attractions of this world? Have we seen the necessity of learning to do God’s work in his way and in his time? These are just some of the questions this passage asks. May God help us we seek to answer them. Presentation 02