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Forging the Future - The Importance of the Forging Industry

Forging is the best metal shaping process where metals are formed with high compression, stress and forces over it.

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Forging the Future - The Importance of the Forging Industry

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  1. PAGE1 NOVEMBER2018 FORGING THE FUTURE - THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FORGING INDUSTRY PreparedbySainiflange.co.in 394, ExportPromotionIndustrialPark, Phase-III, Kundli, Distt.Sonepat (Haryana) INDIA

  2. NOVEMBER2018 PAGE2 FORGING IS THE BEST METAL SHAPING PROCESS WHERE METALS ARE FORMED WITH HIGH COMPRESSION, STRESS AND FORCES OVER IT. Forgingistheprocessofheatingmetal, inparticular Aluminum, BrassandCopper, toamoldable temperature, andthenusingprecisionmachined dies, ormechanicalpresses, toforgepartstoanear netshape. Theresultisapartthatisvirtuallyfreeof imperfectionsandporosity-free, whichisidealfor cosmeticsurfacerequirements. Thisprocess, which doesnotchangethegrainstructureofthemetal, is vastlysuperiortomoldcastinginthatforged productsareupto15% strongerthantheirmolded counterpart. SAINIFLANGE

  3. NOVEMBER2018 PAGE3 AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Thefeaturesofforged components manufacturer’sare strength, reliability, and affordabilitythatmake themsuitablefor variousautomotive industries. Theyare suitabletoworkeven underheavypressure andstress. Further, it canalsobeusedfor connectingrods, differentgears, shaft hubs, universaljoints etc. Evencopperand aluminummaterials haveseengreat advantageinforged truckapplications. SAINIFLANGE

  4. NOVEMBER2018 PAGE4 AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES Agricultural machinesarealways featuredwithhigh qualityforged componentswith maximumstrength, economical, and reliabletoo. Theyare usedinsideengines, gears, shafts, spindles, connecting rods, levers, or cultivatorshaftsetc. SAINIFLANGE

  5. NOVEMBER2018 PAGE5 VALVE FITTINGS valves and fittings industry. They are less resistant to corrosion, and flame resistant that is taken suitable for As we know already,forged flanges suppliers in Europe/ north America are prepared with heavy pressure and extreme forces. So they are acclaimed optimum solution for flanges, valves, fittings, stems, saddles or elbows etc. When valves would be extra strong, they can be used under heavy pressures as well. Sainiflange A Bond of Trust & Commitment SAINIFLANGE

  6. NOVEMBER2018 PAGE6 TOOLS OR HARDWARE PARTS Forgedcomponentsare qualitytrademarkssince decades. Sotheyare widelyusedfor manufacturinghand toolsandhardware partsworldwide. Medicalcomponents canalsobeprepared preciselywithforging process. Theyneedextra toolsormachineriesto supportmetalshaping processformedical practice. Allofthehand toolsorhardwareparts preparedwithforging processarehighly durable, corrosion resistantandefficientin use. SAINIFLANGE

  7. NOVEMBER2018 PAGE7 RAILROAD EQUIPMENTS Thematerial handling equipmentsshould alwaysbemore reliable, durableand economicalinnuse. Theyareheavyduty equipmentsthat shouldalwaysbe manufacturedwith careandutilizedfor wideindustrialapps. Theyarelonglasting andableto withstandeven underharsh environmental conditions. SAINIFLANGE


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