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adapting to the new colorado academic standards bvsd s plan for integrating changes into the curriculum essentials doc

Change is hard

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adapting to the new colorado academic standards bvsd s plan for integrating changes into the curriculum essentials doc

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Adapting to the New Colorado Academic Standards

    12. Science Key Changes

    13. Science Key Changes

    14. Science Key Changes

    15. Science Key Changes

    23. BVSD Timeline

    24. Looking ahead to our work, a preview Choose an Essential Learning from the BVSD Curriculum Essentials in your content area. Find the corresponding grade level expectation page(s) in the Colorado Academic Standards. Identify wording from the Standards that should be added to the CED (highlight in yellow) Identify wording from the CED that could be eliminated (highlight in pink) Identify wording in CED that should be revised to correlate better with the Standards (highlight in blue)

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