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Ocelot. Details. Physical Descriptions. Size. Color. Details. Habitat Descriptions. Niche . Range. Details. Reproduction Information. Breeding seasons. Strategy . Gestation Period. Litter number. Details. Adaptation. Camoflouge. Details. ADAPATATIONS.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ocelot Details

  2. Physical Descriptions Size Color Details

  3. Habitat Descriptions Niche Range Details

  4. Reproduction Information Breeding seasons Strategy Gestation Period Litter number Details

  5. Adaptation Camoflouge Details

  6. ADAPATATIONS The ocelot is generally nocturnal, and during the day it can be seen sleeping among vegetation on the branch of a tree or in a tree hollow.

  7. Endangered Reasons Habitat Loss Poaching Details

  8. Conservation Efforts Reserves Limitations to fur Breeding in captivity Zoos Details

  9. Food Chain Details

  10. Bibilography Endangered Wildlife of the World vol. 6 Pg.796 http://images.google.com/images?q=ocelot&ie=iso-8859-1&btng=google+search http://www.canterburyschool.org/ms/MSHomeHelper-EndAnimals2.html

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