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1312 Uploads
Prince’ a chaiwala at Mumbai Central station believes that the sales of tea at his tea shop depends upon the weather
12 vues
Prepare an ETOP for a company interested in entering the retailing industry in India.
422 vues
Prepare a strategic advantage profile for HelpAge India
554 vues
Point out the old – fashioned phrases and expressions
22 vues
Pledge can be created only of movable property. Comment
25 vues
Please Explain the Various Steps in Corporate Facility Procedure
14 vues
Overall, what do you think about the idea of online grocery shopping
17 vues
Over the years I have paid a lot of taxes. Should I feel guilty for accessing government – subsidized monies to build
17 vues
Outline the reasons as to why hospital administration can only be taught by doctors. Present a counter analysis to oppos
42 vues
Other than the costs, are there any disadvantages to “bouncing ideas†of a lawyer
19 vues
On what fronts do various institutions compromise while designing hospital administration courses
19 vues
On reading the news about accession of China to WTO, your organization, an internationally well-known name in manufactur
18 vues
Now, create a plan for Wild Water. In your plan, describe what changes the organization needs to make
15 vues
Note down the features of restaurant, Considerations Shown by Facility Planner when he she designs the restaurant
18 vues
My employees, buyers, and suppliers like working for my company because we have a lot of wins
19 vues
Mr. Sinha has observed the norm of respectful behaviour and polite
51 vues
Mention the circumstances under which an investigation of a company can be ordered by the central government
15 vues
Mention situations in (a) banking, (b) advertising, (c) agriculture, and (d) hoteliering where production and operations
68 vues
Marsha feels that there must be a better way to conduct market research, particularly given the fact
24 vues
Many retailers have tried to make their stores more entertaining. In a number of cases, these efforts have failed
14 vues
Many experts assert that reported cases of sexual harassment represent only a small percentage of the total number of in
14 vues
Management accounting is a mid-way between financial and cost accounting.†Elucidate
332 vues
Look up today’s newspaper and identify any five events that interest you.
16 vues
List the special rules that have to be followed while constructing
26 vues
List down the office bearers of Indian Olympic Association and explain their functions.
13 vues
List and explain in detail various techniques to sustain continuous improvement
85 vues
Lawson Software Smart Notification Software ( is being considered by Dollar General
22 vues
Keep your cool. What does this mean in term of conversation control
12 vues
IVR systems are still popular. What advantages do they have over even older systems in which the reps mailed or faxed re
29 vues
It is often stated that the world is becoming smaller because today people communicate relatively easily across time and
24 vues
It is not surprising that a lawyer should say that an entrepreneur needs a lawyer to start a business.
17 vues
It appears that the automatic assumption is that the employee is at fault for not performing and therefore should be fir
20 vues
Is there anything else that you should do with respect to the employees to make sure that the reservation is successful
23 vues
Is the system contributing to improved learning, or just adding entertainment that may reduce the time available for stu
18 vues
Is the nose ring truly a problem If so, why
16 vues
Is the main concern of most consumers the price of the product or service Explain
28 vues
Is the Hewlett – Packard way of managing creating a climate in which employees are motivated to contribute to the aims
14 vues
Is the Build-A-Bear concept a fad, or does it have staying power
12 vues
Is stock market a good example of perfect competition Discuss
18 vues
Is McDonald's taking the best approach to improving its employer brand Why or why not
21 vues