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Theta Phi Alpha President’s Academy. Constitution and Bylaws. National Constitution and Bylaws. Preamble, Constitution, Bylaws Starts with the preamble, just like the US Constitution. The purpose of the preamble is explain why the Constitution was written.
Theta Phi AlphaPresident’s Academy Constitution and Bylaws
National Constitution and Bylaws Preamble, Constitution, Bylaws • Starts with the preamble, just like the US Constitution. The purpose of the preamble is explain why the Constitution was written. • The Constitution is divided into Articles and is used to define fundamental principals. • The Bylaws are used to define the operating rules, the next level of detail.
National Constitution and Bylaws Preamble “In order to provide close comradeship; to advance educational, social, and philanthropic interests and leadership training; to encourage spiritual development and adherence to the highest moral standards; and to promote lifelong bonds of friendship; a fraternity for college and university women and alumnae, known as Theta Phi Alpha, is hereby established and constituted; and we declare for its government this Constitution and Bylaws.”
National Constitution and Bylaws Articles of the Constitution 14 Articles Name, Chapters And Associations, Government, Membership, National Officers, Board Of Trustees, Convention, Dissolution Of The Fraternity, Amendment process
National Constitution and Bylaws Bylaws 15 Bylaws Convention, Grand Council, Duties and Powers, Insignia, Publications, Establishment of Chapters/Colonies/Associations, Founders’ Day, Amendment process
Bylaws Colony, Chapter, and Association • Always defer to the National Constitution and Bylaws as being the supreme document. • Bylaws cover operating rules for the specific group. • Bylaws can be supplemented with procedures or operating guidelines.
Examples of Differences • Constitution: Article V defines the members of the Grand Council: qualifications, terms of the office, vacancies, line of succession. • Bylaws: Bylaw III defines the duties and powers for each member of the Grand Council.
Examples of Differences • Constitution: Article III says “Each Chapter shall govern itself, under the supervision of its Advisory Board”. • Bylaws: Bylaw IX says “Each Chapter shall select at least once per academic year a president…” • Chapter Bylaws: should contain a section where the president duties and powers are stated.
Examples of Differences • Constitution & Bylaws: scattered references to chapter meetings. • Chapter Bylaws: general definition of the chapter meeting schedule • “Chapter meetings shall be held weekly, vacations and testing weeks excepted, during the academic year. The meeting day and time shall be decided at the beginning of each academic term based on the members’ schedules for such academic term, to achieve the highest possible attendance. • Chapter Procedure or Operating Rules: “Meetings to be held every Monday at 6pm.”
Chapter Bylaws Basics Chapter bylaws should include the basics like: • Name, Purpose, Membership, Government, Meetings • Officers (Elected and Appointed) and Election process • Elected Officer Responsibilities • Committees • Obligations of Membership • Possession of Bylaw and Amendment process ***See Model Chapter Bylaws***
Chapter Bylaws Basics Typical errors: • Must have all the officers listed in the NCB for a chapter • Must state unanimous vote for initiation • Too much detail about the voting process for New Member selection • Founders’ Day not Founder’s Day • Fiscal year must be Sep 1 to Aug 31 • Excludes elected officer descriptions, redundancy (follow the single master rule), use well written sentences. • Are not official until the National Chairman, Constitution & Bylaws, has approved them. ***Exclude things that may change year after year***
NCB and Chapter Officers Bylaw IX: • “Each Chapter shall select at least once per academic year a president, vice president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, historian, marshall, new member educator, recruitment chairman, and such others as it may find necessary.“
Chapter Bylaws Basics Other tips: • Use the current terminology: New Member versus pledge sister, Academic Excellence versus scholarship • Use well written sentences and proper punctuation. • Defer to Robert’s Rules of Order for voting and process related procedures. • Always, always, always follow your bylaw to amend your bylaw. ***Submit your revised chapter bylaws for review and approval***
Amending Bylaws Recommended process: • Proposals submitted in writing to the designated officer (President or one of the Secretaries). The designated officer distribute copies to each member within set number of days of receipt. Vote to be conducted by the date as specified. • The President shall put the proposed amendment for discussion on the agenda for the next meeting after the proposed amendment has been distributed. • For adoption, an amendment shall receive at least a three-fourths vote of the membership. [Votes may be made by written proxy, signed by the voting member.]
Amending Bylaws From the Model Bylaws: • Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by a Chapter member at any time during the academic year. • A proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the President and Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall distribute copies of the proposed amendment to each member within [ten (10) days] of receipt [and she shall fix a date, at the regularly scheduled Chapter meeting which is at least [twenty (20) days] thereafter for a vote by secret ballot on such amendment.] The Recording Secretary shall certify to the Executive Board the date of receipt and distribution of the proposed amendment to the membership. • The President shall put the proposed amendment for discussion on the agenda for the next meeting after the proposed amendment has been distributed. • For adoption, an amendment shall receive at least a three-fourths vote of the membership. [Votes may be made by written proxy, signed by the voting member.] • Once an amendment has been approved by the Chapter, it shall be submitted to the National Office of Theta Phi Alpha for review and approval from the National Constitution and Bylaws Chairman.
Amending Bylaws Things to correct when a Colony is installed as a chapter: • Change title from "Colony Bylaws of _____ Colony" to "Chapter Bylaws of _____ Chapter" • Revise Bylaw I NAME • Add to Bylaw III Membership Section 2 (a) 5. Shall be accepted for initiation upon the unanimous vote of the Chapter’s membership. • Change Bylaw V, Section 5 from running meetings according to the ritual for New Member meetings to running meetings according to the ritual for Chapter meetings. • Add New Member Education Committee, chaired by New Member Educator • Global find and replace to change "colony" to "chapter"
Theta Phi Alpha Chapters Chapter Bylaws • a standing rule that governs the organization’s operations and internal affairs Code of Standards • a set of rules that match the values and behavioral expectations of the chapter members
Bylaws vs. Code of Standards • Bylaws need to be approved • When a change is voted on by the chapter the set of bylaws needs to be sent in for approval before enacted • Code of Standards will be reviewed by Chapter Administration team • When a change is voted on by the chapter the Code of Standards is updated by chapter immediately
Code of Standards • Behavioral expectations • Process expectations
Behavioral Expectations • Alcohol and Drug Use • Language • House Rules (if applicable) • Attendance at Special Events • Smoking • Attendance/Conduct at Fraternity Events • Attire • Social Media Posts
Process Expectations • Voting on Potential New Members • Voting on New Members during MSMF Program • Voting on New Members prior to Initiation • Voting on Panhellenic Council issues
Bylaws or Code of Standards??? • Election of chapter officers • Percentage of vote for Initiation of new members • Guests at night in the house • When chapter meetings take place • Transfer of property if chapter closes
Timeline • Use the full biennium to go through this process • Our plan is to break up our chapters by semester to create new chapter Code of Standards and where needed revised the chapter bylaws.
Fall 2014 • Alpha Epsilon • Delta Alpha • Delta Beta • Delta Gamma • Delta Delta • Delta Epsilon • Delta Zeta • Epsilon • Zeta • Kappa • Mu • Chi • Alpha Beta • Alpha Delta