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I am Dr. Kevin McCausland, clinic director at Beacon Chiropractic in St. Helens, Oregon. I am excited to be offering a weight loss solution that really works. This is a brief article to outline my program and show you what makes us different. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS
Weight Loss - What Makes Us Special I am Dr. Kevin McCausland, clinic director at Beacon Chiropractic in St. Helens, Oregon. I am excited to be offering a weight loss solution that really works. This is a brief article to outline my program and show you what makes us different. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS As a healthcare provider I am alarmed at the growing rate of obesity in America. A study by the Journal of Obesity projects that 90% of Americans will be overweight by 2030. Currently, according to the Center for Disease Control, 69% of adults and 34% of children are overweight. This weight problem we are facing in America is increasing the incidences of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other life-shortening conditions. I am here to help reduce or even reverse this trend since I want you to live a long, healthy, and active life. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT When it comes to weight loss, there are a myriad of products and programs out there. I have tried many of them with little to no success. There are several components that makes our program different. First off, the Club Reduce program has over 40 years of clinical experience behind it. We have helped thousands of people achieve their weight loss goals and then keep it off. Our program focuses on getting your body healthy so the weight loss results are long-term. Our program teaches you how to eat healthy foods and avoid toxic foods, so it is something you can do for the rest of your life. Below I highlight some of the components of our program. DETOXIFICATION Detoxification is often one of the missing steps that other programs ignore. Just like with any lifestyle change, one of the first steps is a total cleanse of your system. Our program provides you with nutritional support during your detoxification program to help support your immune system and lose weight safely. Our detoxification program cleanses your whole body, your liver, bowels, kidneys, and the blood supply. Once peristaltic action of the colon is restored, the body can get rid of mucus, toxins, and waste materials that may have been trapped for years. Our detoxification program helps jumpstart your weight loss journey. ACTIVATE FAT BURNING HORMONES There are 10 main reasons why your fat burning hormones are not activated. For the complete list watch my W.H.O.L.E. Weight Loss Seminar video. You can find it on my website: https://sthelenschiro.com/weight-loss. Reason #1 is Skipping Meals/Reducing Calories/Letting Yourself Get Hungry. These actually slow your metabolism so you do not burn the calories you are consuming. Reason #4 is Overeating. This creates a cascade of increase cortisol production which stimulates insulin production which stores fat in your cells. Reason #7 is No Exercise or Wrong Exercise. We can teach you the proper exercises you must do to maximize your workouts for fat burning. Reason #9 is Poor Sleeping Habits. Getting to bed late, getting too little sleep, and getting poor quality sleep all inhibit your body’s ability to lose weight. GOOD NUTRITION Our program emphasizes healthy eating. There are claims that junk foods make you “happy”, such as McDonald’s Happy Meal and potato chip ad that says, “Happiness is Simple”, all are short-lived claims since they do nothing to support a healthy body. Most Weight loss programs profit from selling pre-packaged foods from a box, bag, or a can. Often these foods increase toxicity and create more cravings. They also lack “live” enzymes, bacteria, and phytonutrients. Our program, on the other hand, teaches you what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. Diet and disease have been linked together for a long time. Digestive organs will work overtime and wear out causing
diet-related diseases, disorders, and death without the support of digestive enzymes. That is why our program includes digestive enzymes. Your gastrointestinal tract is full of bacteria. An abundance of “bad” bacteria can overrun your immune system and is thought to be the number one reason you get sick. An abundance of “good” bacteria ward off the “bad” bacteria and help your body break down foods. Additionally, these “good” bacteria aid digestion, improve mineral absorption, alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance, and assist elimination. Our program uses a pro-biotic supplement to feed “good” bacteria into your body. Water is critical to your health and should be a mainstay in any weight loss program since every organ requires water and toxicity can occur without it. To determine the amount of water your body needs divide your weight in half. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, you need 100 ounces per day. This is pure water, not juice, milk, soda, coffee, or tea. Most people notice a marked difference if they were not drinking enough water before. Be sure you drink a pure source of water. Use a filter on your tap or buy distilled water or spring water. FITNESS/ EXERCISE Exercise is vital to any weight loss program including ours. Aim to do cardiovascular exercises (walking, swimming, stairs, or biking) for 30 minutes at least 3 times a day. You may need to ramp up to achieve the 30 minutes. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine since they are a great anti-depressant and source of Vitamin D. Additionally, set aside time every day to relax, de-stress, and allow positive emotional and psychological repair to begin.