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Jesus: His Life, Compassion, and Challenges

Revise your classwork on Jesus' life events, how he challenges and shows compassion, and reflects on Jesus's impact personally. Explore how Jesus helps and challenges us, discussing God's guidance in times of worry and Jesus's teachings on love and judgment.

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Jesus: His Life, Compassion, and Challenges

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Year 7 Levelled Assessment • Revise your classwork from the beginning of term on Jesus. • What you should know • Events in the life of Jesus that you have studied • his childhood • accounts of how he challenged people, • accounts of how he showed compassion for people

  2. Know how Jesus helps us • Know how Jesus challenges us • Reflect on what this means for you personally Rising to Jesus’ Challenge...

  3. How Jesus Helps Us Think about the last time you were worried about something and prayed to God for help. Is that worry still there? How do you think God helps/ helped you ? Discuss your answer with your partner.

  4. What does God help you ?Match God’s gifts with how they help you. He tells you: I’m looking after you. Don’t worry. It’s in my plan. You don’t worry about it so much: it doesn’t stress you out Trust Peace Strength & courage Wisdom You don’t feel crushed by it. You feel you can stand up to it. You know how to deal with it. You know how to feel about it. **Think back about the worry you prayed to God about. Which of the above gifts do you think He helped you with ?

  5. How Jesus Challenges Us “Love your enemies” “love is more important than following the rules” “God loves you, all the time” “do not worry – God is looking after you” What would Jesus say ? Choose 3 challenges. For each challenge, say which of Jesus’ sayings could be advice for that challenge. Explain why. “do not judge others – you also are a sinner.” “love your neighbour as yourself”

  6. How Jesus helps us: What’s the most important way Jesus helps you? Write it on your whiteboard. How Jesus Challenges Us: Think of the biggest challenge you face.? What would Jesus say to it ?

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