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Digital Læring er vejen frem. Ph.d., Cand. Psych. Simon Egenfeldt -Nielsen CEO Serious Games Interactive 7. Juni 2012 sen@seriousgames.dk +45 40 10 79 69. Why things are changing now. The tablets offers unprecedented ease of use and stability.
Digital Læring er vejen frem Ph.d., Cand. Psych. Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen CEO Serious Games Interactive 7. Juni 2012 sen@seriousgames.dk +45 40 10 79 69
Why things are changing now The tablets offers unprecedented ease of use and stability. They offer a much more direct interaction between user and machine. What you do happen – it’s not translated through a mouse. This makes a huge difference for a lot of education. Knæk læsekoden Trunky lærer tal ABC Balloner
The infrastructure challenge • Technology is still seen by some as the enemy. • It may reduce teachers • It may increase class size pr. teacher. YES – that is the nature of technology & innovation. We do things smarter with less work.
Lost efficiency - cost of double systems Two calendars? Having two computers? Two house keepings? We do not get the advantages of IT in current system because we don’t use it but maintain a parallel system. 4 students pr. computer => quadruple investment in IT w. high uptime. Limited digital material => ear-mark funds for schools purchases. Nowhere in the current knowledge society do four people share a computer.
The infrastructure challenge Budget 87% - Teachers 17% - Infrastructure 2% - teaching material Students pr. teacher is 11,3. } Technology can • Prepare education (28%) • Make education (34%) • Explain education (12%) • Other (sick, vacation, breaks) (26%) • Reduce evaluation • Reduce preparation • Improve differentiation • Improve learning effect 15% evaluation Free resources, teachers browsing internet and making own material is probably NOT the most effective.
The infrastructure challenge Five attributes can explain 49-87% of the variation in adaption of an innovation (Rogers, 2003): Relative advantage: How much is the innovation perceived as being better than what already exists. Compatibility: How well does the innovation match existing norms, values, needs, expectations and previous experiences? Complexity: How easy is the innovation to use and understand for users? Observability: How easy is it to observe the advantages achieved from adapting the innovation? Trialability: How easy is the innovation to try out and experiments with without going all in? NOT APPROVED
Initiatives to make it right Talks of 500 millions in investment. We need 500 millions pr. year. Along with strict demands towards all stakeholders. The largest social divide in the future will be between the tech-savvy and the tech-challenged. • Change competence • Ensure infrastructure • Ensure material • Maintain competence • Maintain infrastructure • Maintain material Teacher school Equiment Maintenance Teaching material Teacher training
Technology is what we make it • So far we keep talking about infrastructure. However, we need to take advantages of it in how we plan school • Low hanging fruit: • All students have own computer from 2. grade • Standardize IT from central to get it cheap and working; go for best value • All root learning and drill-and-practice should be digitalised. Save teacher time by removing evaluation while improving differentiated learning. • All standard talks & teaching should be digital through video, virtual worlds, simulations or games depending on ambition. • Introduce, push and formalize peer-learning and peer-evaluation to save teacher resources while changing student perspective.
Technology is what we make it • 1). Free up teacher resources • No standard talks • No evaluation time for standard • Less preparation on trivial things • 2). Increase efficiency • Better differentiated teaching • Easier and faster updates • Intelligent use of teachers • 3). Better group dynamics, engagement, relevance and adjusted teaching • New class teacher concept – one teacher for 14 students who specialise in an area based on interest, welfare and performance. • Loser control of curriculum; slice 50% and trust teachers and students to explore what they find interesting. Tight and clear focus on important remaining curriculum. • Control parents interaction so teachers can focus on teaching rather than social elements.
To the policy-makers • Crucial that we push new structures, working forms and new contents from a central position – otherwise it won’t happen. • Important with clear goals and feedback loops so we get a transparent system. • Changing the educational system will reduce in huge trickle-down effects; • Less churn of teachers & students • More efficient use of time w. better knowledge • More learning-oriented and passionate students.