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Chapter 10: The High Middle Ages: Scholastic Development and the Flowering of Culture. THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH. 1. The Universities (pp. 356–362). ANTICIPATORY SET Conduct a think/pair/share using the following question:
Chapter 10: The High Middle Ages:Scholastic Development and the Flowering of Culture THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) ANTICIPATORY SET Conduct a think/pair/share using the following question: Do you think a college should train its students for a specific profession or give them a general education for life? Explain the idea of a liberal arts college: it offers a general program of studies everyone needs in order to think well. This lesson is about the origin of higher education. The modern university system was an invention of the medieval Catholic Church.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) BASIC QUESTIONS What was the origin, organization, curriculum, and influence of the university on medieval European society? KEY IDEAS As the demand for education grew, teachers in the north of Europe formed guilds to protect their interests; in the south of Europe, students from different regions formed nations to protect their interests and administer the university. Students heard books, and more advanced students debated their professors. Studiumgeneraleincluded philosophy, theology, law, medicine, and the liberal arts; the liberal arts consisted of the trivium(grammar, logic, and rhetoric) and the quadrivium(arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music). Students could then go on to receive a doctorate in law, medicine, or theology. The universities educated tens of thousands.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) FOCUS QUESTIONS Why was a reorganization of schooling needed in the eleventh century? The number of students who wanted an education had increased dramatically. How were schools reorganized, and what was the difference between schools in the north and the south of Europe? Students apprenticed to expert teachers and were awarded degrees when they had mastered their disciplines, just as in other trade guilds. In the north, teachers ran the schools; in the south, students did. What is a universitas? It is a corporation that protects the educational and administrative interests of its members, namely, the faculty.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) FOCUS QUESTIONS How was the University of Paris formed? Three cathedral schools grew very large, and the professors joined together to form a corporation. How was the University of Bologna formed? The school at Bologna became a center for legal study and began to add disciplines related to the law such as the Dictamen(the art of the composition of legal writings). The students banded together to protect their interests. What was the origin of the school at Salerno? The school at Salerno grew from a monastery school. It focused on botany and medicine and became a famous medical school after ConstantinoAfricano, who had studied in the more advanced Arab schools, settled there.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) GUIDED EXERCISE Explain to the students people often associate the late 1960s with student protests and strikes in the western world. Conduct a think/pair/share using the sidebar “Student Rebellion in Early Universities” (p. 359) and the following question: How did the behavior of students at the Universities of Paris and Bologna show student rebellion goes back to the very beginning of higher education?
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) FOCUS QUESTIONS How did Oxford University claim to have been founded? It grew up around a monastery. One legend claims it was founded by the prophet Samuel. Another legend claims it was started by Trojans escaping their city’s destruction by the Greeks. A third claims it was begun by the Saxon king Alfred the Great. How was the University of Bologna organized? Students from various regions organized into nations, and each elected a rector. The rector led the nation and helped administer the university in conjunction with rectors from other nations.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) FOCUS QUESTIONS How was the University of Paris organized? Originally, the chancellor awarded licenses to faculty and academic degrees to graduates. To protect their interests, the teachers banded together to form the universitas. As studies became more specialized, the universitasseparated into faculties with a dean leading each. The deans elected a rector who was the head of all faculties and the university.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) FOCUS QUESTIONS What was the effect of the universities having been organized like guilds? The universities were independent and relatively exempt from civil and local ecclesiastical authority. What was studiumgenerale? It was the general course of studies offered by the universities; it included philosophy and theology, civil and canon law, medicine, and the liberal arts. How were the liberal arts divided? There were seven liberal arts divided into two categories. The triviumwas made up of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. The more advanced quadriviumincluded the mathematical disciplines: arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) GUIDED EXERCISE Have each student complete the following table about the seven liberal arts (cf. p. 362).
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) GUIDED EXERCISE Have each student complete the following table about the seven liberal arts (cf. p. 362).
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) FOCUS QUESTIONS What was the prerequisite for entering a university, and how were students taught? One had to read and write in Latin. The technique was called hearing a book: the teacher read a text and added his predecessor’s and his own comments. In Latin, this is called lectio(reading). What degrees were offered? Those who mastered the triviumreceived a Bachelor of Arts degree. Mastering the quadriviumearned a Master of Arts. A student could also continue to study to earn a doctorate in law, medicine, or theology. What was the role of debate? Masters and doctoral students learned by debating their professors about the subjects they were studying.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) GUIDED EXERCISE Have each student analyze the illustration on page 355 using the following questions: What is happening in this painting? What details in this painting display a sense of humor?
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) FOCUS QUESTIONS What effect did the Crusades have on the universities? Because of the Crusades, many books and ideas previously unknown in the West were discovered. These were incorporated into university studies. What was the impact of the University of Paris? Distinguished youth and future Churchmen from every part of Europe studied there. How many students were enrolled in universities? There were as many students as townspeople in Paris. In Bologna, there were some 10,000 students. Even more were estimated at Oxford.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) CLOSURE Have each student free write for five minutes about what he or she found most surprising about the beginnings of the universities.
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 1–6 (p. 390) Workbook Questions 1–21 Read “Scholasticism” through “The Dumb Ox” (pp. 363–367)
1. The Universities (pp. 356–362) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Lead a class discussion using the following question: Should colleges today return to providing a single curriculum all students should master, or should they continue to specialize?
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) ANTICIPATORY SET Part I of II Present a mini‑lecture on the seeming contradiction between faith and philosophy. Especially since the Enlightenment, many people argue religion and science are incompatible. Religion has to do with feelings and beliefs that cannot be supported by logic or scientific evidence, whereas science disproves the existence of God, the possibility of miracles, and objective morality. The Church, on the other hand, teaches no religious doctrine can be in conflict with science, if each is properly understood. This means no true scientific theory or fact can contradict the Faith because God, who is truth, is equally the source of the Faith as he is the source of the physical universe. Truth cannot contradict truth.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) ANTICIPATORY SET Part II of II In the Middle Ages the same controversy arose between philosophy and religion. For example, what should be done when religion teaches the soul is immortal but philosophy finds the soul to be mortal? Should people reject reason? Should they reject religion? Can both be true despite the contradiction? Part of the heritage of Scholasticism involves the appeal to reason (I believe it because it is reasonable), which was added to the appeal to authority (I believe it because God has revealed it).
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) BASIC QUESTIONS What was the methodology of Scholasticism? Who is St. Thomas Aquinas, and what did he contribute to Catholic philosophy and theology? KEY IDEAS Scholasticism (science of the schools) collected statements about a subject, including contradictory ones, and tried to harmonize them using reason. St. Thomas Aquinas reconciled Aristotelian thought with Divine Revelation, thereby creating a synthesis of faith and reason that became the standard for Catholic thinking.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) GUIDED EXERCISE Have each student work with a partner to perform a paragraph shrink on the Catechism, no. 159 (p. 391).
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS What author came to be introduced into the West in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, and how did this happen? The works of Aristotle, especially his Metaphysics, were introduced via Jewish and Arab commentaries. What is Scholasticism, and what method does it use? Literally science of the schools, i.e., the particular method of learning used in medieval universities, the Scholastic method came out of a teaching technique at university. When a scholar would study a text, he would collect a list of contradictory statements within it. Using logic, he or she would try to find the underlying agreement within the contradictions and discover the central and underlying truths of the text.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS Who is the Father of Scholasticism, and what was his process? Anselm of Laon collected statements from the Church Fathers and then attached them to matching texts in the Bible. When they differed in their interpretation, Anselm would have his students argue and debate to discover the underlying truths behind the seeming contradictions.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS What did Peter Lombard contribute to Scholasticism? He clarified two matters: First, he identified asking questions with the key to reaching the truth. Second, he taught contradictions can usually be resolved by understanding the terms different writers used. What are the four Books of Sentences? These works of Peter Lombard are comprehensive collections and discussions of the Church Fathers whose aim is to achieve a rational understanding of all questions relating to Revelation. How important were the four Books of Sentences? They became a theological handbook and part of every professor’s curriculum.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS With what university is St. Thomas Aquinas associated? He studied and taught at the University of Paris. What is the Summa Theologiæ? This greatest work of St. Thomas Aquinas is a systematic examination of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity. What philosophical problem did St. Thomas rectify? He demonstrated Aristotle’s works could be a useful tool for understanding Catholic theology.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS Why were the Platonic ideas considered an ideal philosophy for a deeper understanding of Christian teachings? Plato’s ideas seemed to reinforce Christian teaching. What is the Platonic world of ideas ? Plato argued there was a realm of perfect ideas (forms) within the mind of the One. The highest idea was called the logos. The other ideas within the mind of the One emanated from the logos. Plato argued the things in the physical world and all thoughts are derived from these ideal forms. They are, as it were, shadows of ideal forms. For example, an individual tree on earth is a reflection of the ideal, true tree in the mind of the One.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS How did Aristotle disagree with Plato over the nature of the universe, the human soul, and material reality? Aristotle reasoned the universe was infinite and the individual soul was mortal, which contradicted Plato and the Christian doctrines of the creation of the finite universe by God and the immortality of the soul. Whereas Plato reasoned each individual thing is a shadow of the eternal idea on which it is based, Aristotle taught each individual substance is its own creature, a unity of form and matter.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) GUIDED EXERCISE Explain to the students some people claim God cannot exist because there is evil in the world. Have a student read aloud Objection 1 and St. Thomas’ Reply to Objection 1 (p. 388), and then lead a class discussion using the following questions: What is the core argument in the objection and the reply? Do you think St. Thomas demonstrates the existence of evil is compatible with an infinitely good God?
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS How were Aristotle’s works introduced into the West? They were known through the Arabs Averroes and Avicenna. What position of Averroes was most problematic? He held the double truth theory. What is the double truth theory? Philosophical truth, based on logical demonstration, is superior to theological truth, which is based on opinion. One can accept two contradictory truths, though philosophy gives superior truth.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS What was St. Thomas’s answer to the double truth theory? He rejected it. St. Thomas held theology, based on Divine Revelation, was superior to philosophy (philosophy is the handmaiden of theology) because of the absolute veracity of Revelation. Theology can guide, correct, and modify philosophical principles. There can never be a real division between philosophical and theological truths because there is one truth. If there appears to be a contradiction, philosophy must submit to the guidance of theology.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS What other problem did traditional Christian thinkers have with Aristotle? Aristotle’s thinking seemed to imply a materialistic view of the world. Though Aristotle believed in a prime mover that caused creation, this being was quite dissimilar to the biblical God. Which philosophical approach did St. Thomas think was superior: Platonic or Aristotelian? He believed Aristotelian logic was a superior philosophical tool to understand Christianity.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS For what purpose did St. Thomas use Aristotelian philosophy? St. Thomas used Aristotelian philosophy to explain theology. Was St. Thomas’s thought immediately accepted? No; most thinkers were apprehensive about Aristotle. What did Bl. John Duns Scotus try to do? He tried to compromise between St. Thomas and St. Augustine.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) FOCUS QUESTIONS How was St. Thomas as a young student? He could listen to a lesson and repeat it with more depth and clarity than the teacher. How did St. Thomas’s family react to his desire to be a Dominican? His brothers locked him in the family castle and hired a woman to seduce him. Why did St. Thomas’ fellow students at Cologne call him a dumb ox ? He was large and quiet, which they mistook for a lack of intelligence.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) CLOSURE Have each student free write for five minutes about St. Thomas Aquinas’ contribution to Catholic theology.
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions7–15 (p. 390) Practical Exercise 1a (p. 391) Workbook Questions 22–42 Read “The Mendicant Orders” through “St. Bonaventure and the Growth of the Franciscans” (pp. 368–373)
2. Scholasticism (pp. 363–367) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Have each student write a paragraph about the operation of the Scholastic method.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) ANTICIPATORY SET Incorporate The Prayer of St. Francis (p. 370) into the class’s opening prayer.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) BASIC QUESTIONS What is the story of St. Francis of Assisi, and what were his contributions? KEY IDEAS St. Francis embraced a radical poverty in imitation of Christ and attracted thousands of followers, who preached the Gospel to the poor and helped renew the Faith.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) FOCUS QUESTIONS What does mendicant mean? From the Latin mendicare(to beg), they practiced poverty and survived by begging. How did the mendicant orders differ from earlier monastic orders? They neither withdrew from the world nor lived within a monastery. Where did the mendicant orders primarily take their message? They went to towns and cities.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) FOCUS QUESTIONS What was the focus of the Franciscans, and what was the focus of the Dominicans? Franciscans preached the Gospel to the poor and lived a radical poverty to reflect the love of Christ. Dominicans were dedicated to teaching and learning and produced great intellectuals. How was St. Francis as a young man, and what happened when he realized his dream of becoming a soldier? He loved to have a good time with his friends and dreamed of being a crusader. During his first battle, he was wounded and spent many months ill in captivity. How did imprisonment change St. Francis? He began to pray and meditate on the life of Christ, which led him to turn away from his worldly life.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) FOCUS QUESTIONS How did St. Francis receive his vocation? He was praying and doing penance when he heard God’s voice telling him, “Rebuild my Church.” How did St. Francis’s father and the townspeople of Assisi treat him? His father beat him for wasting his money, disinherited him, and wanted the law to punish him. The townspeople threw rocks at him and mocked him as a madman. What happened when St. Francis’s father dragged him before the local bishop? St. Francis stripped almost naked and said, from now on, his only father would be God the Father.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) FOCUS QUESTIONS How did St. Francis live after he had disowned his father? He lived alone in the hills, fasting and praying. Who is Lady Poverty? St. Francis said he was married to Lady Poverty. It expressed his romantic love for living poverty. What did St. Francis do when he heard the Gospel passage in which Christ gave his Apostles instructions on how to preach? He took the instructions literally. He preached without shoes, cloak, staff, and money. He wore a brown peasant’s tunic and preached to and begged with the poor.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) GUIDED EXERCISE Have each student work with a partner to discuss problems likely to arise with a religious order in which thousands of friars living in cities were forbidden to own any property or accumulate any wealth. Have them keep in mind the friars needed to live, carry out their work, and receive an education. Briefly share responses.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) GUIDED EXERCISE Have each student read silently Genesis 1:24–31 and 2:18–19 and then read the story of St. Francis and the Wolf and the caption of the illustration (p. 371). Have each student work with a partner to find parallels between Adam and St. Francis.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) GUIDED EXERCISE Lead a class discussion using the following question: How can the peaceful Prayer of St. Francis (p. 370) be reconciled with Bl. Humbert’s defense of the Crusades (p. 350)?
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) FOCUS QUESTIONS According to The Prayer of St. Francis, what are the six sources of interior and exterior war? They are hatred, injury, doubt, despair, darkness, and sadness. How are these enemies of peace overcome? They are overcome by sowing their opposites: love, forgiveness, faith, hope, light, and joy. According to The Prayer of St. Francis, why does the Christian life require heroic virtue, and what does one who practices it receive? Rather than seeking what one most wants—consolation, understanding, and love—St. Francis advises to give those very things to others: to give consolation, to show understanding, to love.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) FOCUS QUESTIONS How was the Franciscan Order founded, and what was its first Rule? The order began when two men joined St. Francis in his travels and way of life. For their Rule, St. Francis listed the passages in the Gospels in which Christ asked his followers to give away their property and live a life of poverty. Why did Pope Innocent III accept St. Francis? Innocent III had a dream in which a poor man was holding up the Basilica of St. John Lateran, the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome. Innocent took him to be St. Francis. To what Sacrament was St. Francis especially devoted? St. Francis was especially devoted to the Eucharist. He asked everyone to be more devoted to the Eucharist and everything associated with it, including celebrating Mass reverently, keeping churches clean, and having beautiful vessels.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) FOCUS QUESTIONS What was St. Francis’s relationship with Islam? He went to the Holy Land, was captured and abused by Muslims, then befriended the sultan, who eventually entrusted the care of the shrines to the Franciscans. How many Franciscans existed at the end of St. Francis’s life? There were nearly 5000. What special grace did St. Francis receive? He received the stigmata, the wounds of Christ’s Passion.
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) GUIDED EXERCISE Have each student perform a paragraph shrink on the paragraph “St. Bonaventure made a new . . .” (p. 373).
3. The Mendicant Orders: St. Francis (pp. 368–373) FOCUS QUESTIONS What problem did the Franciscans face after St. Francis’s death? Thousands of Franciscans needed a practical way to survive in the cities while living the spirit of poverty. Why is St. Bonaventure called the second founder of the Franciscans? St. Bonaventure solved the Franciscans’ problem of how to survive without property. Might the Franciscans have survived without St. Bonaventure’s arrangement? They likely would have encountered difficulties to survive as an order.