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MINNESOTA HEALTH & HOUSING ALLIANCE QUALITY IN ACTION INITIATIVE A consumer focused initiative for quality in Housing with Serivces/Assisted Living. MHHA’s Vision for Housing-with Services. Quality in Action. Consumer confidence. Quality providers . Public Trust.
MINNESOTA HEALTH & HOUSING ALLIANCEQUALITY IN ACTIONINITIATIVEA consumer focused initiative for quality in Housing with Serivces/Assisted Living
MHHA’s Vision for Housing-with Services Quality in Action Consumer confidence Quality providers Public Trust
MN Housing-with-Services Contract Act Contract between consumer and provider Provides for flexibility in service design – customer and community tailored options MHHA’s GOAL: Preserve existing framework Rationale for the “QinA” initiative:1.Minnesota has a desirable, provider- community endorsed regulatory framework already in place called:
Rationale (continued) 2. There is a persistent, ever-louder drumbeat for additional prescriptive regulation • MN Attorney General monitoring quality issues • Senate Select Committee (Assisted Living Workgroup, ALW) recommends prescriptive standards to states. • Consumer complaints • Inexperienced providers entering field There is a narrow window of opportunity for provider community to act
MHHA’s Housing-with-Services Code of Ethics is the first step toward establishing a consumer provider partnership for quality …so that consumers can make informed decisions about the services they want and need Providers set quality and ethical standards and present… …clear, consistent and trustworthy information to consumers…
Elements of MHHA’s Quality in Action: Informed Choice Initiative QUALITY PROVIDERSCONSUMER CONFIDENCEAND PUBLIC TRUST Voluntary Quality Evaluation System Universal CustomerSatisfaction Tool Manager, RN & Dementia Care Certificates Forums forlearning Consumer Guide VoluntaryStandards Code of Ethics StandardizedVocabulary
What is a Code of Ethics? • A PLEDGE - describing how a provider intends to conduct business • A GUIDE - for changing values into actions for the provider’s staff • A PICTURE - of provider’s intended relationship with consumer
Why a Code of Ethics? • Tangible evidence that providers have thought about what is important • Guideline for putting values into action for provider staff • Powerful and consistent message to consumers and stakeholders about provider intentions • Professional compact with peers
Who Will Use the Code? • Applicable to all older adult housing, but initial focus on HWS & AL (Voluntary, but highly encouraged) • Consumers are encouraged to look for the code when seeking services • Future vision: Code will be a condition of MHHA membership for all members (housing and nursing home)
How Will the Code be Administered? CURRENT PLAN: • Code and workbook available for provider organization’s review and education • Provider’s governing body adopts code by official resolution • Authorized, personalized, time limited code certificate, suitable for hanging, awarded to provider • Self-audit submitted to MHHA to renew code
How Will the Code be Administered? (continued) YET TO BE FINALIZED: • Evidence of actions contrary to code results in friendly intervention by peer team (modeled on impaired provider model used in other professions) • Repeated disregard for code results in non-renewal
The Code of Ethics • PREAMBLE: This Code of Ethics guides our decisions and leads us to create a culture of mutual respect, understanding and trust with the people we serve and those who support them.
We pledge integrity and commit to… • fairness, honesty, and confidentiality • open communication and encouragement of self-expression in order to continually improve our services • nurturing choice through disclosure of vital information to enable the people we serve to make informed decisions about the level of care – and corresponding level of risk – they desire
We promote the highest quality housing and services and commit to… • develop a well-trained, competent staff and prudently manage (name of organization)’s resources to provide quality housing and services and to comply with applicable laws and regulations • provide innovative and supportive housing in a well-maintained setting that reflects the values of our community • assist the people we serve to obtain services to maximize their desired level of independence, autonomy and dignity. We will identify internal as well as community resources to assist them with life’s transitions
We foster community and commit to… • acknowledge and respect each resident as a reflection of his or her own culture, life experiences, habits and decisions • partner with the people we serve and those who support them -- their family and community, and members of our organization • demonstrate good citizenship and create opportunities for mutually beneficial activities with the greater community
Common Questions about the Code • Does this code have teeth? No, but a consumer information campaign encourages consumers to look for the code when they visit you. MHHA is exploring constructive ways to help organizations who have trouble living upto code. • What if we already have our own code? You will likely find that this code is consistent with yours so you will be able to adopt it and have the certified copy hanging in your building.
“The code would indicate the provider was trying to do the right thing.” “The code is about a two-way relationship between provider and consumer; each has responsibility.” “The provider with this code would be chosen over the provider without it.” “We will know if the provider lives by the code; and it gives us a tool to remind them when they aren’t.” What Consumers Say About the Code:
“Experience shows that when asked to set standards for oneself, individuals tend to develop and set standards higher than initially considered.” “Providers will take ownership, and great pride, in supporting a code of ethics.” “A Code of Ethics should (be)…a part of the fabric of an organization where people talk and ask questions about what is happening and how it happens.” “A code of ethics is absolutely essential.” What Stakeholders Say About the Code:
JOIN 168 OTHER MHHA LEADERS BY ADOPTING THE MHHA HWS CODE OF ETHICS MHHA believes that the successful future of Housing-with-Services in Minnesota’s communities depends on every provider in the state. None will be strong if one is weak. By acting now, you can help ensure that older Minnesotan’s are better served, now and in the future, in the spirit of the Minnesota’s Housing-with-Services Contract Act; better served through strong and trusted bonds established by consumers and providers of older adult services. “The longest journeys begin with one step….
The MHHA Board of Directors respectfully requests that you: • Review the Code of Ethics and learn how it applies to your organization (a helpful workbook is provided) • Pass a Board of Directors’ resolution to adopt the Code of Ethics (a suggested resolution is provided) • Mail a copy of your signed resolution to MHHA • Plan a self audit within two years to recommit your organization to the code.